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World Events Productions
The people who gave us the Voltron we know and love.

Lotor, Prince of Doom
This page is just too much fun. Great pictures, great info, great stories. Look here for all your Lotor needs.

Sugarlite's Prince Lotor Shrine
A brand new Lotor fanpage with great art and stories. Keep checking in and watch it grow! ;)

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Lotor (SPCL)
I think the title says it all, really. Go here to show your support for your favorite blue-skinned prince.

Voltron: Tales from the Denubian Galaxy
Another page of terrific fanfiction of all sorts -- serious, humorous, romantic, and almost always about Lotor. ;)

Castle of Lions
An incredible piece of Voltron fanfiction. That's all I can say. Go check it out.

Castle Doom
Another great page devoted to the great and malevolent denizens of the Planet Doom.

Moonsilk's Voltron Shrine
A site with fanfiction and a very nicely organized image gallery of everyone and their mother from the show. No, not literally. ;)
**Either this site's moved or it's down. If anyone knows for sure, please email me so I can correct the link.**

Haggar's Castle
Party hardy with Doom's premiere witchy-lady. Complete with some character profiles and lotsa Arus-defeating goodness.
**Either this site's moved or it's down. If anyone knows for sure, please email me so I can correct the link.**

Skye Sheinin's Voltron Webpage
The fanfiction collection here is a ton of fun. I recommend: "The Sleeping Prince", "Wheels of Doom", "Zarkon's New Son", and "Alternate Voltron".

The Castle of Ravens
Home to the wonderful "Daughters of Arus: 'Thick as Space, Cold as Blood'". Definitely give this one a look.

Voltron: V4
There's some great stuff on this page. Highly recommended.

Voltron's Dorm
Please PLEASE go look at this. It's Voltron with a kick and a twist of lemon. It's very funny, in other words. ;)

SC's Voltron Asylum
This page has a really great looking setup plus quite the assortment of things to see and do.
**This site appears to be down at the moment. I'll keep checking back to see when it's back online.**

Guh. Since the provider of most of these webrings switched, I have to reapply to be a member of them. So, I'm afraid my site doesn't actually work on 'em. However, until I get that all straightened out, I think you can still reach the ring homepages to look for other sites.
       --The Management

This Keep Lotor Good Looking Society Webring site owned by Liz Faire.
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This Anti-Heroes of Voltron Webring site is owned by Liz Faire.

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 This Voltron's Ring of Fic Writers Webring site owned by Liz Faire.
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This The Voltron WWWWebring site owned by Liz Faire.
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Anime Evil Ring

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This site is owned by Liz Faire.
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This Anime Otaku Ring site is owned by Liz Faire


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