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Daniel's Paint shop pro art gallery.. An archive of COOL pics done with Paint shop pro 5

This site Is best viewed with internet explorer 4.0, internet explorer 5.0 or Netscape navigator 3.xx or higher.Also, this site's picture(s) are best viewed with 1024 by 768 pixels and high color (16 bit). You can freely download and pass the pictures and information on this site just as long as you mention it came from . To use the links on this page, you must have internet explorer 4.xx or higher. If you don't have internet explorer,Click on the link on this page that says DOWNLOAD internet explorer 5.0 to go to download internet explorer 5.0 !!______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pixel3D 1.08 trial-shareware-Feel Free to download and distribute this SHAREWARE copy only! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ On this webpage is a few of my favorite 3D logos that I have created recently.. Tell me what you think of the pictures on this webpage.. SIGN my GUESTBOOK!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REMEMBER- ULEAD RULES!!!!!!! Ulead is the COOLEST way to HOT graphics!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CLICK HERE to see a short movie I made with ULEAD COOL 3D 2.0 Please download this short movie clip. It's only about 220k. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Don't forget to sign my guestbook!!To view the video clip, download it to your hard drive and play it using any plugin for your Internet browser Like Quick Time, Real player, Shock Wave flash, or windows media player.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Want a Cool 3D logo made?? Sign my guestbook and tell me what you want on your logo, and I 'll make the logo, and e-mail it back to you. By the way, Please leave me your e-mail address wnen you sign my guestbook!! below is a sample 3D logo that I have made... FREE 3D LOGOS!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember, Ulead Cool 3d Is the coolest way to HOT 3d graphics.. Download ulead cool 3d today at ..The video on this website was made by Daniel Estep, with Ulead cool 3d version 2.0..The pictures were done with paint shop pro 4.12 and a few other plugins-alien skin Eye candy, Xenofex, Axion Flare FX, and Flaming pear's Blade pro.. Get paint shop from, and eye candy from - you can download the evaluation version of paint shop pro and eye candy from the addresses above.while you are here, Download Pixel 3d 1.08!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are some of my most recent pictures I have done.. since the last time I updated this page, I have downloaded and experimented with some more paint shop pro plugins... The one plugin that I have that is most useful is alien skin's Eye candy 3.01 download your copy of eyecandy TODAY so you too can do pictures like I do... Remember, you must have paint shop pro 5.0 or adobe photoshop 5 to run eye candy 3.01 eye candy 3.01 is available at eyecandy is only about 700k to download. While you are at, download a filter called xenofex 1.0 . Xenofex is also another great plugin for photoshop/paint shop..just follow the links on this page to find cool stuff like graphics programs and plugins... All programs/plugins available are evaluation versions.. be sure to purchase the full versions of these programs/plugins so you can do graphics like I do... you don't have to be a master at paint shop pro or adobe photoshop to do the things like I do.. It's surprisingly simple... There's just a few small things you must have to do graphics like I do... 1.Imagination 2.paint shop pro 5 and 3.time. It's just that simple.. If you're just starting out with graphics, I recommend that you get a program like paint shop pro 5. Once you learn paint shop pro 5, add on to paint shop with some plugins like eyecandy, xenofex,blade Pro, and many others.. once you learn to use paint shop pro and eyecandy, you will soon find that doing cool pictures like the pictures below is a heck of a lot easier than it looks....

cool picture done by my good friend brandon smith

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