Here are a couple of odd dreams I had and just happened to remember enough to record:

October 4, 1998 Okay, at first I was in a package of those slim crayola markers. I was some sort of off green colour. There was some girl marker that I was eyeing across the package. All of a sudden a whole bunch of other markers that weren't in the package started coming up, and I was confused because I was trying to organize myself by colour, but there were new greens and there were some the same green as me, and I could tell these new markers were a threat, especially since there wasn't enough room in the package for them. Then it shifted to me being in a package of brand new crayola crayons. We were all nice and new and had sharp tips. I was a coppery colour. Then this silver crayon came, it wasn't new at all. It had a tip flattened from use, and had black spots on it. It started acting threatening, by pushing itself up in its wrapper to appear taller. I did the same, I thought he was angry with me. Then I realized it was one of the other crayons, a yellow female one that he was angry with. I talked to her and found out that they used to go out. She really hated him now, and wanted him to go away. Then there was an annoying beeping sound and I turned off my alarm clock.

November 24, 1998 It all started when I had just gotten a job at a grocery store. It was my first day. I was helping out one of the checkers by bagging groceries. I ate my lunch in the store. I helped them out more until it got slow and I went to one of the isles to get something and then got there and I got discombobulated and started staring at the food not knowing what I was supposed to be doing. Then Sankros Lok (a nice person at school) comes up and starts stocking the shelves and we start talking and he doesn't know what to do because he just started and I don't know because its my first day. Then the manager comes up to me. She starts asking me when I clocked in and out for lunch and if I've taken my break and then she accuses me of having hit her car during lunch. Then I realized that I didn't eat my lunch in the store at all but I had actually eaten it somewhere else. I didn't remember having hit any cars, but I figure I might have hit it without noticing, and she asks me to go to her office to talk about it. I go there and there's a weird guy out in front and then I go in and talk to the receptionist, and then the manager comes out and starts accusing me some more and so I ask her when it was and she said I hit it 30 years ago, and I tell her I wasn't alive 30 years ago. She tells me that the car is 30 years old, not the accident. I look out the front window of my house and see her car, a tiny blue mazda with a 20 foot high van parked behind it. I hear a struggle and go downstairs where I see my manager and my mother unconcious at the bottom of the stairs. My manager stirs and we scuffle. I kick with what I thought would be a hard kick which landed really softly but still manages to kick him down(at this point my manager has become a guy with a white face and spikey black anima hair). He grabs me by the ankle and pulls me down with him. I grab the nearest object to attack him with. A painting of Kiss. I bash him with it, creating a large hole in the canvas. I feel really bad. I drop the painting and grab the next nearest object, which happens to be an iron thing with a pointy end and a blunt part. I'm not sure if it was a fire poker or a warhammer. I poke him with the pointy end, but then realize I don't want to kill him, so I start bashing him repeatedly over the head with the blunt end. He doesn't seem to care, he just keeps digging his fingernails into my ankle. Then he manages to get away. I start going after him, and a computer tells me that his name is Danny, and he is an infamous credit card fraud person. It tells me of the scam he uses, because one credit card company(I forget the name) uses a pin number system consisting of any random number written backwards, and so he is able to easily get money from these cards just by entering a number in backwards, and he is nicknamed in the underworld after that credit card company. I get to about north 12th and pearl and then I see him and we struggle more, but he rides away on his motorcycle. I consider using the credit card scam but decide that would be wrong, and then I start walking home and wake up.

March 29, 1999 This is actually fragments of atleast two dreams. I awoke from the first at about 5:30, and considered getting up and writing it down, but then went back to sleep, and dreamt some more. I'm writing this about 14 hours after the fact, so its very sketchy. I mention some of my friends here, so if you don't go to Wilson, you probably don't know who I'm talking about.

My brother called home on his cell phone from the beach, where he was with one of the seadoos (we would usually take both out at once, but this is a dream). There was some guy stuck in the water and he wanted me to bring the other seadoo to help get him out. This was about 730 PM. I started driving there on a (motorcycle pulling a trailer?) I stopped into a convenience store or something....I forget now...for about a half hour. I think I was with Scott somehow. By the time I get to the beach its about 830 and dark. During what I think was the next dream, there was this large house (mansion?) in which I was in. I had built an accurate model of it with Legos but it was still amazingly small. I was leading some guest (perhaps a cousin of mine?) around the house and hinting to him where the secret passages were, but not telling him outright because someone else was watching. We came to a part of the house that resembled part of my grandfather's (mother's father) house. One of the rooms had my grandpa in it. For some reason I thought that there was some sort of dropoff in the library floor (where my grandpa was) so I and my guest were staying very close to the bookshelf to avoid falling down. As I was leaving the room I noticed there wasn't a dropoff and felt dumb. The rest of that bit is lost in my brain. I remember something about Katie having huge blue stickers on her face and pulling one off. I know something other things happened but I forgot what now. I should have written this down earlier. Oh well.

April 1, 1999 This dream is extremely disturbing. Don't read it if you're not in the mood to be disturbed! Okay, I was about to have sex with this girl, but I noticed her genitalia were of the male sort (she was still a girl, she just had a small set of male genitalia). After realizing that I wasn't going to be able to fit my own penis down her urethra (!?!), I proceded to turn around and slowly slid my bumhole down on her effeminate penis. I think I only did this because I knew I was dreaming. It felt suprisingly good once it had gone in, for some reason there was next to no friction. I didn't remember this dream until about an hour after I woke up, I must have been repressing it. I wonder if my subconcious is trying to tell me something or if its just bored and wants to mess with my concious mind.
