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Welcome to my life.....

This Page Last Updated: July 7th, 2003

Time passes swiftly for the faint of heart........
It has been nearly 2 years since I have been wiriting in this place. Much has changed, but at the same time, Much, I fear, has stayed the same. The faces and names have changed, and the tempo of the beat has changed, but the tune is but a variation on the original theme: a fantasy in c-minor, if you will. And while I cannot complain, at the same time, I feel like the rock has started rolling down the hill...and that it is gaining speed at a rate that, while I am not uncomfortable with it, I am mildly apprehensive regarding it's path.
I have been neglecting many things in my life for far too long. As I perused this site, after so long of an absence, I realized that it maybe has fallen beyond all repair. I think I may need to rip everything out and start from square one again. All my links are broken, my pictures have been erased from servers, and my poems are gone. I suppose this will mean a lot of typing to try to catch up again, but I suppose it's not as bad as it could be. I have hard copies of much of this information, so I will labor to type it in again, and rescan my pictures, and then save on CDs.
I wish I could say that life has improved to the point where my self doubts no longer exist, and that I have returned to my old, jovial self, but I fear that life, love and languishing of spirit have jaded me beyond repair in that respect. However, I have been able to make an uneasy peace with my body, my life, and my past...and this is a very good thing.
I am hoping that as time goes on, I will be able to regain that which I once was, but at the same time, to move forward, in faith, in strength, and in confidence.....

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