Page Updates

  • July 30, 1999 It's 12:45 am, and I just finished talking to a charming lass who was insistant that I updated my page. As I'm no longer talking to her and therefore bored, and I've already slept several hours, I may as well update for the first time in... too long. I figured adding this update page was a decent start.

  • ..later that night Added banner to main page. Added some more of my art (Liz, Cat, Vampire, and Eyestalks).

  • August 3, 1999 Nullified a couple dumb mistakes. Added writings section.

  • August 7, 1999 Added "I Hate Crowd Surfers" to random thoughts section.

  • August 25 (?), 1999 Added a little thing of me complaining about my social situation to random thoughts.

  • September 9, 1999 Added yet another random thought about my beliefs being destroyed.

  • September 16, 1999 Added a couple spiffy quotes.

  • September 18, 1999 Did some minor editing. Added another picture of me and an essay I did for Econ class.

  • September 21, 1999 Added a couple super short random thoughts.

  • October 15, 1999 Added thing about breeding.

  • October 21 & 23, 1999 Changed "about me" thang and added a photo gallery.

  • November 22 & 23, 1999 Organized page into subdirectories. Redirected lots of internal links so it would work (tell me if anything doesn't). Added smashing pictures of my brother and myself.

  • January 2?, 2000 Changed about me page in regards to classes I'm taking.

  • January 28, 2000 Changed links.

  • January 29, 2000 Posted LoveMail in blasphemy section.
