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update---this webpage will be updated soon and turned into an archive for doc,,please keep checking back,,,thanks...04-15-03

i doubt anyone ever looks at this page anymore but i just thought id let everyone know after 6 or 7 years,4 singers,2 guitarists and 100s of shows doc sadly is no more...they played theyre last show in late 2001 in Richmond,KY....there have been plans to release their last demo in some shape or form....but the future of those recordings is very uncertain.....doc will truly be missed not saying this as a friend but more as a fan...they were a truly amazing band to see live and im really saddened that ill never get to see em again...they were one of those few bands that truly clicked on sure everyone has their off nites but even when they did it was nothing short of amazing



in other news heres what ex doc members are up to

Josh - playing guitar and singing for Red Letter

Rick - in the midst of working on new projects (more on that later)

Wes - playing guitar and doin backin vocals for Red Letter

James - also playing guitar and doin backin vocals for Red Letter

Clay (org. singer) - who knows what this crazy guy is up to

Greg (2nd Singer) - Currently singing for Disemboweled

Mitchell - wearing nice clothes

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