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The Frodis Room

"I am El Torko, the bandit without a nickname!"

"Hello all you cavern dwellers! Welcome to the best of cellars!" --Bob Wooler.

Happy Birthday:

Paul McCartney
June 18

My Dad, Edward
June 20

Ringo Starr
July 7

It is the 2 year anniversary of my driver's license!!
July 7

My Uncle Hobert
My Uncle Kenny
July 14

My Grandma Meadie
My Uncle Dave
July 20

My Mom, Gladys
July 23

My grandpa Tom and grandma Hazel's anniversary
July 23

Hola! What's New? We have a new page added! Go to "The Birthday Room" and send it to all of your friends!

Oh, yeah. Before you leave, be sure to sign our guestbook, just so we know who the truely groovy people are!

View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!

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Since the death of Linda McCartney, I (Jezebel) have been spreading the word and wearing a pink ribbon to promote breast cancer awareness. I display this ribbon on this webpage with pride and urge everyone to wear their own, online and off.

Join the Crusade

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(And don't ever forget it!)

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