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Volume 2 page 103
Mrs. Mary Downing Hatch Little. DAR ID Number: 15257 Born in New Jersey.
Wife of Henry Ashton Little.
Descendant of Rev. Nathaniel Taylor, of Connecticut; Joseph Hatch and of Rev. David SANFORD, of
Daughter of Nathaniel W. T. Hatch and Mary Riggs, his wife.
Granddaughter of Walter T. Hatch and Rebecca Taylor, his wife; Edwards Sewall SANFORD and Mary Downing, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Rev. Nathaniel William Taylor, D. D., and Rebecca Maria Hine, his wife; Aronet Melvin
Hatch (1792-1876) and Susan Prescott Spofford, his wife; Sewall SANFORD and Edena Holbrook, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Nathaniel Taylor, Jr., and Anne Northrop, his wife; Joseph Hatch and Phebe Tilden Lewis, his wife  (m. 1774); Philo SANFORD and Lydia Whiting, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Nathaniel Taylor and Tamar Boardman, his wife; Rev. David SANFORD and
Bathsheba Ingersol, his wife.
Nathaniel Taylor, (1722-1800), was a patriot preacher who during the contest remitted to his congregation a year's salary. He was born at Danbury; and died at New Milford.
Joseph Hatch, (1754-96), served with the Marshfield company at the Lexington Alarm under Capt. Joseph Clift. He enlisted,  1776, in Capt. John Turner's company, Col. John Cushing's regiment for service in Rhode Island. He was born at Marshfield, Mass., and died at Peterboro, N. H.
David SANFORD, (1737-1810), a graduate of Yale, took a leading part in every measure adopted for a vigorous
defense. He  was appointed chaplain of Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment. He was born at New Milford, Conn., and died at Medway, Mass. Also Nos. 10677, 11551, 12749.
Volume 2
Mrs. Annie M. Elmer Merwin. DAR ID Number: 15405  Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Nelson Merwin.
Descendant of Andrew Smith and of Elisha SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Elmer and Adelia Brown, his wife.
Granddaughter of Horace Edward Brown and Annie Smith, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Andrew Smith and Sarah Fowler, his wife; Abijah Brown and Mary SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife.
Andrew Smith, (1762-1836), served in the State Guards and was taken prisoner when Tryon invaded the colony. He was born at Milford, where He died.
Elisha SANFORD, (1750-1841), served in the Coast Guard, 1776, in Capt. Benjamin Hine's company, 1777, served under  Capt. Samuel Peck, and, 1782, under Capt. James Davidson. He was born at Milford, and died at Orange.  Also Nos. 9921, 12030, 13112, 13895.
Volume 2 page 161
Miss Annie Doremus Nettleton. DAR ID Number: 15408 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Lieut. Nathan Baldwin, Capt. Charles Pond and Elisha SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Danghter of Louis J. Nettleton and Charlotte A. Baldwin, his wife.
Granddaughter of David Lewis Baldwin and Martha Pond De Witt, his wife; David Nettleton and Mabel
SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife; Charles Pond and Martha Miles, his wife. See Nos. 15405, 15407.
Volume 2 page 170
Miss Martha Almira Munson. DAR ID Number: 15429 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Deacon Elida SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Lyman E. Munson and Lucy A. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Perit M. SANFORD and Sybil Dorman, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elida SANFORD and Nancy Todd, his wife.
Elida SANFORD, (1755-1820), served in Capt. Jacob Brackett's company, Col. William Douglas' regiment,
Wadsworth's  brigade in the New York campaign, 1776.  Also No. 8925.
Volume 2 page 184
Miss Eloise C. Loomis. DAR ID Number: 15466 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Gen. Samuel Safford, of Vermont.
Daughter of Byron Loomis and Elizabeth B. Cowles, his wife.
Granddaughter of Neland Loomis and Clara Hatheway, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Luther Hatheway and Clara Safford, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Mary Lawrence, his wife. See No. 15448.
Volume 2 page 265
Miss Isabel Andros. DAR ID Number: 15691 Born in Massachusetts.
Descendant of Rev. Thomas Andros, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Richard Salter Storrs Andros and Sybil Blanding Allyn, his wife.
Granddaughter of Thomas Andros and Sophy SANFORD, his wife.
Thomas Andros, (1759-1845), was at Boston, in the New York campaign and served under Sullivan at the battle of Rhode  Island. He enlisted on a privateer, 1781, was captured and confined on "The Jersey," but made his escape. He was born at  Norwich, Conn., and died at Berkley, Mass.
Volume 8  page 286
Mrs. Julia Wright SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 7849 Born in New York.
Wife of Edward Rollin SANFORD.
Descendant of Sergt. Solomon Wright, of Connecticut; Lieut. William King and Andrew Smith, of Massachusetts; Col. David Gray and William Gray, of New York.
Daughter of Dr. Rial Wright and Anne Gray, his wife.
Granddaughter of Preserved Wright and Jemima King, his wife; David Gray and Sarah Smith, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Solomon Wright and Eunice Dewey, his wife; William King and Thankful Warner, his wife; William Gray and Jean Gray, his wife; Andrew Smith and Jane Clark, his wife.
Solomon Wright was sergeant under Capt. John Skinner at Stillwater and was present at the surrender of
Burgoyne.William King, 1774, served on the Committee of Safety and at the Lexington Alarm was lieutenant in Capt. James Warriner's company which marched from Wilbraham.
Andrew Smith, who served in the early wars, was on the Committee of Correspondence of Holden during the war.
David Gray served as a soldier during the Revolution.
William Gray was a private in the Albany county militia when captured in 1780 at Skenesborough, now Whitehall, and was not released until 1782.
Volume 8 page 145
Mrs. Cornelia Hulse Preston. DAR ID Number: 7430 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Edward Whittlesey Preston.
Descendant of Capt. Matthew Minor, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Parmenas B. Hulse and Cathrine Smith, his wife.
Granddaughter of Phineas Smith and Cornelia Minor, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Mattew Minor, Jr., and Charlotte Mallory, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Matthew Minor and Mary SANFORD, his wife.
Matthew Minor was captain of militia and served in the New York campaign in Wolcott's brigade. He died in 1778.
Volume 8  page 126
Mrs. Margaret Mccombs Grant. DAR ID Number: 7377 Born in New York.
Wife of Maj. Marcus Grant.
Descendant of Col. George Herkimer, of New York.
Daughter of Charles M. McCombs and Sarah B. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of John McCombs and Margaret Herkimer, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of George Herkimer and Alida Schuyler, his wife.
George Herkimer, in 1775, was a member of the Tryon County Committee of Safety and captain of militia. He was with the troops commanded by his brother, Gen. Nicholas Herkimer, who were outnumbered by the regulars, Tories and Indians at  Oriskany, that pivotal battle which was won with such heavy loss by the brave yeomen of the Mohawk Valley. Also No. 2930.
Volume 8 page 143
Miss Jennie Daniels SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 7427 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Maj. Moses Seymour, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Henry Seymour SANFORD and Sophia Claflin Daniels, his wife.
Granddaughter of David Curtis SANFORD and Amelia Selina Seymour, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Ozias Seymour and Amelia Storrs, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Moses Seymour and Mary Marsh, his wife. See No. 7048.
Volume 9 page 104
Mrs. Harriet Dawes Eisenberg.  DAR ID Number: 8266 Born in Pennsylvania.
Wife of Dr. Philip Y. Eisenberg.
Descendant of Thomas Stone, Thomas SANFORD and James League, of Virginia.
Daughter of John L. Dawes and Charlotte Jemima League, his wife.
Granddaughter of James Adams League and Elinor SANFORD Stone, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Edward Stone and Jemima SANFORD, his wife; and of William League.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Thomas Stone and Jemima Stone, his wife; and of Thomas SANFORD; and of James
Thomas Stone served in the militia during the war.
Thomas SANFORD, 1777, enlisted for three years as a matross in Capt. Anthony Singleton's company, Col.
Charles Harrison's regiment of  Artillery.
James League was a private under Capt. James Gray, Col. Daniel Morgan's regiment.
Volume 9 p.338
Mrs. Elizabeth Moody Scott. DAR ID Number: 8925 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of George A. Scott.
Descendant of Deacon Eliada SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George A. Moody and Elizabeth N. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Eliada SANFORD, Jr., and Maria Abbott, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Eliada SANFORD and Nancy Todd, his wife.
Eliada SANFORD enlisted in Capt. Jacob Brackett's company, which was at the battle of Long Island, Kip's Bay and White Plains. He also served in the defense of New Haven.
Volume 9 page 253
Miss Lydia SANFORD Vail. DAR ID Number: 8683 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Sergt. David Thomas, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Rev. Richard Philip Hart Vail and Mary SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of David Thomas Vail and Phebe Bloom, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of George Vail and Jane Thomas, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of David Thomas and Jennette Turner, his wife.
David Thomas, 1777, at the age of fifteen volunteered for the relief of Rhode Island. In 1781 he enlisted under Col. Rufus  Putnam and was sergeant when peace was declared.
Volume 10 page 157
Mrs. Julia A. Fairchild SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 9430 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Samuel P. SANFORD.
Descendant of David Sherman, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Nathan B. Fairchild and Augusta Sherman, his wife.
Granddaughter of Aaron Sherman and Anna Curtiss, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of David Sherman and Hannah Judson, his wife.
David Sherman, a native of Woodbury, served in the commissary department. That branch of the service was an
essential factor to the success of the army in the field during the Revolution. He died in 1799, at the age of seventy-eight. Also Nos. 5393, 8695.
Volume 10 page 96
Miss Emeline Rich Clark. DAR ID Number: 9253 Born in New York.
Descendant of Sergt. Ebenezer Clark and of Thomas Painter, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Lucius E. Clark and Abigail Rich, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ebenezer Clark and Sally SANFORD, his wife; Rev. Samuel Rich and Angelina Painter, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Ebenezer Clark and Hannah Tenney, his wife; Thomas Painter and Hannah Candee, his wife.
Ebenezer Clark was a private at Bunker Hill, corporal in Sheldon's Dragoons in 1776, and in 1778 served as
sergeant. Thomas  Painter enlisted at sixteen and was at the battles of Long Island and White Plains. While serving as soldier and sailor he was three times captured. He died in 1847. Also Nos. 5333, 7026.
Volume 10 page 327
Mrs. Adelia Brown Elmer. DAR ID Number: 9921 Born in Connecticut.
Widow of George Elmer.
Descendant of Andrew Smith and of Elisha SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Horace Edward Brown and Anna Smith, his wife.
Granddaughter of Andrew Smith and Sarah Fowler, his wife; Abijah Brown and Mary Jones SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife.
Andrew Smith was serving in the State Guards when taken prisoner in the Tryon raid. He died in 1836 at Milford, where he was born in 1763.
Elisha SANFORD served as a soldier under different commands. He was a pensioner when he died at Milford in
1841, at the  age of ninety-one.
Volume 11
Mrs. Charlotte Lancraft Gillett Barnes. DAR ID Number: 10443 Born in Illinois.
Wife of Dr. William Barnes.
Descendant of Capt. Zacheus Gillett and of Benoni Gillett, of Connecticut.
Daughter of John Dean Gillett and Lemira Parke, his wife.
Granddaughter of Elephas Gillett and Amarilla SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Benoni Gillett and Phebe Dean, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Zacheus Gillett and Ruth Phelps, his wife.
Zacheus Gillett turned out from Simsbury at the Lexington Alarm, and, 1776, served in the New York campaign.
Benoni Gillett enlisted in the Burgoyne campaign and served two years. He was a pensioner when he died at Fair
Haven in 1844, aged eighty-four. Also Nos. 4020, 6756, 7465.
Volume 12 page 99
Mrs. Lillias Rumsey SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 11255 Born in New York.
Wife of Leonard Gibbs SANFORD.
Descendant of Moses Rumsey and of John Rumsey, of New York; Capt. David Demarest and of William
Demarest, of New  Jersey.
Daughter of John A. Rumsey and Anna Freeland, his wife.
Granddaughter of Nathan Rumsey and Mary Rumsey (cousin) his wife; Peter Freeland and Anna Demarest, his
Gr.-granddaughter of Moses Rumsey and Lydia Ann Miller, his wife; John Rumsey and Mary Russell, his wife;
William  Demarest and Lavinia Hopper, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of David Demarest and Jane Campbell, his wife.
Moses Rumsey was an Orange county minute man in Col. John Hathorn's regiment. He died at Scipio, Cayuga
county, 1816,  aged fifty-eight.
John Rumsey served as a private in the Westchester county militia under Col. Thomas Thomas. He died at Fayette, Seneca county, 1826, aged seventy-three.
William Demarest, 1777, enlisted at fifteen, in the Bergen county militia when New Jersey was the battlefield. He
died at  Hackensack, 1828.
David Demarest commanded a company of State troops. He was born at Hackensack, 1736, where he died, 1810.
Volume 12 page 167
Mrs. Lucy Todd Benson.  DAR ID Number: 11438  Born in Georgia.
Wife Eustace Conway Benson.
Descendant of Jeremiah SANFORD, of Georgia.
Daughter of William H. Todd and Sarah Caroline Greene, his wife.
Granddaughter of Phillip Green and Mildred Washington SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Jeremiah SANFORD, Jr., and Ada Palmer, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jeremiah SANFORD and Mary Modesett, his wife.
Jeremiah SANFORD served in the ranks during the war. He was born in Loudon county, Va., 1739, and died in
Georgia,  1825. Upon his tomb at Greensborough is the epitaph "A Revolutionary Soldier, a friend of General Washington and an honest  man."
Volume 12 page 323
Miss Annie Chichester SANFORD.  DAR ID Number: 11863 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Daniel Darrin and of Thomas Mead, of Connecticut.
Daughter of William Edgar SANFORD and Sarah Eliza Northrope, his wife.
Granddaughter of Harry Nash Northrope and Jane Eliza Darrin, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Darrin, Jr., and Harriet Mead, his wife.
See No. 11859.
Volume 12 page 172
Miss Clara Morehouse. DAR ID Number: 11451 Born in Illinois.
Descendant of Capt. Gershom Morehouse, Jabez Lord, Jabez Brown and Nathan Peck, all of Connecticut.
Daughter of Louis Peck Morehouse and Frederika Gerhardt, his wife.
Granddaughter of Louis Peck Morehouse and Harriet A. Brown, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Morehouse and Sarah Peck, his wife; Jabez Brown and Catherine Lord, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Morehouse and Uranie Starr, his wife; Nathan Peck and Huldah Fabrique, his wife; Jabez Lord and Elizabeth Clark, his wife; Jabez Brown and Rebecca Smith, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Gershom Morehouse and Anna SANFORD, his wife.
Gershom Morehouse (1727-1805) entered the army as a private and commanded a company at White Plains.
Nathan Peck (1749-1816) served as a fifer in the first call for troops, under Col. David Waterbury.
Jabez Lord (1745-94) served several times in the militia.
Jabez Brown (1748-1834) enlisted in the Fifth Regiment. Also Nos. 4204, 5245.
Volume 12 page 209
Mrs. Abbie Maria SANFORD Head. DAR ID Number: 11551 Born in Massachusetts.
Wife of Nathaniel Head.
Descendant of Rev. David SANFORD, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Stephen SANFORD and Maria Ann Fisher, his wife.
Granddaughter of Philo SANFORD and Lydia Whiting, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of David SANFORD and Bathsheba Ingersoll, his wife.
David SANFORD was a patriot preacher when appointed chaplain of Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment, 1776. He was born,  1737, at New Milford, Conn., and died, 1810, at Medway, Mass. Also No.10677.
Volume 12 page 210
Miss Annie SANFORD Head. DAR ID Number: 11553 Born in New Hampshire.
Descendant of Capt. Nathaniel Head and of Rev. David SANFORD, of New Hampshire.
Daughter of Nathaniel Head and Abbie Maria SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Col. John Head and Anna Brown, his wife; Stephen SANFORD and Maria Ann Fisher, his wife. See No. 11551.
Gr.-granddaughter of Nathaniel Head and Anna Knox, his wife.
Nathaniel Head served as lieutenant at the siege of Boston. He was in the expedition to Rhode Island, 1778, and
commanded a company, 1781. He was born at Bradford, Mass., 1754, and died at Chester, N. H., 1829.
Volume 12 page 140
Mrs. Emerett Maria Atwater Blakeslee. DAR ID Number: 11360 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of John Webb Blakeslee.
Descendant of Lieut. Amasa Hitchcock, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Samuel A. Atwater and Susan E. Preston, his wife.
Granddaughter of Amasa Preston and Phila SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Reuben Preston and Lura Hitchcock, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Amasa Hitchcock and Sarah Bradley, his wife.
Amasa Hitchcock, who had served in the early wars, was second lieutenant, 1776, in Capt. Asa Bray's company,
Col. Thaddeus Cook's regiment. He was a pensioner when he died at Cheshire, 1827, aged eighty-eight. Also No. 10916.
Volume 13 page 210
Mrs. Clara Beebe Darling. DAR ID Number: 12549 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Joshua Harrison Darling.
Descendant of Col. Bezaleel Beebe, of Connecticut.
Daughter of William Beebe and Clarissa SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Bezaleel Beebe and Elizabeth Marsh, his wife.
Bezaleel Beebe (1741-1824), served as lieutenant in the first call for troops. He was at Ticonderoga and
commanded a company at Fort Washington, 1776, when it was obliged to surrender. He was a prisoner at New York and allowed the limits of the "city on parole." He was promoted major, 1779, commanded a regiment for Coast defense, 1780, and was discharged,  1783. He was born and died at Litchfield. Also No. 499.
Volume 13 page 11
Mrs. Josephine E. Brown Somers. DAR ID Number: 12030 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of George Elliott Somers.
Descendant of Elisha SANDFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Sheldon Curtiss Brown and Harriett Bogue, his wife.
Granddaughter of Abijah Brown and Mary Jones SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANDFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife.
Elisha SANDFORD, 1776-82, served as coast guard under different commands. He was born at Milford, 1750, died at Orange, 1841, and was a pensioner. Also No. 9921.
Volume 13 page 191
Mrs. Ida Catharine Prince. DAR ID Number: 12495 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Clarke Prince.
Descendant of Joseph Baldwin, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Thomas Shanley and Fauny Baldwin, his wife.
Granddaughter of Erastus Baldwin and Electa SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joseph Baldwin and Rosanna Meloy, his wife.
Joseph Baldwin (1758-1825), enlisted, 1776, in Capt. Elias Denning's company, Thirteenth regiment of militia, for service in the New York campaign.
Volume 14 page 44
Miss Charlotte May Clark. DAR ID Number: 13112 Born in Connecticut.
Descendant of Elisha SANFORD and of Joseph Treat, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Everett Bryan Clark and Charlotte Woodruff, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jeremiah Woodruff and Charlotte Nettleton, his wife; Bryan Clark and Rebecca Treat, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of David Nettleton and Mabel SANFORD, his wife; Jonah Treat and Rebecca Treat, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife; Joseph Treat and Rebecca Downs, his
wife. See. No. 13104.
Elisha SANFORD, (1750-1841), turned out from Milford under Capt. Samuel Treat, 1776, and served several
enlistments under different commands. He was a pensioner when he died at Orange. Also Nos. 9921, 12030.
Volume 14 page 44
Mrs. Charlotte Woodruff Clark. DAR ID Number: 13113 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Everett Bryan Clark.
Descendant of Elisha SANFORD and of Joseph Treat.
Daughter of Jeremiah Woodruff and Charlotte Nettleton, his wife. See No. 13112.
Volume 14 page 332
Mrs. Julia Elmer Merwin. DAR ID Number: 13895 Born in Wisconsin.
Wife of Merritt W. Merwin.
Descendant of Andrew Smith and of Elisha SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Elmer and Adelia Brown, his wife.
Granddaughter of Horace Edward Brown and Anna Smith, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Andrew Smith and Sarah Fowler, his wife; Abijah Brown and Mary Jones SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife. See No. 13112.
Andrew Smith, (1762-1836), served in the guards and was taken prisoner when Tryon invaded the colony. He was born at Milford, where he died. Also No. 9921.
Volume 14 page 58
Mrs. Gertrude SANFORD Bolmer. DAR ID Number: 13155 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Clarence H. Bolmer.
Descendant of William Parsons, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Capt. Julius SANFORD and Mary Elizabeth Parsons, his wife.
Granddaughter of Josiah SANFORD and Polly Johnson, his wife; Moses Parsons and Huldah Adams, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Charity Foote, his second wife; William Parsons and Abigail Wright, his wife (m. 1777).
William Parsons, (1750-1819), turned out from Hartford county at the Lexington Alarm, and enlisted in Capt. Joel Clark's company, Col. Jedediah Huntington's regiment. His name is found among the missing after the battle of Long Island. He subsequently served in the short levies.
Volume 14 page 47
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Platt. DAR ID Number: 13126 Born in Georgia.
Wife of Nathan Dwight Platt.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Pernet P. Manville and Harriet Buckingham, his wife. See No. 13121.
Volume 14 page 59
Mrs. Ellen Louise SANFORD Thompson. DAR ID Number: 13157 Born in Connecticut.
Wife of Sherwood S. Thompson.
Descendant of William Parsons, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Capt. Julius SANFORD and Mary Elizabeth Parsons, his wife See No. 1315
Volume 14 page 46
Mrs. Emily Anna Nettleton. DAR ID Number: 13121 Born in Georgia.
Wife of Albert Nettleton.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Pernet P. Manville and Harriet Buckingham, his wife.
Granddaughter of Samuel Buckingham and Harriet SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANIORD(SIC) and Parthenia Baklwin, his wife (m. 1765).
Samuel SANFORD served as sergeant at the siege of Boston and as lieutenant in the New York campaign. He was captain of  a company, Continental Line, 1777, was with the main army on the battlefields of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and served to  the close of the war. He was born at Milford, and died there 1804. His son Samuel went with his father when a boy of ten and  he survived to receive a pension for his service in the Revolution.
Volume 15 page 233
Miss Kate SANFORD Jamieson.  DAR ID Number: 14623 Born in Virginia.
Descendant of John Leavens, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Robert Jamieson and Margaretta Johnson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Robert Jamieson and Catherine Porter SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Thomas SANFORD and Esther Williams Leavens, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Leavens and Esther Williams, his wife.
John Leavens, (1736-99), was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm and turned out for the relief of Boston under Capt. Joseph  Cady. He was born at Killingly, and died in Ohio. His brothers, Joseph and Darius, died in the service. Also No. 3773.
Volume 17 page 192
Miss Mary Malona Tuttle. DAR ID Number: 16514 Born in Warren County, New Jersey.
Descendant of Ichabod Tuttle, Joseph Woodward and Samuel Moulton.
Daughter of Albert SANDFORD Tuttle and Charlotte Culver Moulton, his wife.
Granddaughter of Harvey Tuttle and Rhoda SANFORD, his wife; Samuel Moulton (1782-1838) and Mellona
Woodward (1786-1870), his wife (m. 1814).
Gr.-granddaughter of Calvin Tuttle and Ruth Ann Miner, his wife; Samuel Moulton and Rachel Loomis
(1742-1812), his wife;  Annah Woodward (b. 1753) and Charlotte Culver, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Ichabod Tuttle and Elizabeth Matthews, his wife; Joseph Woodward and Mary Bradford, his wife.
Ichabod Tuttle, (1748-78), served as a private in Capt. John Sedgwick's company, 1775. He was killed in the
massacre at Wyoming, and his name is inscribed on the monument. He was born in Goshen, Conn. Also No. 8496.
Joseph Woodward was a member of the Council of Safety of Dorset, Vt., of which he was chairman, 1776.
Samuel Moulton, (1735-91), served as a private in Capt. Ozias Bissell's company of Connecticut militia, 1776, and was among  the missing after the battle of Long Island. He was born in Simsbury, Conn.
Volume 17 page 409
SANFORD, Capt. Samuel, 2
Volume 17 page 113
Mrs. Mary SANFORD Saxton. DAR ID Number: 16306 Born in Dunkirk, New York.
Wife of George H. Saxton.
Descendant of James SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Isaac P. SANFORD and Mary J. Royall, his wife.
Granddaughter of Lemuel SANFORDand Charlotte Platt, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of James SANFORD and Sarah Beach, his wife.
James SANFORD enlisted, 1778, in Connecticut for the war. He received a pension for his service and in 1840 was living in Redding, Conn., aged eighty-one.
Volume 17 .ROLL OF HONOR. page 409
SANFORD, James, 113
Volume 17 page 15
Mrs. Mary K. Munson Russell. DAR ID Number: 16032 Born in New Haven, Connecticut.
Wife of Dr. Thomas H. Russell.
Descendant of Elijah Stanton, Deacon Elida SANFORD and Joseph Dorman, all of Connecticut.
Daughter of Lyman E. Munson and Lucy A. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Gilbert Munson and Esther Stanton, his wife; Perit M. SANFORD and Sybil Dorman, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elijah Stanton and Jemima Beach, his wife; Roger Dorman and Rebecca Gilbert, his wife
Elida SANFORD and Nancy Todd, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Joseph Dorman and Phebe Dorman, his wife.
Elijah Stanton, (1750-1833), was at the siege of Boston and in the New York campaign, 1776. He was born in
Preston and died in Salisbury.
ElidaSANFORD, (1755-1820), served in the New York campaign, 1776, under Capt. Jacob Brackett and, 1779, in Tryon's invasion. He was born and died in North Haven.Also Nos. 8925, 15429.
Joseph Dorman, (1725-79), served as a matross in the artillery and lost his life in the defense of New Haven, where he was born.
Volume 17 page 244
Mrs. Susan Walbridge Hamill. DAR ID Number: 16662 Born in Ithaca, New York.
Wife of Charles D. Hamill.
Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge.
Daughter of Henry SANFORD Walbridge and Fanny Thompson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Gustavus Walbridge and Anna SANDFORD, his wife.
Gustavus Walbridge, (1755-1828), served as a private in the Connecticut Line in Capt. Joshua Huntington's
company, 1776,  raised to reinforce Washington in New York, and suffered in the retreat from Long Island. He was born in Norwich, Conn.,  and died in Syracuse, N. Y.
Volume 17 page 301
Mrs. Cordelia I. Smith Houghton. DAR ID Number: 16836 Born in Stamford, Vermont.
Wife of Albert C. Houghton.
Descendant of Nathan Smith, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Noble W. Smith and Louisa SANFORD, his wife. See No. 16834.
Volume 17 page 301
Miss Susie Houghton. DAR ID Number: 16837 Born in Adams, Massachusetts.
Descendant of Nathan Smith, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Albert C. Houghton and Cordelia I. Smith, his wife.
Granddaughter of Noble W. Smith and Louisa SANFORD, his wife. See No. 16834.
Volume 18 page 160
Mrs. Eliza Wolcott SANFORD DAR ID Number: 17417 Born in Wethersfield, Connecticut.
Widow of Albert SANFORD.
Descendant of William Wolcott, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Oliver Wolcott and Sophia Deming, his wife.
Granddaughter of William Wolcott and Rebecca Goodrich, his first wife (m. 1780).
William Wolcott, (1754-1841), was placed on the pension roll of Hartford Co., at the age of 80, for service as private in the Conn. militia. He was born and died in Wethersfield.
Volume 18 page 90
Mrs. Henrietta Dall SANFORD Ganter. DAR ID Number: 17231 Born in Lake County, Ohio.
Wife of Richard Leo Ganter, D. D.
Descendant of Capt. Edward Paine, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Peleg Phelps SANFORD and Elizabeth Ann Phelps, his wife.
Granddaughter of Samuel W. Phelps and Lydia Paine, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Edward Paine and Rebecca White, his wife.
Edward Paine, (1746-1841), served as captain in the Connecticut militia. He was placed on the pension list of
Geauga county,  Ohio, at the age of eighty-eight. He was born in Connecticut and died in Painesville, Ohio.
Volume 20 page 55
Mrs. Mary Applegate Herod.  DAR ID Number: 19148 Born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wife of William P. Herod.
Descendant of Lieut. Thomas SANFORD, of Virginia.
Daughter of Bergen Applegate and Mary Jane Beaty, his wife.
Granddaughter of David SANFORD Beaty and Nancy Sanders, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of John R. Beaty and Elizabeth SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Thomas SANFORD.
Thomas SANFORD was second lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Ewell's company, Col. George Gibson's First Virginia State Regiment, 1777.
Volume 20
Mrs. Clarine Olmsted Homan. DAR ID Number: 19658 Born in Torrington, Connecticut.
Wife of William C. Homan.
Descendant of Sergt. Levi Morse, of Connecticut.
Daughter of William B. Jones and Aurilla Morse, his wife.
Granddaughter of Levi Morse, Jr., and Thalia SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Levi Morse and Martha Sherman, his wife.
Levi Morse enlisted at Litchfield and served as sergeant in the Connecticut Line. He was born in 1746 in
Wallingford. His widow in 1836, at the age of eighty-six received a pension for the actual service of her husband.
Volume 20 page 52
Mrs. Bertha Pheanna SANDFORD Barney. DAR ID Number: 19138 Born in Patterson, New Jersey.
Wife of Charles Asa Barney.
Descendant of John SANDFORD, of New Jersey.
Daughter of William Brown SANDFORD and Mary Anne SANDFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Emanuel SANDFORD and Pheanna SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of William SANDFORD and Hester Grovhand, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John SANDFORD and Catherine De Beau, his wife.
John SANDFORD, (1759-1849), served as a minute man on "tours of duty" and also as private in the New Jersey Continental  Line. He was born and died in Bloomingdale, N. J.
Volume 20 page 117
Mrs. Minnie Holliday Nave. DAR ID Number: 19316 Born in St. Louis, Missouri.
Wife of Samuel M. Nave.
Descendant of Lieut. Henry Dawson, of Virginia.
Daughter of John J. Holliday and Lucretia Foree, his wife.
Granddaughter of Peter Foree and Eliza Dawson, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel Dawson and - Montjoy, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Henry Dawson and - SANDFORD, his wife.
Henry Dawson, (1748-1815), entered the army as ensign and served as lieutenant and quartermaster of Col. John Gibson's  Seventh Virginia Regiment to the close of the war. He died in Maysville, Ky. Also No. 9025.
Volume 20 page 13
Mrs. Jessie Knight Jordan. DAR ID Number: 19030 Born in Ware, Massachusetts.
Wife of D. S. Jordan.
Descendant of Phineas Knight, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Charles SANFORD Knight and Cordelia Cutter, his wife.
Granddaughter of Aziza Knight and Jemima Worden, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Phineas Knight and Hetty SANFORD, his wife.
Phineas Knight, (1755-1833), was at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was placed on the pension roll of Hampshire
county, Mass., 1818, for two years' service of a private in the Connecticut Line. He was born in Norwich, Conn.; died in Huntington, Mass.
Volume 21 page 125
Mrs. Cora E. SANFORD DAR ID Number: 20360 Born in Green County, Missouri.
Wife of William B. SANFORD.
Descendant of Col. Charles Mynn Thruston.
Daughter of T. B. Holland and Mattie Dade, his wife.
Granddaughter of Judge John Dade and Eliza Sidney January, his wife. See No. 20357.
Volume 21 page 272
Mrs. Bessie Saltmarsh Wilson. DAR ID Number: 20776 Born in Norfolk, Virginia.
Wife of Col. William Boyle Wilson.
Descendant of Lieut. Edward Milliken, Jacob Andrews, Jonathan Andrews, Samuel Haines, Samuel McKenney, all of Maine.
Daughter of Capt. Edward Channing Saltmarsh and Marcia E. Milliken, his wife.
Granddaughter of Dr. Seth Saltmarsh (1811-96) and Mary Henrietta SANFORD, his wife; Joseph Milliken and
Hannah Haines (b. 1809), his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Seth Saltmarsh (b. 1778) and Anna Andrews (b. 1774), his wife; Edward Milliken and Hannah Andrews, his wife; Samuel Hanies, Jr., (1769-1837) and Lydie McKenney (b. 1773), his wife, m. 1792.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jacob Andrews and Mary Holt, his wife, m. 1761 (parents of Anna); Edward Milliken and Elizabeth Harmon, his wife;
Jonathan Andrews and Dorcas Stuart, his wife, m. 1769 (parents of Hannah); Samuel Haines and Hannah Seaver, his wife, m. 1762; Samuel McKenney and Lydie Rand, his wife, m. 1766.
Edward Milliken, (1734-1812), served as second lieutenant in the Eighteenth Continental Infantry, 1776. He was
born in Scarboro; died in Buxton, Maine.
Jacob Andrews was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm. He served several enlistments under different
commands.  He was born in Boxford, 1738, where he died.
Jonathan Andrews, (1745-1832), commanded a company in the Third Cumberland County Regiment. He was born and died in Scarboro.
Samuel Haines, (1737-1821), served as a private in Capt. Jonathan Andrews' company from Scarboro, Col. Reuben Hogg's Third Cumberland County Regiment. Also No. 11024.
Samuel McKenney, (1744-1840), was a private, 1779, in the Cumberland county militia under Capt. Roger Libby. He was born and died in Scarboro.
Volume 21 page 294
Mrs. Eliza M. Ostrum Hyde. DAR ID Number: 20841 Born in Avon, Connecticut.
Wife of William W. Hyde.
Descendant of Jonas Platt, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Henry P. Ostrum and Harriet Carr, his wife.
Granddaughter of Henry I. Ostrum and Sarah Platt, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Jonas Platt, Jr. (d. 1840) and Lucy Mills, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jonas Platt and Elizabeth SANFORD, his wife, m. 1747.
Jonas Platt was a resident of Redding when taken prisoner at the Danbury Raid, 1777, and sent to New York. He was born, 1727, in Fairfield, Conn. Also No. 19633.
Volume 21 page 181
Mrs. Mary Louise Tuthill. DAR ID Number: 20515 Born in Camden, New York.
Wife of R. B. Tuthill.
Descendant of Jonah SANFORD and of Joel Dunbar.
Daughter of Lorenzo Wetmore and Nancy SANFORD , his wife.
Granddaughter of Giles SANFORD  (1777-1855) and Rebecca Dunbar, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD  and Mary Dunbar, his wife; Joel Dunbar and Rebecca Curtiss, his wife.
Joel Dunbar, (1752-1826), served in Capt. Daniel Smith's company of Connecticut militia on duty in the Mohawk Valley, New York. He was born in Plymouth, Conn.; died in Camden, New York. Also No. 17682.
Jonah SANFORD , (1749-1824), served in the Connecticut militia at Peekskill under Capt. Jesse Curtis and Col.
Noadiah Hooker. He was born in Litchfield, Conn.; died in Camden, New York.
Volume 23 page 154
Mrs. Emily SANFORD Brainerd.  DAR ID Number: 22444 Born in Orwell, Vermont.
Wife of Charles Nelson Brainerd.
Descendant of Elias Basoom, James Conkey, Asa Conkey, Ebenezer Hulburd, and Daniel Sheldon.
Daughter of William Riley SANFORD and Emily Bascom, his wife.
Granddaughter of Clark SANFORD and Rebecca Conkey, his wife; Dorus Bascom (1774-1841) and Chloe Hulburd (1778-1851), his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Asa Conkey and Margaret Hamilton, his wife; Elias Bascom and Eunice Allen, his wife;
Ebenezer Hulburd and Mary Sheldon (1747-88), his first wife, m. 1772.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of James Conkey and Isabel McLancton, his wife; Daniel Sheldon and Mary Harmon, his wife, m. 1737. See No. 22301.
Elias Bascom, (1738-1833), served in the Massachusetts militia under Capt. Samuel Merriman and was at the
surrender of  Burgoyne. He was born in Hatfield, Mass.; died in Orwell, Vt. Also No. 168.
Ebenezer Hulburd, (1747-1819), was a minute man in Capt. Daniel Smith's company of Vermont militia. He was
born in Enfield, Conn.; died in Orwell, Vt.  Also Nos. 15341, 20624.
Daniel Sheldon, (1715-98), served as a private in the Connecticut militia in the Burgoyne campaign. He was born in Deerfield, Mass.; died in Suffield, Conn.
Volume 23B page 213
Mrs. Virginia Day Cook. DAR ID Number: 22607 Born in Whitewater, Wisconsin.
Wife of Joseph Edwards Cook.
Descendant of John Day and of Israel Greenleaf.
Daughter of Frederick E. Day (b. 1846) and Josephine OConnor, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ira Church Day (b. 1821) and Orcelia Greenleaf, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Day (b. 1786); William Greenleaf (b. 1797) and Almira SANFORD, his wife.
[p.213] Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Day and Betty (b. 1770), his wife; Tilly Greenleaf.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Israel Greenleaf and Ursula Woods, his second wife.
John Day, (1749-1803), served in the New Hampshire militia at Ticonderoga, 1777. He was born in Keene, where
he died.
Israel Greenleaf, (1734-1824), served as a private in the Massachusetts militia. He was born in Bolton, Mass.; died inColumbus, N. Y. Also No. 16392.
Volume 23 page 48
Mrs. Emma SANFORD Brayton. DAR ID Number: 22143 Born in Akron, Ohio.
Wife of James P. Brayton.
Descendant of James SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Isaac Platt SANFORD and Mary Jenning Royall, his wife.
Granddaughter of Lemuel SANFORD (1780-1826) and Charlotte Platt, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of James SANFORD and Sarah Beach, his wife.
James SANFORD, (1753-1848), enlisted 1778 for the war as a private in the Connecticut Line. He received a
pension for his service and died in Redding, Conn. Also No. 16306.
Volume 23 page 400
SANFORD, James, 48
Volume 23
Mrs. Laura Lee Armstrong. DAR ID Number: 22523 Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Wife of Charles Henry Armstrong.
Descendant of Daniel Bartram and Oliver SANDFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Gurdon Bartram Lee and Caroline E. Gorham, his wife.
Granddaughter of Milo Lee and Lucy A. Bartram, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Gurdon Bartram (1776-1845) and Lorraine SANFORD, his wife, m. 1804.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Bartram and Ann Merchant, his wife, m. 1768; Oliver SANFORD and Rachel
Coley, his wife, m. 1767.
Daniel Bartram, (1745-1817), joined the militia and marched to the defense of Danbury, leaving his mill full of
valuable hides. His brave wife left her small children, caught her horse, hitched him to the mill and saved the hides from spoiling.  He was born in Redding,  Conn.; removed to Ohio, 1810, where he died in Madison. Also No. 15165.
Oliver SANFORD joined the militia when Tryon invaded the colony, 1777; was taken prisoner and carried to New York. He was born in Redding, 1741, where he died.
Volume 24 page 322
Mrs. Clara Ellen SANFORD Robinson. DAR ID Number: 23916 Born in Readsboro, Vermont.
Wife of Arthur Robinson.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD and of Rev. Aaron Wheeler.
Daughter of Michael SANFORD and Caroline Jeannette Millard, his wife.
Granddaughter of William SANFORD and Lucy Rice, his wife; Stephen Millard and Harriet Richmond, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Pathena Baldwin, his wife, m. 1765; James
Millard and Wealthy Clark, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Squire Millard and Mary Wheeler (b. 1749), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Wheeler and Hopestill Daggett, his wife, m. 1742.
Samuel SANFORD, (1740-1804), was captain of a company, Continental Line, 1777; served in the battles of the Jerseys. He was born in Milford, Conn., where he died. Also Nos. 13121, 16004.
Aaron Wheeler, (1722-1800), turned out from Rehoboth, Mass., at the Rhode Island Alarm.
 Volume ??  page 33
Mrs. Susan George SAMFORD Smith. DAR ID Number: 23092 Born in Opelika, Alabama.
Wife of James Oscar Smith.
Descendant of James Drake and of Maj. John Williams, of North Carolina.
Daughter of William James SAMFORD and Caroline Elizabeth Drake, his wife.
Granddaughter of Dr. John Hodges Drake and Polly Richard Susan Williams, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Maj. John Hodges Drake and Frances Williams, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of James Drake and - Hodges, his wife; John Williams and Frances Bastin, his wife, m. 1766.
James Drake, (1725-90), was a patriot of Nash county, whose home was attacked by Tories and in the defense he was badly wounded.
John Williams, (1737-99), was a member of the House of Commons of North Carolina. Also No. 10858.
Volume 23 page 198
Mrs. Cornelia Grace SANFORD Peterson. DAR ID Number: 22565 Born in Newton, Connecticut.
Wife of John Peterson.
Descendant of Dan Welton, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Harris SANFORD and Martha Emmeline Merrick, his wife.
Granddaughter of Moses SANFORD and Filena Lines, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Eber Lines and Hannah Welton (b. 1757), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Dan Welton and Ann Bruster (1732-90), his wife, m. 1755.
Dan Welton served in the New York campaign and his name is on the list of Capt. John Lewis's company from Waterbury, where in 1731 he was born.
Volume 23 page 217
Mrs. Stella Porter Harrell. DAR ID Number: 22621 Born in Dixon, Georgia.
Wife of Charles Harrell.
Descendant of Francis Bell and of John Phinazee.
Daughter of George Kellogg Porter and Clarissa Antoinette SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin Porter and Delana Scott Bell (b. 1813), his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joseph Scott Bell (b. 1774) and Rachel Phinazee (b. 1773), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Francis Bell and Esther Montgomery (d. 1817), his wife, m. 1773;
John Phinazee and Sarah Harris, his wife. See No. 22614.
John Phinazee, born in Ireland, came to this country at the age of ten. He served at Yorktown with the South
Carolina troops. Also No. 20892.
Vol ?? page 186
Mrs. Anna Varner SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 23530 Born in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Wife of Angus Lansing SANFORD.
Descendant of George Yost and of Peter Verner.
Daughter of Col. Sampson E. Varner and Maria Huston, his wife.
[p.186] Granddaughter of Christian Mileslagle Varner and Elizabeth Eagon, his wife; Samuel J. Huston and Elizabeth Leonard, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Christian Varner and Barbara Mileslagle, his wife, m. 1793; Sampson Eagon and Rebecca Yost, his wife; William Huston and Susan Boyd, his wife; Peter Verner.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of George Yost and Catharine Yost, his wife.
George Yost served in the Maryland Line during the war.
Peter Verner served as a private in the Pennsylvania Line. He was born in Germany
Volume 24 page 158
S. Mildred Near Kotany. DAR ID Number: 23452 Born in St. Louis, Missouri.
Wife of Max Kotany.
Descendant of Lieut. Henry Dawson, of Virginia.
Daughter of James H. Near and Nannie Holliday, his wife.
Granddaughter of John J. Holliday and Lucretia Forie.
Gr.-granddaughter of Peter Forie and Eliza Dawson, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Samuel Dawson and - Mountjoy, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Henry Dawson and - SANDFORD, his wife.
Henry Dawson, (1748-1815), entered the army as ensign and served as lieutenant quartermaster in Col. John Gibson's Seventh Virginia Regiment. He died in Maysville, Ky. Also Nos. 9025, 19316.
 Volume 24  page 259
Mrs. Alice Austin Knight Pryor.  DAR ID Number: 23739  Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Wife of A. K. Pryor.
Descendant of Phineas Knight and of John Worden.
Daughter of Austin Melvin Knight and Alice Tobey, his wife.
Granddaughter of Charles SANFORD Knight and Cordelia A. Knight, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Aziza Knight and Jemima Worden, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Phineas Knight and Hetty SANFORD, his wife; John Worden (1739-1842), and Johannah  Stark, his wife. See No.  23532.
Phineas Knight, (1755-1833), was a private at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was placed on the pension roll of
Hampshire Co., Mass., 1818, for two years' actual service of private in the Connecticut Line. He was born in Norwich, Conn.; died in Huntington, Mass. Also No. 19030.
Volume 24 page 343
Miss Irene Gertrude SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 23980 Born in North Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
Descendant of George SANFORD, Joseph SANFORD, Charles Whitman and Capt. Benjamin
Munroe, all of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Baalis SANFORD and Lucy Cotton Hapgood, his wife.
Granddaughter of Baalis SANFORD and Abby Burt, his wife; Capt. Benjamin Hapgood and Anna Whitman, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joseph SANFORD and Eleanor Macomber, his wife; John Hapgood and Lucy Munroe, his second wife, Charles Whitman and Catherine Davis (Swift), his second wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of George SANFORD and Mercy Phillips, his wife; Benjamin Munroe and Mary Merriam, his wife.
George SANFORD, (1726-1820), who had served in the early wars, enlisted from Berkeley as a private in the Revolution.
Joseph SANFORD, (1761-1843), was placed on the pension roll of Bristol county, 1818, for service of private in Massachusetts Continental Line. He was born in Berkeley, where he died.
Charles Whitman, (1731-1807), served in the alarm list of Middlesex county. He was born In Stow, where he died.
Benjamin Munroe, (1722-1804), served as lieutenant, 1776; promoted captain, 1777, of the Sixth Company, Col. Ezekiel Howe's regiment. He was born in Lincoln, where he died.
Volume 24 page 187
Mrs. Mary Riggs Hatch. DAR ID Number: 23533 Born in Brooklyn, New York.
Wife of Nathaniel W. S. Hatch.
Descendant of Rev. David SANFORD.
Daughter of Edwards Sewall SANFORD and Mary Downing, his wife.
Granddaughter of Sewall SANFORD and Edena Holbrook, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Philo SANFORD and Lydia Whiting, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of David SANFORD and Bathsheba Ingersol, his wife.
David SANFORD, (1737-1810), a graduate of Yale, was appointed chaplain of Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment
of  Massachusetts militia. He  was born in Milford, Conn.; died in Medway, Mass. Also Nos. 11551, 12749, 15257.
Volume 25 page 36
Mrs. Catherine Colt Pennington Long. DAR ID Number: 24099 Born in Paterson, New Jersey.
Wife of A. W. Long.
Descendant of Gov. William SANFORD Pennington, Hon. William Peartree Smith and Judge Elisha Boudinot,
all of New Jersey.
Daughter of Aaron SANFORD Pennington and Anna Bicknell Atterbury, his wife.
Granddaughter of Aaron SANFORD Pennington, (1800-69) and Catherine Colt, his wife; Edward J. C. Atterbury,
(1813-87) and Anna Eliza Bicknell, (1819-43), his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of William SANFORD Pennington and Phoebe Wheeler, his wife; Lewis Atterbury,
(1779-1872) and Catherine Boudinot, his wife, m. 1803.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Samuel Pennington and Mary SANFORD, his wife; Judge Elisha Boudinot and
Catherine Smith, his wife, m. 1778.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of William Peartree Smith and Mary Bryant, his wife, m. 1745.
William SANFORD Pennington, (1757-1826), served in the artillery and by special act of Congress, was appointed
major. He was born in Newark where he died.  Also No. 920.
William Peartree Smith, (1723-1801), a graduate of Yale, was a delegate to the Provincial Congress, 1775, and
Judge of Essex County Court.
Elisha Boudinot, (1749-1819), was Secretary of Council of Safety, member of the Committee of Safety and 1778
was elected Commissary of prisoners. He was born in Philadelphia; died in Newark, N. J. Also Nos. 1077, 9198.
Volume 25 page 198
Mrs. Zuleika SANFORD James. DAR ID Number: 24553 Born in Rockwood, Illinois.
Wife of William James.
Descendant of Zephon Flower.
Daughter of Albert SANFORD and Eunice Flower, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ithuriel Flower and Matilda Andrews, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Zephon Flower and Mary Patrick, his wife, m. 1785.
Zephon Flower, (1765-1855), was placed on the pension roll of Bradford Co., Penna., 1818, for two years' actual
service of private in the  Connecticut Continental Line. He was born in Hartford, Conn.; died in Athens, Penna.
Also No. 2270.
Volume 25 page 242
Mrs. Stella B. Cady Furman. DAR ID Number: 24677 Born in North Adams, Massachusetts.
Wife of Robert T. Furnam.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD and Elisha Bradford.
Daughter of William G. Cady and Harriett Ballou, his wife.
Granddaughter of Alanson Cady and Jane A. Bradford, his wife; Maturin Ballou and Harriet SANFORD, his
Gr.-granddaughter of William Bradford and Mary Remington, his wife; William SANFORD and Lucy Rice, his
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha Bradford and Eunice Bennett, his wife; Samuel SANFORD and Parthena
Baldwin,  his wife.
Samuel SANFORD, (1740-1804), was captain of a company Continental line, 1777; served in the battles of the
Jerseys. He was born in  Milford, Conn., where he died.  Also Nos. 13121, 16004, 23916.
Elisha Bradford, (1753-1809), served as a private in the Berkshire County militia under Capt. Samuel Low. He
was  born in Kingston; died in  Cheshire, Mass.
Volume 25  page 56
Mrs. Emma SANFORD Gleason. DAR ID Number: 24150 Born in Perinton, New York.
Wife of Frederick B. Gleason.
Descendant of Corp. Nathaniel Russell, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Russell SANFORD and Mary E. Barnum, his wife.
Granddaughter of Stephen SANFORD and Emma Russell, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Russell and Lucy Wright, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Nathaniel Russell and Elizabeth Willard, his wife.
Nathaniel Russell, (1741-1810), served as private and corporal in the militia. He was born in Stepney; died in
Winchester, Conn.
Volume 25 page 93
Miss Adaline Terry Tuttle. DAR ID Number: 24258 Born in Reading, New York.
Descendant of Col. David Mason, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Adrian Tuttle and Emily SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Daniel Tuttle and Lydia Watkins, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Tuttle and Miss Mason, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of David Mason and Hannah Symmes, his wife.
David Mason, (1726-94), served in the artillery until detailed to establish a depot of military supplies at
Springfield.  He was deputy  commissary general, 1780, when he retired from active duty. He was born in Boston,
where he died.  Also Nos. 1053, 4779, 6802, 11011.
Volume 26 page 361
Miss Mary Rebecca Woodruff. DAR ID Number: 25991 Born in Orange, Connecticut.
Descendant of Maj. Samuel Treat, Joseph Treat and Elisha SANFORD.
Daughter of Stiles Woodruff and Elizabeth Maria Clark, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jeremiah Woodruff and Charlotte Nettleton, his wife; Bryan Clark and Rebecca Maria Treat,
his  wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of David Nettleton and Mehitibel SANFORD, his wife; Jonah Treat and Rebecca (Treat), his
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD (1750-1841) and Rhoda Johnson, his wife; Samuel Treat (1728-87)
and Frances Bryan, his wife;  Joseph Treat and Rebecca Downs, his wife (parents of Rebecca).  See No. 25099,
Joseph Treat, (1747-1828), served in coast defense and, 1777, assisted in nursing the soldiers suffering from
smallpox. He was born in Milford, Conn., where he died.
Volume 26 page 223
Mrs. Mary Mackenzie Jenkins. DAR ID Number: 25603 Born in Farmville, Virginia.
Wife of John Summerfield Jenkins.
Descendant of John Leavens and of Capt. Richard Lamb.
Daughter of William Elliott Judkins and Esther Leavens MacKenzie, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jarratt Wallace Judkins and Content Whitehead, his wife; James MacKenzie and Sarah
SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Richard Whitehead and Margaret Patience Lamb, his wife; Thomas SANFORD and Esther
Leavens, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Richard Lamb and Clarissa Boswell, his wife; John Leavens (1736-99) and Esther
Williams, his wife.  See No.  25338.
Richard Lamb of Brunswick Co., Va., served as quartermaster 1780-81, and was Justice of the Peace, 1782. He
died in 1786 and is buried in Blandford cemetery, Petersburg, Va.  Also Nos. 11816, 23319.
Volume 26 page 337
Mrs. Grace Nettleton Cushing. DAR ID Number: 25930 Born in San Francisco, California.
Wife of Sidney B. Cushing.
Descendant of Elisha SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of John Oscar Eldridge and Elizabeth Risdon, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jellis Risdon and Hannah Treat Nettleton, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of David Nettleton and Mabel SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife.
Elisha SANFORD, (1750-1841), was placed on the pension roll of New Haven County, 1831, for service of private
in the Connecticut  Continental Line. He was born in Milford; died in Orange, Conn. Also Nos. 9921, 12030,
13112, 15405.
Volume 28  page 80
Mrs. Nanny Green Grant. DAR ID Number: 27211 Born in Culpeper, Virginia.
Wife of Dr. William W. Grant.
Descendant of Capt. William SANFORD, of Virginia.
Daughter of James Williams Green and Anne SANFORD MacDonald, his wife.
Granddaughter of Angus W. MacDonald and Lucy Anne Naylor, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of William Naylor and Anne SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of William SANFORD and ? Thornton, his wife.
William SANFORD entered the service, 1775, as second lieutenant; promoted lieutenant, 1776, and was captain
when he resigned, 1778. He was born in Romney, 1750.
Volume 28 [p.381] ROL page 397
SANFORD, Capt. William, 80
Volume 28 [p.381] ROL page 58
Mrs. Edith Tuttle Patterson. DAR ID Number: 27154 Born in Fairhaven, Vermont.
Wife of Morris Patterson.
Descendant of Elisha Minor, Ensign Joseph Langdon, Joseph Woodward, Samuel Moulton, and
Ichabod Tuttle, all of Connecticut.
Daughter of Albert Tuttle (b. 1846) and Emily A. Goodwin (b. 1847), his wife, m. 1869.
Granddaughter of Albert SANFORD Tuttle (1817-55) and Charlotte Culver Moulton (b. 1815), his wife, m. 1845;
John D. Goodwin (b. 1812) and Emily Adkins Scovill (b. 1823), his wife, m.1841.
Gr.-granddaughter of Henry Tuttle (1794-1827) and Rhoda SANFORD(1798-1817), his wife, m. 1816; Samuel
Moulton (1782-1838) and Mellona Woodward (1786-1870), his wife, m. 1814; Elezear Scoville (1769-1831) and
Abigail Langdon (1780-1865), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Calvin Tuttle (1772-1809) and Ruth Ann Minor (1775-1851), his wife, m. 1791; Samuel
Moulton and Rachael Loomis (1742-1812), his wife; Amnah Woodward (b. 1753) and Charlotte Culver, his wife;
Joseph Langdon and Ruth Hooker (1744-1813), his wife, m. 1763.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Ichabod Tuttle and Elizabeth Mathews, his wife, m. 1772; Elisha Minor and Anna
Smith, his wife, m. 1772; Joseph Woodward and Mary Bradford, his wife.
Elisha Minor served as private in Sheldon's Light Dragoons. He was born, 1745, in Woodbury, Conn.
Joseph Langdon, (1740-1812), served as ensign in the first company, Fifteenth regiment, 1775. He was born in
Farmington, Conn., where he died.
Joseph Woodward was a member from Castleton of the convention of the New Hampshire grants, 1776, held at
Dorset, Vt. He was born in Canterbury, Conn.; died in Castleton, Vt.
Samuel Moulton, (1735-91), served as a private in the Connecticut militia, 1776. He was born in Simsbury, Conn.
Ichabod Tuttle, (1748-78), was at the battle of Wyoming, where he lost his life. He was born in Goshen, Conn.
Also Nos. 8496, 16514.
Volume 28  [p.381] ROL page 133
Mrs. Helen Ward Stockholm Somers. DAR ID Number: 27358 Born in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Wife of Howard Adams Somers.
[p.133] Descendant of Col. Derrick Brinckerhoff and of Maj. Samuel Lyon, of New York.
Daughter of Adam Brinckerhoff Stockholm and Jennie Ward, his wife.
Granddaughter of Abram Stockholm and Antoinette Lyon, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Stockholm and Phebe Brinckerhoff, his wife; Walter Lyon and Betsy SANFORD, his
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Derrick Brinckerhoff and Geertje Wyckoff, his wife; John Lyon and
Sarah Smith, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Samuel Lyon and Mary Lounsberry, his wife.
Derrick Brinckerhoff, (1720-80), was a member of the First Provincial Congress and commissioned colonel of the
Second Dutchess County militia, 1775. At his home, near Fishkill, Lafayette was nursed and the officers
entertained. Also No. 24185.
Samuel Lyon, (1747-1819), served as major of Westchester County minute men. He was captured and confined in
the Old Sugar House. He was born near Byram Lake, where he died.
Volume 28 [p.381] ROL page 74
Miss Grace North SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 27197 Born in Danbury, Connecticut.
Descendant of Seth SANFORD and of John Willcox, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Charles Huntington SANFORD and Mary Emmons, his wife.
Granddaughter of Elias Starr SANFORD and Betsy Willcox, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Elijah SANFORD and Elizabeth Starr, his wife; John Willcox and Margaret Kelsey, his
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Seth SANFORD and Rebecca Burr, his wife.
Seth SANFORD, (1735-1805), in 1777 was appointed on the committee to care for soldiers' families. He was
chosen selectman and served through the war. He was born in Redding, where he died.
John Willcox, (1760-1812), was a private in the Connecticut Line. He was born in Killingworth, where he died.
Also Nos. 1703, 19856.
Volume 28 [p.381] ROL page 174
Mrs. Betsey A. SANFORD Haviland. DAR ID Number: 27467 Born in Waterbury, Connecticut.
Widow of Barnes H. Haviland.
Descendant of Daniel Clark, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Abel Curtiss SANFORD and Hepsey E. Judd, his wife, m. 1829.
Granddaughter of Thomas Judd and Betsey Clark, his wife, m. 1800.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Clark and Lydia Atkins, his wife, m. 1779.
Daniel Clark served in the Connecticut Line. He was born in Waterbury, 1748.
Volume 28 [p.381] ROL page 177
Mrs. Annie Augusta Weed. DAR ID Number: 27474 Born in Reading, Connecticut.
Widow of Marvin Weed.
Descendant of Ensign Aaron Barlow.
Daughter of Enoch Augustus SANFORD and Eliza Ann Barlow, his wife.
Granddaughter of Daniel Barlow and Sarah Dimond, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Barlow and Rebeckah SANFORD, his wife.
Aaron Barlow, (1750-1800), served in the Connecticut militia as a private, 1775, and as an ensign, 1777, in a short
campaign. He was born in Redding, Conn.; died in Norfolk, Va.
Volume 29 [p.387] ROLL OF HONOR page 50
Mrs. Hattie Lazell Springer. DAR ID Number: 28138 Born in Bridgewater, Michigan.
Wife of Durand William Springer.
Descendant of Daniel Lazell and of Calvin Lazell, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Joseph Monroe Lazell (1842-91) and Teressa E. Gillett, his wife.
Granddaughter of Thomas Lazell (1801-77) and Minerva Richmond, his wife; Amos Gillett and Harriet
SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Calvin Lazell and Sarah Stocking, his wife; Benjamin SANFORD and Mary Warren, his
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Lazell and Huldah Leach, his wife, m. 1761.
Daniel Lazell, (1734-76), who had served in the early wars, died of small-pox contracted in the Revolution. He was
born in Bridgewater, Mass.
Calvin Lazell, (1766-1831), enlisted from Ashfield at the age of sixteen, for three years.
Volume 29[p.387] ROLL OF HONOR  page 351
Mrs. Anna D. Copp.  DAR ID Number: 28959 Born in Washington, D. C.
Wife of Albert Copp.
Descendant of Capt. John SANDFORD, of New York.
Daughter of Charles G. Mauro and Charlotte E. Davis, his wife.
Granddaughter of George Madison Davis (1810-75) and Georgianna Reinagle, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of William Allison Davis and Elizabeth SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John SANDFORD and Susan Weller, his wife.
John SANDFORD entered the army as lieutenant, 1776, and was captain of Malcolm's Additional Continental
Regiment, 1777. He served
subsequently as captain of Levies and was retired 1781. In 1787 he became a member of the Cincinnati of New
York. He died 1808.
Volume 30 [p.379] ROLL OF HONOR page 199
Mrs. Josephine Browne SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 29554 Born in Catlettsburg, Kentucky.
Wife of William Craig SANFORD.
Descendant of Brig. Gen. Daniel Brodhead, of Pennsylvania.
Daughter of Joseph Richardson Browne and Catherine Mechling, his wife.
Granddaughter of John Mechling and Ann Eliza Heiner, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of John Heiner and Mary Haines, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jasper Heiner and Ann Garton Brodhead, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Brodhead and Elizabeth Depue,
Daniel Brodhead, (1736-1809), was captain of a Rifle company and colonel of the Eighth regiment, 1776. He
received the thanks of Congress for his expedition against the Indians who were devastating the western frontiers.
At the close of the war he held the rank of brevet brigadier general and became a member of the Cincinnati of
Pennsylvania. He was born in Ulster Co., N. Y.; died in Milford, Penna. Also Nos. 319, 2975, 4976, 5656, 6641,
17274, 24613, 27393.
Volume 30 [p.379] ROLL OF HONOR page 280
Mrs. Anna Russell Mintie Alton. DAR ID Number: 29774 Born in Darlington, Wisconsin.
Wife of Robert Davis Alton, M. D.
Descendant of Capt. Gideon Hotchkiss.
Daughter of Fergus L. Mintie and Eleanor Russell, his wife.
Granddaughter of Lambert Daniel Russell and Rhoda Celestia SANFORD, his wife.
[p.280] Gr.-granddaughter of Stephen D. Russell and Sabra Hotchkiss, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Amos Hotchkiss and Abigail Scott, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Gideon Hotchkiss (1716-1807) and Anna Brocket, his first wife, m. 1737. See No.
Volume 30 [p.379] ROLL OF HONOR page 49
Mrs. Lucy Virginia Chappell Bush. DAR ID Number: 29145 Born in Gates, New York.
Wife of Seth J. Bush.
Descendant of David Campbell, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of James Chappell (1838-89) and Lucy Virginia Campbell, his wife.
Granddaughter of Egbert Halstead Campbell and Susan Ann SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Richard Campbell (1780-1820) and Arabella Grace Bogue (1793-1836),
his wife; Ambrose SANDFORD and Lucretia Perry, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of David Campbell and Lucy Laflin (1763-1852), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Robert Campbell and Mary Pierce (1718-90), his wife.
David Campbell, (1758-1836), served as private in Col. Marinus Willett's regiment of Massachusetts militia. He
was born in Westfield;  removed to Pittsfield, 1790, and died there.
Volume 30[p.379] ROLL OF HONOR page 279
Mrs. Frances Wakeman Miller. DAR ID Number: 29773 Born in Weston, Connecticut.
Descendant of Ensign Aaron Barlow.
Daughter of Samuel Wakeman Coley and Annie Augusta SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Enoch Augustus SANFORD and Eliza Ann Barlow, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Barlow and Sarah Dimond, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Aaron Barlow and Rebeckah SANFORD, his wife.
Aaron Barlow, (1750-1800), served in the Connecticut militia as a private, 1775, and as ensign, 1777, in a short
campaign. He was born in Redding. Conn.; died in Norfolk, Va.  Also Nos. 3588, 27474.
Volume 30[p.379] ROLL OF HONOR page 342
Miss Jennie May Stoddard. DAR ID Number: 29954 Born in Detroit, Michigan.
Descendant of Capt. Nathan Stoddard, of Connecticut.
[p.342] Daughter of Charles Meigs Stoddard and Eliza Johnson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Rodman Stoddard and Mary Matteson, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Nathan Ashbel Stoddard and Ruth Judson, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Nathan Stoddard and Eunice SANFORD, his wife.
Nathan Stoddard, (1742-77), raised a company and in the desperate attack by the British on Fort Mifflin was
instantly killed. When the enemy entered the fort they found every cannon stained with blood. He was born in
Woodbury, Conn. Also No. 2524.
Volume 32 page 98
Mrs. Joanna Ketchum SANFORD.  DAR ID Number: 31251 Born in Stamford, Connecticut.
Wife of William H. SANFORD.
Descendant of Capt. Abraham Swartwout, Jr., of New York.
Daughter of Robert Swartwout and Sarah Stearns Satterlee, his wife.
Granddaughter of Brig. Gen. Robert Swartwout and Margaret Borgert Dunscomb, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Abraham Swartwout, Jr., and Mary North, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Abraham Swartwout and Tryntje Van Kleck, his wife.
Abraham Swartwout, Jr., (1742-99), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company of Dutchess county
militia  1776 and Associated Exempts 1779. At Fort Stanwix he contributed [p.98] his blue cloth cloak for the field
of blue to make  the first American flag carried to victory. He was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he died.
Volume 32 page 185
Mrs. Adeline SANFORD Bedford. DAR ID Number: 31487 Born in Readsboro, Vermont.
Wife of George Bedford.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD.
Daughter of Michael SANFORD and Caroline Jeanette Milliard, his wife.
Granddaughter of William SANFORD and Lucy Rice, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Parthena Baldwin, his wife.
Samuel SANFORD, (1740-1804), enlisted in the army, 1775; served as lieutenant, 1776, and 1777 commanded a
company,  Continental Line, in the battles of the Jerseys. The sword presented to him by Washington is still in the
family. He was born in  Milford, Connecticut, where he died. Also Nos. 13121, 16004, 23916, 24677.
Volume 33 page 133
Mrs. Hattie Nettleton Griffith. DAR ID Number: 32384 Born in Bristol, Connecticut.
Wife of Rev. George William Griffith.
Descendant of Sergt. Elihu SANFORD, Abraham Bartholomew, Jacob Bartholomew, Capt. Isaiah Thompson and
Hezekiah Gridley, all of Connecticut.
Daughter of Henry Merriman and Lucinda Tuttle, his wife.
Granddaughter of Eli Todd Merriman and Jeannette Bartholomew, his wife; Eliada Tuttle and Hannah
SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Titus Merriman and Polly Thompson, his wife; Asa Bartholomew, (b. 1776) and Charity
Shelton, his wife; Elihu SANFORD and Sarah Thorpe, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Isaiah Thomspon and Lydia Norton, his wife; Jacob Bartholomew and Sarah Gridley,
(1738-1801), his 1st wife, m. 1760.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Abraham Bartholomew and Hannah Page, his wife; Hezekiah Gridley and Sarah
Newell, his wife.
Elihu SANFORD, (1759-1839), was placed on the pension roll 1818, of New Haven county for service as sergeant
in the Connecticut Line. He was born in Bethany, Conn., where he died.
Abraham Bartholomew, (1708-98), was a patriot. He was born in Branford; died in Bristol.
Jacob Bartholomew, (1736-1805), served as a soldier; was captured and confined on a prison ship.Also No. 5364.
Isaiah Thompson, (1753-91), rose from private to captain, [p.133] Connecticut Continental artillery. He was a
member of the  Cincinnati of  Connecticut. He died in Avon, N. Y. Also No. 5386.
Hezekiah Gridley, (1701-76), served on war committees of Bristol.
Volume 33 page 207
Mrs. Julia M. SANFORD Harvey. DAR ID Number: 32616 Born in Menasha, Wisconsin.
Wife of Leon Jackson Harvey.
Descendant of Ozias Grant, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Buritt Fisher SANFORD and Grace Reed Grant, his wife.
Granddaughter of Elijah Grant and Hannah Pierce, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Wareham Grant and Grace Reed, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Ozias Grant and Lorana Strong, his wife.
Ozias Grant, (1733-1823), was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm. He was born in East Windsor, Conn.; died in
Rockville, Conn. Also No. 29848.
Volume 33 page 15
Mrs. Clara Goodall SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 32043 Born in Lisbon, New Hampshire.
Wife of Goodyear A. SANFORD.
Descendant of Rev. David Goodall, Daniel Gilman and Dr. Amos Gale, all of New Hampshire.
Daughter of David Green Goodall and Maria M. Dearborn French, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ira Goodall and Hannah Child Hutchins, his wife; Dr. John French and Mary Gale, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Rev. David Goodall and Elizabeth Brigham, his wife; Dr. Amos Gale and Hannah Gilman,
his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Gilman and Hannah Colcord, his wife.
Amos Gale, (1744-1813), served as selectman of Kingston, N. H., and assisted in purchasing supplies for the army.
Daniel Gilman, (1705-95), served in the defense of the harbor at Portsmouth, 1775, and aided to check the advance
of the enemy from Canada. Also Nos. 180, 1040, 2118, 24512.
David Goodall, (1749-1830), a graduate of Dartmouth, served in the expedition to defend Fort Prescott. He was
born in Marlboro, Mass.; died in Littleton, N. H.  Also No. 25775.
Volume 38  page 234
Mrs. Ellen M. Alexander. DAR ID Number: 36662 Born in Monmouth, Illinois.
Wife of Thomas A. Alexander.
Descendant of Aloney Rust.
Daughter of Almiron G. Pierce and Caroline C. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Rev. Alba SANFORD and Minerva Rust, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Aloney Rust and Esther Doud, his wife, m. 1790.
Aloney Rust, (1766-1857), enlisted at fifteen and served in [p.234] Capt. Samuel Canfield's company of militia. He
was born in Hartford, Conn.; died in Fowler, Ohio. Also Nos. 26015, 32030.
Volume 40 page 100
Mrs. Adele Abbey SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 39280 Born in Brooklyn, New York.
Wife of David SANFORD.
Desccndant of Capt. Thomas Abbey and of Sergt. Thomas Couch, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Westminster Abbey and Harriet Couch, his wife.
Granddaughter of Simeon Abbey and Tabitha Killem, his wife; Jonathan Couch and Elizabeth Hall, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Thomas Abbey and Penelope Terry, his wife; Jonathan Couch and Elizabeth Hall, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Thomas Abbey and Penelope Terry, his wife, m. 1749; Thomas Couch and Sarah Nash, his
wife, m. 1772.
Thomas Abbey (1731-1811), was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm and commanded a company, 1777; retired,
1778. He  was born and died in Enfield, Conn. Also Nos. 30819, 31188.
Thomas Couch (1751-1817), served as sergeant in Capt. David Dimon's Co. in the first call for troops and as
quarter-master's sergeant. He was born in Fairfield; died in Redding. Also No. 16431.
Volume 42 page 322
Mrs. Georgie Andros Brooks. DAR ID Number: 41866 Born in Garnaville, Iowa.
Wife of Anson Strong Brooks.
Descendant of Rev. Thomas Andros.
Daughter of Richard S. S. Andros and Maria Worthing, his wife.
Granddaughter of Frederick Andros (1805-95) and Elizabeth Bunker, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Rev. Thomas Andros and Sophia SANFORD, his second wife, m. 1790.
Thomas Andros, (1759-1845), enlisted at sixteen in the Connecticut militia and served in the New York campaign;
was under  Sullivan in the battle of Rhode Island. He enlisted on a privateer 1781, was captured and confined on
the "Jersey," but made his  escape. He was born in Norwalk, Conn.; died in Berkeley, Mass. Also Nos. 6443, 15691.
Volume 47 page 439
Mrs. Estelle Dana Lane Witherell. DAR ID Number: 46939 Born in Cornwall, Vt.
Wife of Charles Leslie Witherell.
Descendant of Jonah SANFORD, Amariah Dana, Jacob Peck, Ebenezer Terrill, and Zadok Gibbs.
Daughter of Charles Henry Lane (b. 1853) and Sarah E. SANFORD (b. 1857), his wife, m. 1876.
Granddaughter of Henry Lane and Mary Antoinette Peck, his wife; Horatio SANFORD (1821-58) and Sarah A.
Dana (b.  1828), his wife, m. 1850.
Gr-granddaughter of Job Lane and Sarah Turrill, his wife; Daniel SANFORD (1756-1876) and Dotha Peck
(1791-1873), his  wife, m. 1815; Austin Dana and Susan Gale, his wife; Alanson Peck and Mary Parker, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife; Eleazer Dana and Sarah
Cutler, his  wife; Jacob Peck (1756-1838) and Elizabeth Gibbs (1760-1843), his wife, m. 1781; Beebe Turrill and
Elizabeth Ells, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (1742-1817), his wife, m. 1757; Amariah Dana
and Dorothy May, his wife; Ebenezer Terrill and Lois Hall, his wife; Zadok Gibbs and Elizabeth Townsend, his
wife, m. 1752.
Jonah SANFORD (1734-1817) served in Capt. Jesse Curtiss' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment. He was
born and  died in South Farms, Conn. Also No. 36550.
Amariah Dana was one of the Green Mountain Boys who served with Ethan Allen at the capture of Ticonderoga
1775. He was  born 1738.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted 1776 under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer 1777. He was allowed a
pension 1832 at Cornwall, Vt., for six months as private and nine months as artificer, Connecticut line. Also No.
Ebenezer Terrill (1742-1825) served in Col. Samuel Canfield's regiment, Connecticut line 1781. He died in
Shoreham, Vt.
Zadok Gibbs (1723-89) served in a regiment of militia, Light Dragoons, commanded by Maj. Thomas Bull at the
New Haven  and Norwalk Alarms 1779. He was born in Litchfield, Conn.
Volume 48 page 407
Mrs. Lillian Cole Hinde. DAR ID Number: 47860 Born in St. Louis, Mo.
Wife of Samuel Bigstaff Hinde.
Descendant of John Leavens.
Daughter of William Wilson SANFORD and Eliza Augusta Cole, his wife.
Granddaughter of Joseph L. SANFORD and Jane R. Wilson, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Thomas SANFORD and Esther W. Leavens, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Leavens and Esther Williams, his wife.
John Leavens (1736-99) was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm and turned out for the relief of Boston. He was
born in Killingly, Conn.; removed 1788 to Ohio and was one of forty who settled the town of Belpré.
Also Nos. 3773, 14623, 25338, 37760.
Volume 55  page 47
Mrs. Ellen Decherd SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 54113 Born in Wallingford, Conn.
Wife of Charles Bartlett SANFORD.
Descendant of Lieut. Jehiel Hall, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Decherd and Ellen Thomas, his wife.
Granddaughter of Nathan Thomas and Harriet Hall, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Jehiel Hall, Jr., and Sarah Kirkland, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jehiel Hall and Catherine Hall, his wife.
[p.47] Jehiel Hall (1735-1807) served as a lieutenant in the 1st Connecticut regiment of Light Horse. He was born
and died in Wallingford, Conn.
Volume 56 page 67
Mrs. Effie Kayser Mayhew.  DAR ID Number: 55143  Born in Litchfield, Ill.
Wife of Jake Mayhew.
Descendant of Sergt. Daniel Twitchell.
Daughter of Herman Kayser and Alice Stearns, his wife.
Granddaughter of Augustus Stearns and Mary Ann Twitchell, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John Twitchell and Anna SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Daniel Twitchell and Eunice Childs, his wife.
Daniel Twitchell (1757-1800) enlisted, 1775, as a private in Capt. Nathaniel Fuller's company, Col. Thomas
Gardner's regiment. He enlisted, 1777, as sergeant in Captain Ashley's company from Weston, Mass. He was born
in Weston; died in  New Haven, Vt.  Also No. 47578.
Volume 62  page 108
Mrs. Madeline French SANFORD Booth. DAR ID Number: 61311 Born in Rochester, N. Y.
Wife of Thomas Sidney Booth.
Descendant of Caleb Thayer.
Daughter of John Edward SANFORD and Mary Thayer, his 2nd wife.
Granddaughter of John M. Thayer and Adeliza Severance, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Caleb Thayer, Jr. (b. 1791), and Cynthia Haskins, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Caleb Thayer and Judy Hayden, his wife, m. 1782.
Caleb Thayer enlisted, 1776, in Capt. Isaac Thayer's company, Col. Thomas Marshall's regiment of Massachusetts
troops;  engaged in battles of Ticonderoga, Whitehall, and taking of Burgoyne. In 1849 his widow applied for a
pension. Her claim was  allowed.  He was born in Braintree, Mass.; died, 1831, in Burlington, Vt.
Volume 62 page 303
Mrs. Bertha Hayes SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 61875 Born in Macoupin County, Ill.
Wife of I. E. SANFORD.
Descendant of Capt. Robert Culbertson and of Thomas McNair, of Pennsylvania.
Daughter of Edgar Wilson Hayes and Margaret F. Heck, his wife.
Granddaughter of David Hayes and Nancy Colwell, his wife; Jacob Heck and Margaret Sturgeon, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Wilson Hayes and Mary Culbertson, his wife; Samuel Sturgeon and Martha McNair, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Robert Culbertson and Annie Duncan, his wife; Thomas McNair and Ann Wallace, his
Robert Culbertson (1755-1801) in 1776 commanded the 5th battalion of volunteers while the British occupied
Philadelphia. In 1780 he was appointed wagonmaster of Cumberland County. He was born and died in Franklin
County, Pa. Also No. 53142.
Thomas McNair (1737-1830) was a private in the Jersey campaign in Capt. James Rogers' company, Col. Timothy
Green's Hanover rifle battalion. He also served in the Lancaster Associators. He was born in Ireland; died in
Dauphin County. Also No. 12338.
Volume 66 page 111
Mrs. Minnie A. Horton Rogers. DAR ID Number: 65320 Born in Suffolk County, N. Y.
Wife of Camillus P. Rogers.
Descendant of Thomas Horton.
Daughter of Heman B. Horton (1831-90) and Louisa M. Walker (b. 1931), his wife, m. 1853.
Granddaughter of Thomas H. Horton (1805-92) and Elizabeth H. SANFORD (1804-88), his wife, m. 1830.
Gr-granddaughter of Jacob Horton (1770-1849) and Annis Gillet (b. 1772), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Thomas Horton and Hannah Hix (d. 1814), his wife.
Thomas Horton (1745-1825) served as private in Capt. Elisha Gilbert's company, Col. William B. Whiting's New
York regiment. He was born in Rehoboth, Mass.; died in New Lebanon, N. Y.
Volume 66 page 168
Miss Ruth Galpin. DAR ID Number: 65491 Born in Berlin, Conn.
Descendant of Josiah Wilcox, Josiah Smith, Thomas Galpin, Josiah Talmage, and Josiah Talmage, Jr.
Daughter of Henry Norris Galpin (1820-92) and Eliza (SANFORD) Booth (b. 1838), his wife, m. 1867.
Granddaughter of Norris Galpin (1794-1826) and Hepzibah Wilcox (1796-1853), his wife, m. 1818; Nathan
SANFORD (1815-56) and Mary A. Talmage (1818-1901), his wife, m. 1836.
Gr-granddaughter of Thomas Galpin and Ruth Goodrich (1761-1843), his wife, m. 1783; Josiah Wilcox and
Huldah Savage (1752-1816), his 2nd wife, m. 1777; Caleb Talmage (1784-1841) and Polly Smith (1785-1874), his
wife, m. 1806.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Josiah Smith and Thankful Hitchcock (b. 1761), his wife, m. 1779; Josiah Talmage, Jr.,
and Hannah Blakesley, his wife, m. 1783.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Josiah Talmage and Sybil Todd (1742-78), his wife, m. 1759.
Josiah Wilcox (1750-1835) enlisted, 1777, as fifer in Capt. James Stoddard's company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's
Connecticut  regiment. He was born in Middletown; died in Berlin, Conn.  Also No. 61658.
Josiah Smith (1757-1833) enlisted in the 2nd company, 7th regiment, Connecticut troops, 1775. In 1833, he applied
for a  pension. His claim was allowed. He was born in Wallingford; died in Prospect, Conn.
Thomas Galpin (1757-1802) was a private in Capt. Gad Stanley's company, 2nd battalion, Wadsworth's brigade,
1776, to reinforce Washington at New York. He was born in Middletown; died in Berlin, Conn.
Josiah Talmage (1736-84) served as a minute man from Brandford, Conn., where he was born. He died in Cheshire,
Conn . Josiah Talmage, Jr., was one of two months' men who served in Capt. Ephraim Cook's company, from
Wallingford, Conn., where, in 1763, he was born. He died in Wolcott, Conn.
Volume 68 page 168
Mrs. Catherine Lindsay Smith Greer.  DAR ID Number: 67472 Born in Pine Bluff, Ark.
Wife of Hal Irby Greer.
Descendant of William Coit, Sergt. Peter Smith, Capt. Ambrose Hine, Maj. William Lindsay, Elijah Cleveland, and
Capt. George Calvert.
Daughter of Willis Roswell Smith (1855-1918) and Flora Toinette Bocage (b. 1856), his wife, m. 1884.
Granddaughter of James Thomas Smith (1822-89) and Prudence Ann Maxwell (1826-94), his wife, m. 1846; Joseph
William  Bocage (1819-98) and Frances SANFORD Lindsay (1823-1906), his wife, m. 1840.
Gr-granddaughter of Thomas Botherick Smith (1791-1856) and Clarissa Hine Frost (1787-1849), his wife, m. 1820;
William  Coit Bocage and Marie Anne Lavoisier, his wife; William Henry Lindsay (1773-1823) and Catherine
Washington SANFORD  (1784-1848), his wife, m. 1804.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Peter Smith and Abigail Cleveland Batherick (1760-1820), his wife; Isadore Bocage and
Elizabeth Coit, his wife; Silas Hine (1764-1841) and Betsey Eyrell (1767-1834), his wife, m. 1786; William Lindsay
and Ann Calvert  (1751-1822), his wife, m. 1766.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of William Coit and Sarah Prentis, his wife; Ambrose Hine and Betsey Ford, his 2nd
wife;  Elijah  Cleveland and Alice Lawrence (1731-99), his wife, m. 1748; George Calvert and Anne Crupper, his
wife, m. 1740.
William Coit (1721-38), in 1775, organized, equipped, and drilled a military company, which marched from
Cambridge to  Bunker Hill, while the battle was in progress, to aid the troops from Connecticut to cover the retreat
of the provincials. He was  born in New London, Conn.; died in Wilmington, N. C., while on a southern tour. Also
No. 65477.
Peter Smith (1742-1843) was sergeant in the New York, Albany County militia, under Capt. Jacob F. Shaver,
Lieut. Col.  Henry Livingston. He was born in Connecticut; died in Davenport or Meredith, N. Y.
Ambrose Hine (1726-1810) commanded the 10th company, Connecticut militia, for the defense of the North River.
He was  born in Milford; died in Woodbridge, Conn. Also No. 50390.
William Lindsay (1721-92) served as major in the Virginia militia under General Green. Severely wounded at the
battle of  Guilford Court House. He was born and died in Virginia.
Elijah Cleveland (1721-94) was a member of the 9th regiment, Albany County, New York militia. He was born in
Canterbury,  Conn.; died in Hillsdale, N. Y.
George Calvert (1712-82) was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, and in 1781 was appointed captain by
Thomas  Jefferson, of the Culpeper militia. He was born in Prince William County, Va.; died in Culpeper County.
Volume 69 page 149
Mrs. Sarah E. SANFORD Lane. DAR ID Number: 68403 Born in Cornwall, Vt.
Wife of Charles H. Lane.
Descendant of Ensign Jonah SANFORD, Jacob Peck, and Zadok Gibbs.
Daughter of Horatio SANFORD (1821-58) and Sarah A. Dana (b. 1828), his wife, m. 1850.
Granddaughter of Daniel SANFORD (1786-1876) and Dotha Peck (1791-1873), his wife, m. 1815.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1833) and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife; Jacob Peck and
Elizabeth Gibbs (1760-1843), his wife, m. 1781.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (d. 1807), his wife; Zadok Gibbs and Elizabeth
Townsend,  his wife, m. 1752.
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis' company, Colonel Hooker's regiment of
Erastus Wolcott's brigade. He was born and died in South Farms, Conn.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted, 1776, under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer, 1777. He was allowed
a pension, 1832, at Cornwall, Vt., for six months as private and nine months as artificer, Connecticut Line. He died
in Cornwall, Vt.
Zadok Gibbs (1723-89) served in a regiment of militia, Light Dragoons, commanded by Major Thomas Bull, at the
New Haven  and Norwalk Alarms, 1779. He was born in Litchfield, Conn. Also No. 46939.
Volume 70  page 249
Mrs. Una SANFORD Foote.  DAR ID Number: 69702 Born in Cornwall, Vt.
Wife of Franklin E. Foote.
Descendant of Ensign Jonah SANFORD, Jacob Peck, Felix Benton, Zebulon Jones, Jr., John Rockwell, John
Rockwell, Jr.,  Sergt. Calvin Tilden, Zadock Gibbs, Enos Ives, and Elisha Fuller.
Daughter of Harrison Edgar SANFORD (b. 1847) and Cornelia Rockwell (b. 1850), his wife, m. 1873.
Granddaughter of Edgar SANFORD (1825-1907) and Minerva Tilden (1825-1907), his wife, m. 1846; Simeon
Sperry Rockwell (1815-1902) and Mary Beulah Jones (1817-69), his wife, m. 1837.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD (1795-1869) and Anna Peck (1802-92), his [p.248] wife, m. 1821; Levi F.
Tilden  (1787-1837) and Catherine Benton (1795-1838), his wife, m. 1824; Amzi Jones (1777-1856) and Hepzibah
Harvey (1779-1860), his wife, m. 1799; John Rockwell (1788-1862) and Angelina Sperry (1785-1843), his wife, m.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1838) and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife; Jacob Peck
and  Elizabeth Gibbs (d. 1843), his wife; Felix Benton and Lamer Leicester (1766-1855), his wife; Zebulon Jones,
Jr., and Mary  Cooley (1750-1840), his wife, m. 1767; John Rockwell, Jr., and Rebecca Ives (d. 1837), his wife, m.
1777; Calvin Tilden and  Lydia Fuller (1755-1833), his wife, m. 1775.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (1742-1807), his wife, m. 1757; John Rockwell
andHannah Scott (b. 1731), his 1st wife, m. 1754; Zadock Gibbs and Elizabeth Townsend, his wife, m. 1752; Enos
Ives and  Annah Cook, his wife, m. 1749; Elisha Fuller and Esther Hungerford (b. 1728), his wife, m. 1748.
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtiss' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment.
He was  born and died in South Farms, Conn. Also No. 36550.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted, 1776, under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer. He was allowed a
pension, 1832, at Cornwall, Vt., for six months as private and nine months as artificer, Connecticut Line. He was
born in Farrington,  Conn.; died in Cornwall, Vt. Also No. 68403.
Felix Benton (1762-1851) was placed on the pension roll of Addison County, Vt., 1832, for service as private,
Massachusetts  Continental Line. He was born in West Stockbridge, Mass.; died in Cornwall, Vt.
Zebulon Jones, Jr. (1747-1836), served, 1776, in Capt. Henry Jones' company, Col. Van Schaick's regiment of New
York  militia. His widow received a pension on claim executed in 1837. He was born in Somers, Conn.; died in
Cornwall, Vt.
John Rockwell (1734-1825) served, 1777-83, as private in Captain Humphrey's company, 2nd regiment,
Connecticut Line. He  was born in Ridgefield, Conn.; died in Cornwall, Vt.
John Rockwell, Jr. (1755-1825), served in the Berkshire County militia at Bennington. He was born in Ridgefield,
Conn.; died  in Cornwall, Vt.
Calvin Tilden (1744-1822) served as sergeant in Captains Rawley and Crocker's companies, Colonels Simond and
Brown's  Massachusetts regiments. He was born in Hebron, Conn.; died in Cornwall, Vt.
Zadock Gibbs (1723-89) served as private in Maj. Thomas Bull's regiment of Light Dragoons at the New Haven
and Norwalk  Alarms. He was born in Litchfield, Conn. Also No. 68403.
Enos Ives served as private in Capt. Samuel Williams' company, Col. Thomas Lee's regiment of Vermont militia.
He was born, 1727, in Wallingford, Conn.; died in Ellery, N. Y.
Elisha Fuller (1727-1811) served as private in Provisional regiment, 1782-83, in Capt. Durkee's company. He was
born in East  Haddam. Conn.; died in Richmond, Mass.
Volume 72  page 45
Miss Mabel Morrow.   DAR ID Number: 71118   Born in Frankfort, Ind.
Descendant of Eben Hotchkiss.
Dauughter of Thomas E. Morrow (1839-1907) and Elizabeth Pritchard (b. 1843), his wife, m. 1866.
Granddaughter of Bull Pritchard (1812-97) and Margaret Wead (1816-97), his wife, m. 1842.
Gr-granddaughter of John Pritchard (1781-1855) and Anna Hotchkiss (1781-1855), his wife, m. 1806.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Eben Hotchkiss and Mary SANFORD (1762-1835), his wife, m. 1781.
Eben Hotchkiss (1757-1853) applied for a pension, 1832, from New Haven County, Conn. He served as private in
Captain  Curtiss' company, Colonel Thompson's regiment. He was born in Waterbury, Conn.; died in Prospect.
Volume 72 page 156

Mrs. Alice L. Belfield Curtis.  DAR ID Number: 71433 Born in Stratford, Va.
Wife of Clarence E. Curtis.
Descendant of Major John Belfield.
Daughter of Le Roy Daingerfield Belfield (1846-88) and Mary E. Spilrnan (b 1852), his wife, m. 1868.
Granddaughter of Thomas Meriwether Belfield (1796-1863) and Frances SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Thomas Wright Belfield (1744-1803) and Anne H. Beale his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Belfield and Ruth Sydnor, his wife, m. 1744.
John Belfield (1725-1805) was lieutenant, 1776, of the Virginia Dragoons, and in 1777-81, captain and major. He
was born  and died in
Virginia. Also No. 57013.
Volume 73 page 254
Mrs. Mary Jane SANFORD Ward. DAR ID Number: 72718 Born in Knoxville, Ill.
Wife of Frederick Wood Ward.
Descendant of Ensign Jonah SANFORD, Jacob Peck, and Zadock Gibbs.
Daughter of Patrick Henry SANFORD (1822-1905) and Jane F. Griffin (1818-63), his wife, m. 1853.
Granddaughter of John SANFORD (1795-1869) and Anna Peck (1802-92), his wife, m. 1821.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1838) and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife; Jacob Peck and
Elizabeth  Gibbs
(1760-1843), his wife, m. 1781.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (d. 1807), his wife; Zadock Gibbs and Lydia
Townsend, his  wife, m. 1752.
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment.
He was born and died in  South Farms, Conn. Also No. 36550.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted, 1776, under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer. He was allowed a
pension, 1832, at Cornwall, Vt., for six months as private and nine months as artificer, Connecticut Line. He was
born in  Farrington,  Conn.; died in Cornwall, VT.
Zadock Gibbs (1723-89) served as private in Major Thomas Bull's regiment of Light Dragoons at the New Haven
and Norwalk Alarms. He was born in Litchfield, Conn. Also 68403.
Volume 76 page 125
Mrs. Eugenia Andros Birkholz.  DAR ID Number: 75340 Born in Garnavillo, Iowa.
Wife of John Birkholz.
Descendant of Rev. Thomas Andros.
Daughter of Frederick Andros (1805-95) and Elizabeth Bunker (d. 1879), his wife.
Granddaughter of Thomas Andros and Sophia SANFORD, his wife, m. 1799.
Thomas Andros (1759-1845) served as private and musician more [p.125] than two years, and was captured and
confined on  the prison ship "Jersey." He was born in Norwich, Conn.; died in Berkeley, Mass. Also Nos. 6443,
Volume 77 page 114
Mrs. Josephine Griffith. DAR ID Number: 76303 Born in Rome, N. Y.
Descendant of Corp. Artemas Brigham.
Daughter of Ezra Hollis Griffith (1839-95) and Jennie SANFORD (b. 1842), his wife, m. 1862.
Granddaughter of Hiram Penfield SANFORD (d. 1872) and Charlotte M. Wilcox (d. 1877), his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Thomas Wilcox and Cynthia Brigham (d. 1872), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Artemas Brigham and Mary Cornish, his wife.
Artemas Brigham, 1775, was a private in the company of Capt. Caleb Wright, Col. John Fellows' Massachusetts
regiment;  1777, corporal in  Col. John Brown's Berkshire County regiment, and, 1780, under Capt. John Collar
and Col. John Ashley.  He was born and died in New Marlborough, Mass.
Volume 79 page 348
Mrs. Nina Miller SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 78953 Born in Elkton, Va.
Wife of Claud Singleton SANFORD.
Descendant of Henry Miller, Conrad Harnsberger, Capt. Stephen Conrad, and Jacob Baer.
Daughter of Dr. S. P. H. Miller (1834-95) and Sallie Catherine Baer (1839-86), his wife, m. 1858.
Granddaughter of Henry Miller (1797-1873) and Susan Ursula Harnsberger (1801-74), his wife, m. 1819; Wesley
Baer (1808-79) and Mary Elizabeth Conrad (1816-41), his wife, m. 1839.
Gr-granddaughter of Henry Miller (1764-1850) and Mary Price, his wife, m. 1787; Conrad Harnsberger and Anna
Barbara Miller (b. 1757), his wife, m. 1778; Henry Conrad (1789-1849) and Sallie Harnsberger (1794-1870), his
wife, m. 1813;  Henry Baer (1756-1847) and Catherine Runkle (1773-1846), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Henry Miller and Elizabeth Kooger, his wife; Jacob Baer and Istana Barbara Miller
(1726-91), his  wife; Stephen Conrad and Mary Margaret Moyers (1762-1820), his 1st wife.
Henry Miller (1743-84) furnished supplies for the army in 1780-82. He was born and died in Virginia.
Conrad Harnsberger (1758-1814) served, 1777, in Capt. Thomas Buck's company, 8th Virginia regiment, and was
allowed  money by the courts for supplies furnished in 1780-82 for the United States Government. He was born and
died in Virginia.
Stephen Conrad served as captain of Rockingham County, Virginia militia. He was born in Virginia; died there in
Jacob Baer (1724-92) was a patriot of Virginia, who supplied provisions for the army. He was born and died in
Volume 85  page 106
Mrs. Margaret Watson SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 84265 Born in Lamar County, Tex.
Wife of John T. SANFORD.
Descendant of John Watson, as follows:
1. Thomas Wheeler Watson (1845-80), m. 1869, Martha Williams Couch (1848-85).
2. John Wheeler Watson (1804-46), m. 1842, Harriet Lenora Prowell (1822-79).
3. John Watson, Jr. (1768-1829), m. 1794, Mary Watson (1775-1829).
4. John Watson, m. 1764, Desire Wheeler (b. 1748).
John Watson (1737-82) served as private, 1780, in Col. Christopher Greene's 1st battalion of Rhode Island. He was
born in  South Kingston, R. I.  Also No. 83830.
Volume 89 page 225
Miss Jessie Antoinette Lane.  DAR ID Number: 88716 Born in Cornwall, VT.
Descendant of Ensign Ebenezer Terrill, Jonah SANFORD, Amariah Dana, Jacob Peck and Zadock Gibbs, as
1. Charles Henry Lane (b. 1853) m. 1876 Sarah E. SANFORD (b. 1857).
2. Henry Lane (1824-87) m. 1849 Mary Antoinette Peck (1828-1903); Horatio SANFORD (1821-58) m. 1850 Sarah
A. Dana (b. 1828).
3. Job Lane (1787-1859) m. 1811 Sarah Terrill (1792-1853); Daniel SANFORD (1786-1876) m. 1815 Dotha Peck
(1791-1873); Austin Dana (1795-1870) m. 1825 Susan Gale (1807-68).
4. Beebe Terrill (1767-1849) m. 1789 Elizabeth Ells; Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1833) m. Sarah Marsh
(1766-1818); Jacob Peck m. Elizabeth Gibbs (1760-1843); Eleazer Dana (1767-1838) m. Sarah Cutter.
5. Ebenezer Terrill m. 1766 Lois Hall (d. 1827); Jonah SANFORD m. 1757 Rhoda Woodruff (1742-1807); Zadock
Gibbs m. 1752 Elizabeth Townsend; Amaziah Dana m. 1st Dorothy May.
Ebenezer Terrill (1742-1825) served in Col. Samuel Canfield's regiment, Connecticut Line, 1781. He died in
Shoreham, VT.
Jonah SANFORD (1734-1817) served in Capt. Jesse Curtiss' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment. He was
born and died in South Farms, Conn.
Amariah Dana (1742-1825) was one of the Green Mountain Boys who served with Ethan Allen at the capture of
Ticonderoga,  1775. He was born in Pomfret, Conn.; died in Amherst, Mass.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted, 1776, under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer, 1777. He was allowed
a pension, 1832 at Cornwall, VT.
Zadock Gibbs (1723-89) served in a regiment of militia, Light Dragoons commanded by Major Thomas Bull at the
New Haven and Norwalk Alarms, 1779. He was born in Litchfield, Conn.  Also No. 46939.
Volume 90  page 92
Mrs. Josephine Greenleaf Day Mendell. DAR ID Number: 89290 Born in Superior, Neb.
Wife of Bert C. Mendell.
Descendant of Dr. Daniel Greenleaf and of Israel Greenleaf, as follows:
1. George Leverett Day (b. 1857) m. 1881 Isabelle Barber (b. 1857).
2. Ira Church Day (1821-64) m. 1845 Orcelia Greenleaf (1821-88).
3. William Greenleaf (1797-1885) m. 1820 Almira SANFORD (d. 1863).
4. Tilly Greenleaf (1760-1850) m. 1795 Mary (Polly) Spofford.
5. Israel Greenleaf m. 1st 1754 Prudence Whitcomb (d. 1784).
6. Daniel Greenleaf m. 1726 Silence Marsh.
Daniel Greenleaf (1702-95), who had fought at Louisburg, guarded the prisoners taken at the capture of Burgoyne.
He was born in Cambridge, Mass.
Israel Greenleaf (1734-1824) served as private, 1780, in Capt. Thomas Brintall's company, Col. Cyprian How's
Middlesex  County,  Massachusetts regiment. He was born in Bolton, Mass.; died in Columbus, N.Y.
Also No. 80100.
Volume 97 page 57
Mrs. Emma Virginia Belfield Barnard. DAR ID Number: 96181 Born in Stratford, Va.
Wife of Harry F. Barnard.
Descendant of Maj. John Belfield, as follows:
1. LeRoy Daingerfield Belfield (1846-88) m. 1868 Mary E. Spilman (b. 1852).
2. Thomas Meriwether Belfield (1796-1863) m. Frances SANFORD.
3. Thomas Wright Belfield (1845-1903) m. Anne H. Beale.
4. John Belfield m. 1844 Ruth Sydnor.
John Belfield (1725-1805) was lieutenant, 1776, of the Virginia dragoons and, 1777-81, served as captain and
major. He was born and died in Virginia. Also No. 71433.
Volume 99 page 190
Mrs. Mary Blakslee Elwell. DAR ID Number: 98606 Born in Colesville, N. Y.
Wife of W. D. Elwell.
Descendant of Capt. Archibald McNeil, Ensign Daniel SANFORD, Lieut. Eaton Jones, and Eaton Jones, Jr., as
1. Marcus Jones Blakslee (1816-58) m. 1852 Mary Ann Martin (1818-82).
2. Thomas Blakslee (1782-1858) m. 1813 Mary Jones (1788-1829); Samuel Martin (1790-1854) m. Melinda
3. Eaton Jones, Jr., m. 1788 Mary McNeil (1770-1841); Samuel Martin m. 1777 Phebe SANFORD (1761-1828).
4. Eaton Jones m. Elizabeth Catlin; Archibald McNeil m. 1764 Jemima Orton (1740-98); Daniel SANFORD m.
1753Thankful Toles.
Archibald McNeil (1738-1813) commanded a militia company, 1779, on the New Haven Alarm. He was born and
died in Litchfield, Conn. Also No. 77223.
Daniel SANFORD (1729-77) served as ensign in Capt. Daniel Hicock's company, Col. Samuel Whiting's
regiment,  Connecticut Line.  He was born and died in Connecticut.
Eaton Jones (1729-91) served as private and lieutenant in 17th regiment at Peekskill, N. Y. He was born and died
in Connecticut.
Eaton Jones, Jr. (1762-1838), was pensioned as private in Captain Stanton's company, Col. Elisha Sheldon's Light
Dragoons. He was born in Connecticut; died in Litchfield.
Volume 103[p.311] INDEX page 68
Mrs. Elizabeth Pritchard Morrow. DAR ID Number: 102220 Born in Dayton, Ohio.
Wife of Thomas E. Morrow.
Descendant of Eben Hotchkiss, as follows:
1. Buel Pritchard (1812-97) m. 1842 Margaret Wead (1816-97).
2. John Pritchard (1781-1855) m. 1806 Anna Hotchkiss (1781-1855).
3. Eben Hotchkiss m. 1781 Mary SANFORD (1762-1835).
Eben Hotchkiss (1757-1853) applied for a pension, 1832, from New Haven County, Conn. He served as private in
Captain  Curtiss' company, Colonel Thompson's regiment. He was born in Waterbury; died in Prospect, Conn.
Also No. 71118.
Volume 108 page 91
Mrs. Harriet SANFORD Carroll. DAR ID Number: 107274 Born in New Castle, Ky.
Wife of John D. Carroll.
Descendant of Bracket Owen, as follows:
1. Lewis Major SANFORD (1824-1901) m. 1869 Fanny Newton Smith (1846-92).
2. Abraham Owen Smith (b. 1818) m. Harriet Long Hunter (1819-1900).
3. Thomas Smith (1790-1850) m. Harriet Owen (1798-1857).
4. Abraham Owen (1769-1811) m. Martha Dupuy.
5. Bracket Owen m. 1760 Elizabeth Wooten.
Bracket Owen (1733-1802) emigrated to Kentucky after the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. He built a station called
Fort Owen as a refuge for patriots. He was born in Henrico County, Va.; died in Shelby County, Ky.
Also No. 39047.
Volume 65 page 264
Mrs. Hattie Morse Bogardus.  DAR ID Number: 64754 Born in Oneida County, N. Y.
Descendant of Ensign John Countryman.
Daughter of Thomas Jefferson Morse and Ellen Webster Stedman, his wife.
[p.264] Granddaughter of Oliver Stedman and Sophia King SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Hazard Stedman and Elizabeth Countryman, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nicholas Countryman and Elizabeth Ogsbury, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Countryman and Rachel Richards, his wife.
John Countryman (1736-89) served as ensign in Col. Samuel Clyde's regiment, Herkimer's battalion, at the battle
of Oriskany. He was born and died in Herkimer County, N. Y.  Also No. 46395.
Volume 88 page 7
Mrs. Frances Whiting Lee. DAR ID Number: 87022 Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wife of Charles Dudley Lee.
Descendant of Capt. Thomas Martin, as follows:
1. Richard Gatlin Whiting m., 1882, Lessie E. Webster.
2. Daniel Powers Whiting m. Indiana SANDFORD.
3. Alfred SANDFORD m. Susan Martin.
4. Thomas Martin m. Susan Ledbetter.
Thomas Martin (1752-1818) served as lieutenant in the Virginia Continental Line, 1777-81. He was an original
member of the Cincinnati. He was born in Albemarle County, Va.; died in Newport, Ky. Also No. 30982.
Volume 98 [p.313] INDEX page 34
Mrs. Caroline F. Sayer Austin. DAR ID Number: 97108 Born in Nantucket, Mass.
Wife of Joseph Austin.
Descendant of Capt. Joshua Sayer, as follows:
1. Thomas S. Sayer (1810-98) m. 1836 Sarah C. Sayer (1814-1901).
2. Joshua Sayer, Jr. (1773-1858) m. 1795 Jedida Swain (1773-1839).
3. Joshua Sayer m. 1770 Rebecca SANDFORD (1753-1816).
Joshua Sayer (1746-81) served, 1775, as lieutenant in Capt. Edward Spalding's company. In 1776 he was appointed
captain of artillery in Col. Robert Elliott's regiment. He was born in Newport; died in New York. Also No. 91113.
Volume 103 page 92
Mrs. Caroline Fullilove Burgess. DAR ID Number: 102295 Born in Caddo Parish, La.
Wife of Walton Burgess.
Descendant of James Dowdell (Dowdall), as follows:
1. Thomas Pope Fullilove (1832-97) m. 1859 Elizabeth Jane SAMFORD (b. 1838).
2. William Llewellen SAMFORD (1817-94) m. 1838 Susan Lewis Dowdell (1822-97).
3. Lewis Jefferson Dowdell (1800-26) m. Elizabeth Clay Farley.
4. James Dowdell m. Elizabeth Cropp.
James Dowdell (1758-1802) enlisted, 1776, as a private under Col. Daniel Morgan. He was born in Virginia; died
in Elizabethtown, Ky.  Also No. 93478.
Volume 38 page 88
Mrs. Angie E. SANFORD Botsford.  DAR ID Number: 36241 Born in Stamford, Vermont.
Wife of Herbert Botsford.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Charles G. SANFORD and Elizabeth S. Niles, his wife.
Granddaughter of William SANFORD and Lucy Rice, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Parthena Baldwin, his wife.
Samuel SANFORD, (1740-1804), enlisted in the army 1775; served as lieutenant 1776 and 1777 commanded a
company, Continental line in the battles of the Jerseys. The sword presented to him by Washington, is still in the
family. He was born in Milford, Conn., where he died. Also Nos. 13121, 16004, 23916, 24677.
Volume 46 page 255
Mrs. Cora Moser.  DAR ID Number: 45593 Born in Trenton, Mass.
Wife of A. F. Moser.
Descendant of Michael Dayton.
Daughter of Charles SANFORD and Sarah Dayton, his wife.
Granddaughter of Michael Dayton and Sally Gibbs, his wife.
See No. 45592.
Volume 54 page 439
Miss Alice Stribling.  DAR ID Number: 53977 Born in Spartanburg, S. C.
Descendant of Charles Smith.
Daughter of John W. Stribling and Cede E. Smith, his wife.
Granddaughter of D. H. Smith and Jane SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Elijah Smith and Diana Ham, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Charles Smith and Miss Rhodes, his wife, m. 1760.
Charles Smith (1742-1824), owing to defective eyesight, was assigned to the Commissary Department. He was born
in Virginia; died in South Carolina.
Volume 60 page 177
Mrs. Carrie Fairchild Bennett. DAR ID Number: 59519 Born in Providence, R. I.
Wife of Charles P. Bennett.
Descendant of Caleb Cooley.
Daughter of Franklin Cooley and Betsey Smith, his wife.
Granddaughter of John Cooley and Amanda Cook, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Caleb Cooley and Elizabeth SANFORD, his wife.
Caleb Cooley (1762-1813) served, 1780, as a private in Capt. Benjamin Cooley's company, Col. Ebenezer Allen's
regiment of  militia, called out on alarms. He was born in Greenwich, Mass.; died in Pittsford, Vt.
Volume 61 page 65
Mrs. J. Elizabeth Smith. DAR ID Number: 60195 Born in Simsbury, Conn.
Wife of Roderick S. Smith.
Descendant of Abel Adams, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Charles L. Roberts and Jane G. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of George W. SANFORD and Jane E. Adams, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Ambrose Adams and Katherine (Caty) Eno, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Abel Adams and Rosene Cossett, his wife.
Abel Adams (1756-1829) served in the first call for troops. He was born and died in Simsbury.
Also Nos. 15398, 18793, 20857, 23327, 29758, 31756, 34036.
Volume 73 page 57
Mrs. Lillian SANFORD Colwell. DAR ID Number: 72157 Born in Ottawa County, Mich.
Wife of Charles Augustus Colwell.
Descendant of James SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Davis SANFORD (1842-1909) and Frances Stoner (b. 1852), his wife, m. 1873.
Granddaughter of Isaac Platt SANFORD (1811-87) and Mary Royall (1814-83), his wife, m. 1834.
Gr-granddaughter of Lemuel SANFORD (1780-1826) and Charlotte Platt (1785-1846), his wife, m. 1802.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of James SANFORD and Sarah Beach (1764-1828), his wife, m. 1780.
James SANFORD (1758-1842) enlisted, 1778, in Capt. Hills' company, 7th regiment, Connecticut Line. He
received a pension, 1840, for his service in Redding, Conn., where he was born and died. Also No. 16306.
Volume 75 page 99
Mrs. Lucy SANFORD Bixler. DAR ID Number: 74276 Born in St. Charles County, Mo.
Descendant of Capt. Charles Gwatkin.
Daughter of James Y. SANFORD (1828-68) and Lucinda Campbell (b. 1827), his wife, m. 1850.
Granddaughter of James Campbell (1788-1872) and Lucinda Gwatkin (1791-1827), his wife, m. 1808.
Gr-granddaughter of Charles Gwatkin and Mary Calaway, his wife, m. 1767.
Charles Gwatkin (1741-91) served as captain of the Bedford County, Virginia militia. He was born in Caroline
County, Va. Also No. 73462.
Volume 75 page 180
Mrs. Rua Curtis Nason. DAR ID Number: 74482 Born in Coldwater, Mich.
Wife of Charles A. Nason.
Descendant of Samuel SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Ezra Smith Curtis and Julia Francis SANFORD, his 2nd wife.
Granddaughter of Philo SANFORD and Dorcas Rathbun, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Ruhannah Wheeler, his wife.
Samuel SANFORD (1760-1834) was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for service, 1776, as private in Capt.
Jonathan Dimon's company, Colonel Chandler's Connecticut regiment, and, 1777-82, served several other
enlistments under  different commands. He  was born in Fairfield; died in Ridgefield.
Volume 79 page 26
Mrs. Flora Maria Fisher Chisholm.  DAR ID Number: 78060 Born in Chicago, Ill.
Wife of Wellington Porter Chisholm.
Descendant of Capt. Nathan Stoddard and of Gideon Stoddard.
Daughter of Charles Carroll Fisher and Valeria Parker (1837-1906), his wife, m. 1856.
Granddaughter of William Fisher (1801-54) and Flora Strong (1799-1896), his wife, m. 1825.
Gr-granddaughter of Timothy Strong (1764-1835) and Clarissa Stoddard (1766-1849), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nathan Stoddard and Eunice SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Gideon Stoddard and Olive Curtis, his wife.
Nathan Stoddard (1742-77) raised a company and in the desperate attack by the British on Fort Mifflin was
instantly killed. He was born in  Woodbury, Conn. Also No. 32053.
Gideon Stoddard (1714-80) served on the Committee of Inspection and Observation in Woodbury, Conn, where he
was born  and died.
Volume 80 page 28
Mrs. Ella M. Woodruff Osgood. DAR ID Number: 79073 Born in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Wife of Charles H. Osgood.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Francis Woodruff (1821-86) and Julia Mahan (1824-92), his wife, m. 1847.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff, Jr. (1783-1874), and Freelove SANFORD (1783-1867), his wife, m. 1807.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Patience Lum (b. 1751), his 2nd wife, m. 1778.
Benjamin Woodruff (1744-1837) was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for over one year's actual service as
drummer and sergeant, New  Jersey Line. He was born in New Jersey; died in Pittsfield, Mich. Also Nos. 33405,
38116, 56397, 69753.
Volume 80 page 229
Mrs. Alameda Williams Carter. DAR ID Number: 79637 Born in Medford, Wis.
Wife of Arthur Carter.
Descendant of George Conant, George Conant, Jr., Ebenezer Walden, and Capt. Job Straight.
Daughter of Charles Edward Williams (1849-85) and Kittie Hoxie (b. 1859), his wife, m. 1875.
Granddaughter of Ephraim Loton Williams (1819-82) and Jane SANFORD (1820-56), his wife, m. 1841; John
Curtis  Hoxie  (1826-1905) and  Almeda L. Davis (b. 1828), his wife, m. 1846.
Gr-granddaughter of Ephraim Loton Williams (1794-1874) and Sarah Maria Conant (1795-1874), his wife, m.
1817; Job  Green Davis  (1799-1869) and Susan Money (1806-73), his wife, m. 1824.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of George Conant, Jr., and Hannah Walden (1764-1843), his wife, m. 1784; Joshua Davis (d.
1840) and  Amy Straight  (d. 1837), his wife, m. 1795.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of George Conant and Lydia Freeman (b. 1733), his wife, m. 1761; Ebenezer Walden and
Elizabeth  Watson (b. 1740),  his wife, m. 1763; Job Straight and Mary Moon, his wife, m. 1771.
George Conant (1723-92) served at various alarms under different commands, Massachusetts Line. He was born in
Plymouth; died in Becket,  Mass.
George Conant, Jr. (1762-1832), served as private in Capt. Bacon's company, Colonel Hyde's Massachusetts
regiment. He was born in Barnstable; died in Becket, Mass.
Ebenezer Walden (1739-1822) served in Col. John Brown's Berkshire County, Massachusetts regiment, at the
Bennington  Alarm and escorted the prisoners to Springfield.
Job Straight served as captain of Rhode Island militia, 1777. He was born, 1750, in West Greenwich, R. I.; died in
New York.
Volume 80 page 365
Mrs. Gertrude Cleveland Storrs. DAR ID Number: 79994 Born in Waukegan, Ill.
Wife of Charles Bigelow Storrs.
Descendant of David Cory.
Daughter of George Cleveland (b. 1839) and Susan Lucy Cory (1840-96), his wife, m. 1861.
Granddaughter of David Cory (1809-54) and Calista A. SANFORD (1819-89), his wife, m. 1835.
Gr-granddaughter of Eliakim Cory (1773-1851) and Sarah Sayre (1774-1861), his wife, m. 1791.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of David Cory and Jemima Ross, his wife, m. 1769.
David Cory (1750-1809) served as a private in Capt. Isaac Halsey's company, New Jersey militia, 1776. He was
born in Westfield, N. J.; died in Ballston Spa, N. Y. Also No. 17457.
Volume 82 page 193
Mrs. Delia Baldwin SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 81508 Born in Naugatuck, Conn.
Wife of Charles A. SANFORD.
Descendant of Moses Tuttle, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Morris Baldwin (b. 1836) and Elizabeth Tuttle (1840-1907), his wife, m. 1866.
Granddaughter of Zopher Tuttle (1806-85) and Nancy Sherman (1802-65), his wife, m. 1829.
Gr-granddaughter of Wooster Tuttle (1779-1843) and Mercy Baldwin (b. 1779), his wife, m. 1802.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Moses Tuttle and Damaris Hitchcock (1758-1835), his wife, m. 1778.
Moses Tuttle (1753-1835) enlisted from Wallingford, 1776, in Capt. Nathaniel Bunnell's company. He was born in
Cheshire and was a pensioner of Prospect, where he died. Also No. 66382.
Volume 82 page 327
Miss Jessie SANFORD Harrison. DAR ID Number: 81871 Born in Morris, Conn.
Descendant of Eliphalet Whittlesey, Ensign Amos Johnson, Perry Averill, Ensign Jonah SANFORD, Sergt.
Roswell Post, and Sergt. Elihu Harrison.
Daughter of Rollin Hamilton Harrison (1823-1909) and Laura Calista Whittlesey (1842-74), his wife, m. 1868.
Granddaughter of William Henry Harrison (1797-1830) and Rhoda SANFORD (1801-93), his wife, m. 1822; David
Waller Whittlesey (1816-98) and Dolly Betsey Averill (1817-79), his wife, m. 1839.
Gr-granddaughter of Simeon Harrison (1768-1835) and Hannah Farham (1771-1824), his wife, m. 1796; David
Whittlesey  (1775-1851) and Rebecca Smalley (1778-1838), his wife, m. 1804; Emanuel Averill (1787-1864) and
Betsey Johnson (1787-1891), his wife, m. 1815; Simeon SANFORD (1775-1846) and Elizabeth Post (1782-1853),
his wife, m. 1798.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Elihu Harrison and Theda Woodruff (1742-1815), his wife, m. 1764; Eliphalet Whittlesey
and Comfort Waller (1750-1825), his wife, m. 1771; Amos Johnson and Patience Hickox (1759-93), his 1st wife, m.
1784; Perry Averill  and Dorothy Whittlesey (1755-1824), his wife, m. 1774; Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda
Woodruff (1742-1807), his wife;  Roswell Post and Martha Mead (d. 1807), his 2nd wife.
Eliphalet Whittlesey (1748-1823) served as a private in the Berkshire County, Massachusetts militia. He was born
inNewington, Conn.; died in Stockbridge, Mass. Also Nos. 52591, 68294.
Amos Johnson (1753-1824) enlisted, 1776, as ensign in Col. Charles Webb's regiment, Connecticut troops; engaged
in battles of White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton. He was born and died in Southbury, Conn.
Perry Averhill (1754-1842) served as a private in the Connecticut militia. He was born and died in New Preston,
Conn.  Also No. 80582.
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis' company, Colonel Hooker's regiment,
Erastus Wolcott's brigade. He was born and died in South Farms, Conn. Also No. 68403.
Roswell Post (1753-1827) served as sergeant, 1779, in Capt. Simeon Wright's company, Vermont militia, and at
various alarms under different commands. He was born in Saybrook, Conn.; died in Cornwall, Vt. Also No. 65920.
Elihu Harrison (1740-1806) was sergeant in Captain Barnes' company, Colonel Hooker's regiment, 1777, which
marched on  the Danbury Alarm. He was born and died in Litchfield, Conn.
Volume 84 page 331
Mrs. Stella SANFORD Brown. DAR ID Number: 83874 Born in Fairport, N. Y.
Wife of Charles David Brown.
Descendant of Capt. Abraham Brown, as follows:
1. Eugene SANFORD (1846-1906), m. 1871, Emma De Land (1848-1905).
2. Charles James De Land (1820-90), m. 1846, Mary Nelson (d. 1880).
3. Levi De Land (1793-1843), m. 1819, Hannah Brown (d. 1843).
4. Joseph Brown (1777-1808), m. 1797, Experience Stafford (1778-1864).
5. Abraham Brown, m. Beulah Patterson (1741-1820).
Abraham Brown (1740-77) was captain of militia and was repeatedly out on military duty. He was born at
Watertown; died at Stockbridge, Mass. Also No. 77687.
Volume 86 page 58
Miss Sarah Roena Bridge. DAR ID Number: 85157 Born in Dansville, N. Y.
Descendant of Corp. Ezekiel SANFORD, as follows:
1. Charles Miner Bridge (1830-1907), m. 1855, Margaret Reed (b. 1838).
[p.58] 2. Lynas Reed (1806-78), m. 1825, Margaret Mitchel Emmett (1808-80).
3. John Reed (1778-1840), m. 1801. Chole SANFORD (1782-1863).
4. Ezekiel SANFORD, m. 1st, Sarah Chloe Cook (1743-1824).
Ezekiel SANFORD (1745-1833) served as corporal in Captain Smith's company, Colonel Chandler's regiment,
Connecticut Line. He died in Sparta, N. Y.
Volume 86 page 334
Mrs. Bertha Bostwick SANFORD.  DAR ID Number: 85875 Born in Erie, Pa.
Wife of Henry Huggins SANFORD.
Descendant of Capt. Elijah Bostwick, as follows:
. Charles Frederick Bostwick (1844-1907), m. 1868, Henrietta S. Riblet (b. 1845).
2. Levi Willard Bostwick (1818-97), m. 1843), Maria Mott (1821-1907).
3. Levi Bostwick (1771-1839), m. 1806, Nancy Ives. See No. 85814.
Volume 89 page 226
Miss Sarah Marguerite Lane.  DAR ID Number: 88717 Born in Cornwall, Vt.
Descendant of Ensign Ebenezer Terrill, Jonah SANFORD, Amariah Dana, Jacob Peck and Zadock Gibbs, as
1. Charles Henry Lane (b. 1853) m. 1876 Sarah E. SANFORD (b. 1857).  See No. 88716.
Volume 90 page 202
Mrs. Florence SANFORD Mason. DAR ID Number: 89620 Born in East Milton, Mass.
Wife of Edward Alonzo Mason.
Descendant of Sergt. Oliver Barrett, as follows:
1. Charles Wesley Nourse (b. 1856) m. Lucy Fidelia SANFORD (1860-1901).
2. Rufus Carroll Nourse (1830-62) m. 1853 Abby Ann Hall (1831-85).
3. Caleb Nourse (1804-84) m. Orissa Holman (b. 1814).
4. Banard Nourse (1771-1851) m. 1793 Hannah Barrett (b. 1775).
5. Oliver Barrett m. 1775 Sarah Whitcomb (1754-1834).
Oliver Barrett (1747-1817) served as sergeant in Capt. Robert Longley's company, Col. Ezra Whitcomb's regiment,
on the  Lexington Alarm. He died in Bolton, Mass.
Volume 91 page 185
Mrs. Margaret Reed Bridge.  DAR ID Number: 90576 Born in Arcade, N. Y.
Wife of Charles Miner Bridge.
Descendant of Corp. Ezekiel SANFORD, as follows:
1. Lynas Reed (1806-78) m. 1825 Margaret Emmet (1808-80).
2. John Reed (1778-1840) m. 1801 Chloe SANFORD (1782-1863).
3. Ezekiel SANFORD m. 1st Sarah Chloe Cook (1740-84).
Ezekiel SANFORD (1745-1833) served as corporal in Captain Smith's company, Colonel Chandler's regiment,
Connecticut Line. He died in Sparta, N. Y.  Also No. 85157.
Volume 94 page 222
Mrs. Felicia SANFORD Macswain.  DAR ID Number: 93713 Born in Irwinton, Ga.
Wife of Lucius T. MacSwain.
Descendant of Maj. Thaddeus Beall, Josiah Beall, and Col. Samuel Beall, as follows:
1. Wade F. SANFORD (1822-66) m. 1854 Ann Elizabeth Beall (b. 1838).
2. Charles Cotton Beall (1796-1874) m. 1825 Elefare Dennard (1808-56).
3. Jeremiah Beall (1770-1816) m. 1795 Elisabeth Cotton (1775-1849).
4. Thaddeus Beall m. 2nd 1767 Jane (Beall) (cousins).
5. Josiah Beall; Samuel Beall m. 1734 Eleanor Brooke (1716-78) (parents of Thaddeus.
Thaddeus Beall served as private in Capt. Edward Burges' company, lieutenant in the 1st Maryland Flying Camp,
1776,promoted captain and brigade major. He was born in Frederick County, Md.; died in Hancock County, Ga.
Also No. 76137.
Josiah Beall (1715-78) was a patriot who signed the Association of Freemen of Maryland. He was born in Prince
Georges County; died in Frederick County, Md.
Samuel Beall was colonel of the 2nd battalion, 36th Maryland regiment. He was born about 1710 in Prince
Georges County; died, 1788, in Washington County, Md.
Volume 95  page 78
Miss Bessie M. SANFORD Jackson.  DAR ID Number: 94243 Born in Addison, Mich.
Descendant of Sergt. John McLouth, and of Capt. Nathan Pierce, as follows:
1. Charles W. SANFORD (b. 1851) m. 1885 Mary C. Jackson (b. 1863).
2. George W. Jackson (1833-80) m. Margaret McLouth (b. 1832).
3. Oscar McLouth (1805-37) m. 1829 Sarah Muir (1811-90).
4. Oliver Cromwell McLouth (1784-1843) m. Elizabeth Dillon (1785-1859).
5. John McLouth m. 1782 Sarah Pierce (1764-1848).
6. Nathan Pierce m. 1765 Sarah Davis.
John McLouth (1758-1820) served, 1776-79, as private, fifer and sergeant under Captains Edward Blake, James
Wilbor. His  widow was pensioned, 1843, for his service. He was born in Massachusetts; died in Galen, N. Y.
Nathan Pierce (1745-76) enlisted, 1776, in a company of Green Mountain Boys under Col. Seth Warner. He was
born in  Rehoboth, Mass.; died on the Island of Three Sisters, near Quebec, Canada.
Volume 95  page 218
Mrs. Mary Eunice SANFORD Savage. DAR ID Number: 94717 Born in Avoca, Iowa.
Wife of Robert Savage.
Descendant of Richard Blake, as follows:
1. Charles G. SANFORD (1860-91) m. 1884 Hattie Arnold Peck (b. 1866).
2. Wesley B. Arnold (1809-1905) m. 1856 Eunice Blake (b. 1836).  See No. 94716.
Volume 97 page 50
Mrs. Julia A. Treat SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 96159 Born in Bridgewater, Conn.
Wife of Charles SANFORD.
Descendant of David Lockwood, and of Jeremiah Canfield, as follows:
1. Harmon Treat (1812-92) m. 1852 Mary E. Wooster (1817-1904).
2. John Wooster (1790-1858) m. 1815 Jerusha Lockwood (1790-1868).
3. Peter Wooster (1762-98) m. 1787 Betsey Canfield (b. 1769); David Lockwood m. 1780 Sally Closson (1762-1849).
4. Jeremiah Canfield m. 1st 1759 Mary Everton.
David Lockwood (1760-1841) enlisted, 1777, in Captain Stevens' company, Col. John Lamb's regiment, 2nd
Continental  Artillery. He was  born in Greenwich; died in New Milford, Conn.
Jeremiah Canfield (1737-91) served on the committee to furnish soldiers in the Continental service for New
Milford, Conn., where he was born and died.
Volume 99 page 98
Mrs. Josephine Macswain Breazeale. DAR ID Number: 98306 Born in Thomasville, Ga.
Wife of W. E. Breazeale.
Descendant of Maj. Thaddeus Beall, as follows:
1. Lucius Soule MacSwain (1846-96) m. 1874 Felicia SANFORD (b. 1855).
2. Wade F. SANFORD (1822-66) m. Ann Elizabeth Beall (b. 1838).
3. Charles Cotton Beall (1796-1874) m. 1826 Elefare Dennard (1808-56).
4. Jeremiah Beall (d. 1816) m. 1795 Elizabeth Cotton (1775-1849).
5. Thaddeus Beall m. 1767 Amelia Jane Beall (1744-1805) (cousins).
Thaddeus Beall (1731-94) served as private in Capt. Edward Burges' company, lieutenant in the 1st Maryland
Flying Camp, 1776; was promoted captain and then brigade major. He was born in Frederick County, Md.; died in
Hancock County, Ga.  Also No. 76137.
Volume 100 page 19
Mrs. Linna E. Downs Pond. DAR ID Number: 99053 Born in New Haven, Conn.
Wife of Walter Pond.
Descendant of Charles Cook, Isaac Bronson, Samuel Downs, and John White, as follows:
1. Albert Zeri Downs, Jr. (b. 1838), m. 1867 Emily A. Evarts (b. 1842).
2. Albert Zeri Downs (1806-84) m. 1830 Sarah C. Pritchard (1811-95).
3. Zeri Downs (1769-1840) m. Rachel SANFORD (1771-1861); James Pritchard (1766-1813) m. 1789 Sarah Cook
4. Samuel Downs m. 1746 Sarah Humphreysville; Charles Cook m. 1764 Sybil Monson; Isaac Pritchard
(1735-1824) m. 1758 Lois Bronson (1735-1824); Elisha SANFORD (1731-1807) m. Sibyl White (1745-1808).
5. Isaac Bronson m. 1734 Eunice Richards (d. 1749); John White m. 1744 Mary Dickerman (1723-76).
Charles Cook in 1776 served as a minute man from Waterbury, Conn. He was born, 1741, in Wallingford, Conn.
Isaac Bronson (1707-99) was a patriot at whose house Lafayette stopped as he passed through Waterbury and also
where Rochambeau made his headquarters, 1781. He was born and died in Waterbury, Conn.  Also No. 16591.
Samuel Downs (1720-1810) served as a private in Captain Yeates' company, Colonel Enos' regiment, 1778. He was
born and died in Bethany, Conn.
John White (1722-97) enlisted, 1775, in the 7th regiment under Col. Charles Webb, 10th company. He was born
and died in New Haven, Conn.
Volume 104   page 62
Mrs. Lucy Grigson Working.  DAR ID Number: 103189  Born in Houston, Mo.
Wife of Charles H. Working.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Richard J. Grigson (1830-1904) m. 1st 1859 Emily T. SANFORD (1837-73). See No. 103186.
Volume 106 page 65
Mrs. Annie SANFORD Allen. DAR ID Number: 105197 Born in Conyers, Ga.
Wife of Kelly Pope Allen.
Descendant of Jeremiah SANFORD, as follows:
1. Charles Vincent SANFORD (b. 1844) m. 1869 Elizabeth Mars Steadman (1848-1904).
2. Shelton Palmer SANFORD (1816-96) m. 1840 Maria Frances Dickerman (1819-91).
3. Vincent SANFORD (1777-1859) m. Priscilla Palmer.
4. Jeremiah SANFORD m. Mary Motley.
Jeremiah SANFORD (1739-1825) served in the ranks during the war. He was born in Loudoun County, Va., and
died in Georgia. On his tombstone at Greensboro is the epitaph, "A Revolutionary soldier, a friend of General
Washington, and an honest man." Also No. 69473.
Volume 106 page 65
Mrs. Annie SANFORD Atkins. DAR ID Number: 105198 Born in Thomasville, Ga.
Wife of Michael Isaac Atkins.
Descendant of Maj. Thaddeus Beall, as follows:
1. Wade SANFORD (1822-66) m. 1854 Ann Elizabeth Beall (b. 1838).
2. Charles Colton Beall (1796-1874) m. 1825 Elefare Dennard (1808-56).
3. Jeremiah Beall (1770-1816) m. 1795 Elizabeth Colton (1775-1846).
4. Thaddeus Beall m. 1767 Amelia Jane Beall (1744-1805).
Thaddeus Beall served as private in Capt. Edward Burges' company, lieutenant in the 1st Maryland Flying Camp,
1776,promoted captain and brigade major. He was born in Frederick County, Md.; died in Hancock County, Ga.
Also No. 93713.
Volume 106  page 105
Mrs. Leola Bridge Wellington. DAR ID Number: 105318 Born in Dansville, N. Y.
Wife of Fred E. Wellington.
Descendant of Corp. Ezekiel SANFORD, as follows:
1. Charles Miner Bridge (1830-1907) m. 1855 Margaret Reed (b. 1838).
2. Lynus Reed (1806-78) m. 1825 Margaret Emmett (1808-80).
3. John Reed (1778-1840) m. 1801 Chloe SANFORD (1782-1863).
4. Ezekiel SANFORD m. 1st 1785 Sarah (Chloe) Cook (1743-84).
Ezekiel SANFORD (1745-1833) served as corporal in Captain Smith's company, Col. Chandler's regiment,
Connecticut Line. He died in Sparta, N. Y.
Volume 107 page 172
Mrs. Manta M. Wright Ellis.  DAR ID Number: 106560  Born in Fredonia, N. Y.
Wife of Charles Chipman Ellis.
Descendant of Seth Cole, as follows:
1. Reuben W. Wright (b. 1858) m. 1883 Sarah Dodge (b. 1856).
2. Ulysses E. Dodge (1822-1909) m. 1845 Eliza Jane Tremble (1821-87).
3. David Dodge m. Maria Cole.
4. Seth Cole m. Celia SANFORD.
Seth Cole served as a private in the Hampshire County, Massachusetts militia. He was born in Chesterfield,  Mass.,
1756; settled in Dunkirk, New York, 1805.  Also No. 40041.
Volume 108 page 70
Mrs. Ida Rucker Digges. DAR ID Number: 107208 Born in Randolph County, Mo.
Wife of Charles William Digges.
Descendant of Benjamin Head, as follows:
1. Joel Walter T. Rucker (1826-1910) m. 1852 Eleanor Elizabeth McCampbell (1829-93).
2. Minor Rucker (1793-1866) m. 1822 Harriet Head (1798-1845).
3. John Head (1765-1852) m. 1787 Nancy SANFORD (1771-1846).
4. Benjamin Head m. 1764 Martha Head.
Benjamin Head (1731-1803) served as private in Col. Theodorick Bland's Virginia regiment. He was born and died
in Orange County, Va.  Also No. 99611.
Volume 109 page 187
Mrs. Grace Greenley Peale.  DAR ID Number: 108618  Born in Chicago, Ill.
Wife of F. J. Peale.
Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge, as follows:
1. Charles Carroll Greenley (1834-98) m. 1865 Ann Walbridge (1840-1911).
2. Henry S. Walbridge (1801-69) m. 2nd 1836 Fanny Thompson (1811-62).
3. Gustavus Walbridge m. 1790 Anna SANFORD (1755-1819).
Gustavus Walbridge (1755-1828) served as private in Capt. Joshua Huntington's company, Colonel Selden's
regiment, Connecticut State troops. He was born in Norwich, Conn.; died in Syracuse, N. Y.
Volume 74 page 180
Mrs. Ella SANDFORD Stevens.  DAR ID Number: 73483  Born in Essex County, N. J.
Wife of James C. Stevens.
Descendant of Lieut. John Spear.
Daughter of Charles P. SANDFORD (1827-1900) and Phebe C. Munn (b. 1826), his wife, m. 1846.
Granddaughter of Peter M. SANDFORD (1795-1846) and Elizabeth Spear (1800-86), his wife, m. 1817.
Gr-granddaughter of John Spear and Margaret Jerolemon, his wife.
John Spear (1754-1818) served as lieutenant in Captain Craig's company, New Jersey State troops. He was born
and died in Belleville, N. J. Also No. 16343.
Volume 79 page 127
Mrs. Laura Cook Hart. DAR ID Number: 78340 Born in Newark, N. J.
Wife of Albert Kerper Hart.
Descendant of John SANDFORD.
Daughter of Jacob Cook (b. 1825) and Catherine SANDFORD (1827-98), his wife, m. 1847.
Granddaughter of Charles SANDFORD (1805-86) and Maria Hennion (1806-93), his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANDFORD and Catherine DeBow (1766-1852), his wife.
John SANDFORD (1758-1851) was placed on the pension roll of Morris County, N. J., 1818, for service as private,
New York troops. He was born and died in Bloomingdale, N. J.  Also No. 19138.
Volume 85 page 22
Miss Marian Barney.  DAR ID Number: 84051 Born in Springfield, Mass.
Descendant of Capt. Robert Webster and of Charles Starkweather, of Massachusetts, as follows:
1. Edward B. Barney (b. 1860), m. 1884, Martha Clark SANDFORD (b. 1860).
2. Giles Wheeler Barney (1830-1907), m. 1858, Frances Packard (b. 1833); Addison SANDFORD (1821-79), m.
1849, Elizabeth F. Goodsell (1822-1906).
3. Bradley Packard (1808-81), m. 1831, Mary Webster (1812-60); James SANDFORD (1786-1865), m. 1817, Sarah
Starkweather (1796-1869).
4. Robert Webster, Jr. (1776-1848), m. 1811, Rebecca Hamilton (1782-1876); Charles Starkweather, m. 1786,
Martha (Patty) Kingsley (1765-1808).
5. Robert Webster, m. 1761, Mollie Burt.
Robert Webster (1730-78) commanded a company from Chesterfield, Mass., which marched in response to the
Lexington Alarm. He died in  Goshen, while on furlough. He was born in Beverly.  Also No. 47745.
Charles Starkweather (1759-1843) enlisted in Capt. Nathaniel Wales' company of Connecticut militia, 1777. He
was  born in  Mansfield,  Conn.; died in Northampton, Mass. Also No. 41444.
Volume 93 page 145
Mrs. Martha SANDFORD Barney.  DAR ID Number: 92456 Born in Ware, Mass.
Wife of Edward Bradley Barney.
Descendant of Charles Starkweather, as follows:
1. Addison SANDFORD (1821-79) m. 1848 Elizabeth Leforge Goodsell (1822-1906).
2. James SANDFORD (1786-1865) m. 1817 Sarah Starkweather (1796-1869).
3. Charles Starkweather m. 1st 1787 Martha (or Patty) Kingsley (1765-1808).
Charles Starkweather (1759-1843) enlisted in Capt. Nathaniel Wales' company of Connecticut militia, 1777. He
was born in Mansfield, Conn.; died in Northampton, Mass. Also No. 41444.
Volume 109 page 231
Mrs. Margaret Kingman Delano. DAR ID Number: 108759 Born in Redwing, Minn.
Wife of Edward Welles Delano.
Descendant of Mitchell Kingman and of Corp John Tidd, as follows:
1. Frank Tidd Kingman (1855-1900) m. 1878 Sarah Margaret SANDFORD (1856-90).
2. Lyman Milford Kingman (1825-62) m. 1850 Caroline Elizabeth Tidd (1825-1910).
3. Charles Kingman (1800-64) m. Nancy Root (1802-68); Nathan Tidd (1789-1813) m. Crissa Farwell.
4. John Kingman (1770-1859) m. 1795 Miriam Isbell (1772-1854); John Tidd m. 1780 Abigail Goddard (b. 1762).
5. Mitchell Kingman m. 1770 Keturah Latimer (1748-1835).
Mitchell Kingman (1744-1819) enlisted as a private in Captain Wells' company, Colonel Chester's 6th Connecticut
regiment.  He was born in  Canaan, Conn.; died in Cincinnatus, N. Y.
John Tidd served as private and corporal, 1775, in Capt. Benjamin Locke's company, Colonel Gardner's
Massachusetts regiment. He died, 1813, in Eaton, N. Y.
Volume 69  page 257
Mrs. Lydia J. Bucklan Black.  DAR ID Number: 68718  Born in Licking County, Ohio.
Wife of David Matthew Black.
Descendant of Samuel Bucklan.
Daughter of Nelson Bucklan and Cynthia Palmerton, his wife.
Granddaughter of Samuel Bucklan and Phebe SANFORD, his wife.
Samuel Bucklan enlisted, 1781, as a private in Capt. John Reed's company, Col. Samuel McCobb's regiment, for
the defense of eastern Massachusetts. He was born in Connecticut; died in Poultney, Vt.
Volume 64 page 217
Mrs. Sara C. SANFORD Headley.  DAR ID Number: 63665 Born in Newark, N. J.
Wife of Arthur Headley.
Descendant of Ezra SANFORD.
Daughter of James A. Christie and Hannah C. SANFORD, his wife.
Ganddaughter of Ezra SANFORD and Mary Ann Crowell, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Matthew SANFORD and Catherine Garrison, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Ezra SANFORD and Ann Hopper, his wife.
Ezra SANFORD (1747-1822) enlisted in Col. John Hathorn's regiment, Orange County, New York militia,
1777-81.  He was born in Newtown,  Conn.; died in Warwick, N. Y.
Volume 104 page 61
Mrs. Addie Grigson Stockton. DAR ID Number: 103186  Born in Augusta, Ill.
Wife of James B. Stockton.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Richard J. Grigson (1830-1904) m. 1st 1859 Emily T. SANFORD (1837-73).
2. Henry S. SANFORD (b. 1809) m. Martha W. Lillard (b. 1809).
[p.61] 3. Benjamin Lillard (b. 1785) m. Sarah James.
4. James Lillard m. Kesiah Brady.
James Lillard served as private with Culpeper minute men under Col. Lawrence Taliaferro, Virginia troops. He
was  born in  Virginia.
Volume 109 page 222
Miss Harriet Frances SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 108731 Born in Portsmouth, R. I.
Descendant of Peleg SANFORD, as follows:
1. William H. SANFORD (1821-95) m. 1861 Mary Frances Cobleigh (b. 1843).
2. Samuel SANFORD (1777-1856) m. Susanna Badge (1784-1847).
3. Peleg SANFORD m. 1774 Lilias Wilcox (1760-1834).
Peleg SANFORD (1751-89) served as private in Capt. Isaac Cook's company, Col. Nathaniel Church's regiment,
Rhode Island militia. He was
born in Tiverton, R. I.
Volume 100 page 296
Mrs. Marcia C. SANFORD Danforth. DAR ID Number: 99949 Born in Brockport, N. Y.
Wife of James H. Danforth.
Descendant of Ebenezer SANFORD, as follows:
1. Nathaniel Ebenezer SANFORD (1825-50) m. 1846 Lucretia L. Burrows (1828-54).See No. 99947.
Volume 99 page 291
Mrs. Charlotte Clark Kennedy. DAR ID Number: 98915 Born in New Haven, Conn.
Wife of David Andrew Kennedy.
Descendant of John Hine, Capt. Nathaniel Johnson, and Isaac Jones, as follows:
1. Joseph Woodruff Clark (1818-1900) m. 1840 Jane Hine (1822-93).
2. Samuel Arnold Hine (1798-1867) m. 1820 Mary Pond Woodruff (1802-57).
3. John Hine, Jr. (1750-1837), m. 2nd 1785 Susannah (Susan) Johnson (1762-1851); Nehemiah Woodruff
(1774-1845) m. 1797 Hannah Jones (b. 1777).
4. John Hine m. Sarah SANFORD; Nathaniel Johnson m. 1753 Susannah Smith (b. 1737); Isaac Jones m. 1769
Mary Pond (1755-1806).
John Hine (1750-1837) served as a cavalryman from Milford, Conn., where he was born. He died in Orange, Conn.
Nathaniel Johnson (1732-76) commanded a company at the Lexington Alarm from Derby, Conn., where he was
born. Also No. 32361.
Isaac Jones (1748-1823) enlisted as a private, 1775, under Capt. Ebenezer Hills, and served under different
commands during the war. He was  born and died in Milford, Conn. Also No. 38240.
Volume 83 page 154
Mrs. Charlotte Mason Reynolds. DAR ID Number: 82391 Born in Litchfield, Conn.
Wife of J. H. Reynolds.
Descendant of Elisha Mason, Lieut. John Osborn, Eliada Osborn, Benjamin Webster, Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin,
and Capt. Joseph SANFORD,  all of Connecticut.
Daughter of George William Mason (b. 1833) and Julia Osborn (b. 1833), his wife, m. 1855.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Webster Mason (1806-88) and Susan Ford (1808-69), his wife, m. 1832; Myron Osborn
(1796-1893) and Emeline Goodwin (1800-85), his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Elisha Mason and Lucretia Webster (1766-1853), his wife, m. 1785; Eliada Osborn
(1761-1847) and Abigail Marsh (1769-1849), his 2nd wife, m. 1795; Erastus Goodwin (1772-1853) and Olive
SANFORD (1774-1817), his wife, m. 1799.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Webster and Lucretia Buell (b. 1742), his wife, m. 1763; John Osborn and Lois
Peck (1732-1819), his wife, m. 1751; Nathaniel Goodwin and Elizabeth Marsh (1729-1802), his wife, m. 1751;
Joseph SANFORD and Mehetable Youngs (d. 1835), his wife, m. 1768.
Elisha Mason (1759-1858) enlisted, 1778, in Capt. Jairus Wilcox's company of artificers; was pensioned, 1818 and
1840. He was born and  died in Litchfield.
John Osborn (1728-1814) was lieutenant, 1777, in Capt. Jairus Wilcox's company of artificers. He was at
Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. His son, Eliada, served in the same company with his father, and in
1831 he was placed on the pension roll for service as private, Connecticut militia. They were born and died in
Benjamin Webster (1736-82) served, 1779, in Capt. Alexander Waugh's company, 17th regiment, Connecticut
militia. He was born and died in Litchfield.
Nathaniel Goodwin (1727-77) enlisted in Capt. John Skinner's company, and, 1777, was captain of a volunteer
company from Litchfield, where he was born and died.
Joseph SANFORD (1745-1813) enlisted in Capt. John Hinman's company, and, 1779, commanded a company
under Col. Increase Moseley. He was born and died in Litchfield.
Volume 83 page 18
Mrs. Ella Rogers Deyo. DAR ID Number: 82043 Born in Bridgehampton, N. Y.
Wife of Philip Deyo.
Descendant of Maj. Uriah Rogers, Ezekiel SANFORD, Daniel Halsey, David Hedges, and Anthony Ludlow.
Daughter of Hiram SANFORD Rogers (b. 1844) and Elizabeth Halsey (1844-1909), his wife, m. 1869.
Granddaughter of George M. Rogers (1809-69) and Esther SANFORD (1811-70), his wife, m. 1841; Noah H.
Halsey (1820-89) and Caroline A. Cook (1821-67), his wife, m. 1842.
Gr-granddaughter of John Rogers (1777-1862) and Mehitable Mackie (1777-1848), his wife; Hiram SANFORD
(1783-1865) and Abigail Hedges (1782-1844), his wife, m. 1807; Gabriel Halsey (1779-1854) and Elizabeth Tuttle
Rogers (1790-1876), his 2nd wife, m. 1815; John Cook (1784-1856) and Betsy Ludlow (1785-1863), his wife, m.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Uriah Rogers and Mary Howell (1746-1816), his wife, m. 1763; Ezekiel SANFORD
and Hannah Halsey  (1759-1826), his wife, m. 1776; David Hedges and Charity Howell (1748-91), his wife, m.
1766; Daniel Halsey and  Jerusha Topping  (1751-1843), his 2nd wife, m. 1777; Anthony Ludlow and Elizabeth -
(b. 1750), his wife, m. 1769.
Uriah Rogers (1737-1814) served as major under Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull, New York Line. He was born in New
London; died in Norwich,  Conn.
Ezekiel SANFORD (1754-1826) was a signer of the Association Test, 1775, at Bridgehampton, N. Y., where he was
Daniel Halsey (1757-1827) served as private with the minute men in Col. Josiah Smith's company, Suffolk County,
New York Line. He was born and died in Bridgehampton, N. Y.
David Hedges (1744-1817) was a member of the Provincial Congress, 1777. He was born and died in
Bridgehampton, N. Y.
Anthony Ludlow (1748-1809) signed the Association Papers, 1775. He was born and died in Bridgehampton, NY.
Volume 61 page 72
Miss Margery Platt. DAR ID Number: 60 Born in Meriden, Conn.
Descendant of Jonas Platt, John Platt, and Nathaniel Yale.
Daughter of James Perry Platt and Harriet White Ives, his wife.
Granddaughter of Orville Hitchcock  Platt and Annie Bull, his wife; John Ives and Wealthy S. Merion, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Daniel Gould Platt (1797) and Almyra Hitchcock, his wife; Othniel Ives and Rosetta Yale,
his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Platt and Elizabeth Parmalee, his wife, m. 1775; Nathaniel Yale and Hannah
Scoville, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonas Platt and Elizabeth SANFORD, his wife.
Jonas Platt (1756-1840) was taken prisoner in the Danbury raid, 1777, and served under Capt. John Gray in the
Connecticut militia at Fishkill. He died in Pine Plains, N. Y.Also No. 19633.
John Platt (1752-1833) served, 1775, as a private in the 8th company, 5th Connecticut regiment. He was born in
Redding.Nathaniel Yale (1753-1814) served as a private, 1776, in Wadsworth's brigade. He was born and died in
Meridan Conn.
Volume 51  page 330
Mrs. Addie Merrel l Lee. DAR ID Number: 50739 Born in DeWitt, Iowa.
Wife of William Lee.
Descendant of  Nathaniel Merrell.
Daughter of Nathaniel Anson Merrell and Mary Moman, his wife.
Granddaughter of Seth Merrell and Mabel SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Nathaniel Merrell and Honor  Doud, his 1st wife.
Nathaniel Merrell (1756-1823), enlisted, 1775, as a private in the first regiment under Col. David Wooster,
Connecticut Continental line. He was born in Waterbury, Conn.; died in DeWitt, Iowa
Volume 38  page 195
Mrs. Amber  B. Carr Platt.  DAR ID Number: 36550 Born in Shoreham, Vermont.
Wife of Fred Elmore Platt.
Descendant of Jonah SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Silas Densmore Carr and Marion A  SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ozias SANFORD and Maria Sterling, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (1742-1817), his wife, m. 1757.
Jonah SANFORD, (1735-1817), served in Capt. Jesse Curtiss's company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment. He was
born and died in South Farms, Conn.
Volume 39  page 60
Mrs. Lillian Curtis Van De Walker.  DAR ID Number: 38160  Born in Camden, New York.
Wife of Albert H. van de Walker.
Descendant of Capt. Jesse Curtiss, John Wilson, Joel Dunbar and Jesse Penfield.
Daughter of Byron Ambrose Curtiss and Philoma Wilson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ambrose Curtiss and Polly SANFORD, his wife; John Wilson and Eliza Scovell, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Deacon Ambrose Curtiss and Lucy Doolittle, his wife; John Wilcox and Jerusha Dunbar, his
wife; Erastus SANFORD and Lauric Penfield, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jesse Curtiss and Sarah Curtiss, his wife; John Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson, his wife;
Joel Dunbar and Rebecca Curtiss, his wife; Jesse Penfield and Polly Upson, his wife.  See No. 38159.
Jesse Curtiss, (1733-1821), commanded a company when Tryon invaded Connecticut. He was born in Litchfield,
Conn.; died in Camden, New York.John Wilson, (1760-1839), enlisted from Litchfield county as a drummer. He
was born in Harwinton, Conn.; died in Camden, N. Y. Also Nos. 17682, 20514.\
Jesse Penfield, (1759-1834), was placed on the pension roll  1818 of Oneida County, N. Y. for service as private in
the Conn. line. He  died in Camden, New York. Also Nos. 15181, 18766.
Volume 71  page 160
Mrs. Letitia SANFORD Lane. DAR ID Number: 70438 Born in Shoreham, Vt.
Wife of Arthur Turrill Lane.
Descendant of Jonah SANFORD.
Daughter of James Veloren SANFORD (1829-1900) and Phœbe A. Austin (1839-1907), his wife, m. 1862.
Granddaughter of Ozias SANFORD (1793-1863) and Maria Sterling, his wife, m. 1813.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1833) and Sarah Marsh (1766-1818), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Rhoda Woodruff (d. 1807), his wife.Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817)
served in Capt. Jesse Curtiss' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment. He was born and died in South Farms,
Volume 81  page 286
Mrs. Elizabeth Wall Allen Alverson. DAR ID Number: 80774 Born in Millersburg, Ky
Wife of Jesse M. Alverson.
Descendant of Major John Allen.Daughter of Julian G. Allen (b. 1843) and Mary Elizabeth Miller (b. 1848), his
Granddaughter of Reuben SANFORD Allen (1810-74) and Susannah Smith Shumate (1814-85), his wife, m. 1835.
Gr-granddaughter of Granville Allen (1786-1844) and Jane Vivian SANFORD (1790-1858), his wife, m. 1809.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Allen and Jane Tandy, his wife.John Allen (1749-1815) served as commissioner of
supplies and was major of a Virginia regiment, Continental troops. He was born in James City County, Va.; died in
Paris, Ky.Also No. 25351.
Volume 91 page 105
Mrs. Lillian SANFORD Newell. DAR ID Number: 90323 Born in Hopkinton, N. Y.
Wife of Levi A. Newell.
Descendant of Ensign Jonah SANFORD, as follows:1. Rollin C. SANFORD (1837-64) m. 1859 Ermina Roberts
(b. 1840).
2. Jonah SANFORD (1790-1867) m. 1811 Abigail Greene (1793-1842).
3. Benjamin SANFORD (d. 1838) m. Sarah Marsh (1766-1818).
4. Jonah SANFORD m. 1757 Rhoda Woodruff (1742-1817).
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment.
He was born and died in South Farms, Conn. Also No. 72718.
Volume 104 page 40
Mrs. Eleanor Lewis Spielman.  DAR ID Number: 103117 Born in Rutland, Vt.
Wife of Floyd Spielman.
Descendant of  Ensign Jonah SANFORD and of Jacob Peck, as follows:
1. William F. Lewis (1843-1906) m. 1873 Julia Eliza Holly (1849-86).
2. Truman P. Holly (1812-63) m. 1836 Juliette SANFORD (1817-91).
3. Daniel SANFORD (1786-1876) m. 1815 Dotha Peck (1791-1873).
4. Benjamin SANFORD (1761-1833) m. Sarah Marsh (1766-1818); Jacob Peck m. 1781 Elizabeth Gibbs.(1843).
5. Jonah SANFORD m. Rhoda Woodruff (d. 1807).
Jonah SANFORD (1735-1817) served as ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis' company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment.
He was born and died in South Farms, Conn.Also No. 90323.
Jacob Peck (1756-1838) enlisted, 1776, under Capt. Noadiah Hooker and served as artificer, 1777. He was allowed
a pension, 1832, at Cornwall, Vt., where he died.
Volume 57 page 45
Mrs. Eulalie Barlow Miner. DAR ID Number: 56128  Born in New Milford, Conn.
Wife of George Washington Miner.
Descendant of Ensign Aaron Barlow.Daughter of David A. Barlow and Susan A. Couch, his wife.
Granddaughter of Joel Barlow and Deborah SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Daniel  Barlow and Sally Dimond, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Aaron Barlow and Rebecca SANFORD, his wife.
Aaron Barlow (1750-1800) served in the Connecticut militia as a private, 1775, and  as an ensign, 1777, in a short
campaign. He was born in Redding, Conn.; died in Norfolk, Va. Also No. 27474.
Volume 67  page 132
Mrs. Lena Pond Hartness DAR ID Number: 66360 Born in Winchester, Conn.
Wife of James Hartness.
Descendant of Silas Gridley, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Frederick L. Pond and Ann C. Holt, his wife.
Granddaughter of Henry Holt and Cordelia Gridley, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Joel Gridley and Anna SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Silas Gridley and Elizabeth Benton, his wife.
Silas Gridley (1757-1839) enlisted under Putnam, and after serving one year was compelled to resign on account of
ill health. He was born in Southington; died in Harwinton.Also No. 5041.
Volume 72  page 244
Mrs. S. Amelia Farnsworth Cody.  DAR ID Number: 71684 Born in Fleming, N. Y.
Wife of Lindus Cody.
Descendant of Lieut. Scottoway Whitcomb, Abraham Fancher, and Solomon Farnsworth.
Daughter of Whitcomb Farnsworth and Harriet (Fancher) Clark (1812-97), his 2nd wife, m. 1844.
Granddaughter of  Solomon Farnsworth and Cynthia Whitcomb (1770-1844), his wife, m. 1788; Joshua Fancher
(1789-1870) and Nancy SANFORD (1794-1863), his wife, m. 1811.
Gr-granddaughter of Scottoway Whitcomb and Mary ?, his wife; Abraham Fancher and Sarah Newman
(1754-1829), his wife.
Scottoway Whitcomb (1739-1812) served several enlistments, 1776, and 1777, as lieutenant in Capt. Joel Green's
company, Col.Ezra Woods' regiment of Massachusetts Militia. He was born in Rochester, Mass.
Abram Fancher (1754-1838) served as private in the Westchester County, New York militia. He was born in
Connecticut; died in Rensselaerville, N. Y.
Solomon Farnsworth (1762-1850) served as private in Capt. Webster Child's Charlotte County Company of
Volunteer Associates, 1778. He was born in Washington County; died in Fleming, N. Y.
Volume 100  page 146
Mrs. Adelia Searle Mann. DAR ID Number: 99462 Born in Huntington, Mass.
Wife of Wallace A. Mann.
Descendant of Capt. Ebenezer Sheldon, as follows:
1. Emerson Searle (1816-94) m. 1844 Miriam SANFORD (1812-94).
2. Joel Searle (1774-1860) m. 1799 Sophia Sheldon (1776-1861).
3. Ebenezer Sheldon m. 1763 Esther Strong (b. 1739).
Ebenezer Sheldon (1737-1804) served as lieutenant and captain, 1776-80, under various commands, Massachusetts
troops. He was born and died in Southampton, Mass.
Volume 47  page 189
Mrs. Anna Eugenia SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 46419 Born in Winchester, Conn.
Wife of Edgar Lewis SANFORD.
Descendant of Ephraim Munson, David Squire, Lieut. Aaron Moses and Darius Moses.
Daughter of Eugene Miller Munson and Sarah Moses Squire, his wife.
Granddaughter of Whitfield Tallyrand Munson and Julina Miller, his wife; Bela Squire and Roxy Moses, his 2nd
Gr-granddaughter of Samuel Munson (b. 1777) and Hannah Howd. his wife; Darius Moses -; David Squire and
Irene Gilbert, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Ephraim Munson and Hannah Wetmore, his wife, m. 1776;
Aaron Moses -.
Ephraim Munson (1753-1826) served as a private, 1778, for duty on the Hudson. He was born in Wallingford; died
in Barkhamsted.
David Squire (1762-1843) was placed on the pension roll, 1818, of Litchfield, Conn., for service as private in the
Massachusetts line. He was born in Granville, Mass.; died in Colebrook, Conn.
Aaron Moses (1733-1809) served as sergeant at the Lexington Alarm and as lieutenant under Capt. David Phelps,
1779. He was born in Simsbury, and died there.
Darius Moses (1758-1824) served as a soldier in the Connecticut militia. Also No. 29757
Volume 55 page 389
Mrs. Leila Tanner Potter. DAR ID Number: 54893 Born in Tompkins, N. Y.
Wife of Samuel H. Potter.
Descendant of Lieut. Job Tanner.
Daughter of Alvin T. Tanner and Harriet Owens, his wife.
Granddaughter of Job Tanner and Harriet Talcott, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Moses Tanner and Katherine SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Job Tanner and Annie Sherman, his wife.
Job Tanner (1740-1829) was commissioned lieutenant, 1778, of the 5th New York regiment. He was born in
Charlestown, R. I.; died in Rensselaerville, N. Y.
Volume 63 page 146
Mrs. Harriet Catlin SANFORD Briggs. DAR ID Number: 62438 Born in Chenango County, N. Y.
Wife of Byron S. Briggs.
Descendant of David Catlin.
Daughter of Beardsley SANFORD and Harriet Catlin, his wife.
Granddaughter of Erastus Catlin and Polly Wright, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of David Catlin and Ann Peck, his 1st wife.
David Catlin (1747-1839) enlisted, 1775, in a company of Horse, under Capt. Moses Seymour, to defend New York.
He served in the Burgoyne campaign and in the Danbury raid. In 1832 he applied for a pension in Litchfield,
Conn., and it was allowed for nearly twelve months' actual service as private, Connecticut Line. He was born in
Litchfield, Conn. ; died in Rondout, N. Y. Also No. 41302.
Volume 69 page 353
Mrs. Maggie Greenfield Flanders. DAR ID Number: 68984 Born in Pine Bluff, Ark.
Wife of Frank B. Flanders.
Descendant of William Lindsay and of Richard Jackman.
Daughter of Walter Greenfield (1833-91) and Mary Caroline Embree (1844-93), his wife, m. 1860.
Granddaughter of Israel Embree (1802-70) and Margaret Lindsay (1816-61), his wife, m. 1835.
Gr-granddaughter of William H. Lindsay and Catharine W. SANFORD, his wife; Moses Embree (1781-1824) and
Sarah Jackman (1783-1837), his wife, m. 1801.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of William Lindsay and Ann Calvert, his wife; Richard Jackman and Mary Neavel (d. 1825),
his wife, m. 1766.
William Lindsay (1721-92) served in one of the Virginia militia regiments and was severely wounded at the battle
of Guilford Court House, 1781. He was born and died in Virginia.Also No. 55045.
Richard Jackman received a large grant of Virginia land for service as private in a Virginia regiment under the
command of Gen. Roger Clark. He was born in Virginia; died, 1801, in Lincoln County, Ky.
Volume 76 page 59
Mrs. Lena M. Quien SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 75151 Born in Danbury, Conn.
Descendant of Lieut. Moses Nash, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Christian Quien (b. 1843) and Marian Pamelia Nash (b. 1843), his wife, m. 1864.
Granddaughter of Henry Seymour Nash (1798-1876) and Lydia Pamelia Danforth (1802-54), his 1st wife, m. 1825
Gr-granddaughter of Pelatiah Bliss Nash (b. 1770) and Sally Towner (d. 1809), his 1st wife, m.  1795.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Moses Nash and Anna Bliss, his wife, m. 1766.
Moses Nash (1741-92) served as lieutenant in Capt. Isaac Marsh's company, Colonel Rosseter's 3rd Berkshire
County regiment, Massachusetts militia, 1778. He was born in Westfield; died in Stockbridge.Also No. 51148.
Volume 86 page 26
Miss Lucy Greenfield.  DAR ID Number: 85068 Born in Jefferson County, Ark.
Descendant of William Lindsay and of Richard Jackman, as follows:1. Walter Greenfield (1833-91), m. 1860, Mary
Caroline Embree (1844-93).
2. Israel Embree (1802-70), m. 1835, Margaret Lindsay (1816-61).3. Moses Embree (d. 1824), m. 1801, Sarah
Jackman (1783-1837);
William H. Lindsay 91773-1823), m. 1804, Catherine W. SANFORD (1784-1848).4. Richard Jackman, m. 1766,
Mary Neville (d. 1825); William Lindsay, m. 1766, Ann Calvert (1751-1822).
William Lindsay (1721-92) served in one of the Virginia militia regiments and was severely wounded at the battle
of Guilford Court House, 1781. He was born and died in Virginia.
Richard Jackman received a large grant of Virginia land for service as private in Gen. Roger Clark's regiment. He
was born in Virginia; died, 1801, in Lincoln County, Ky.Also No. 68984.
Volume 47 page 350
Mrs. Helen Louise Olmsted Mcmillan. DAR ID Number: 46754 Born in Clayton Co., Iowa.
Wife of William Wilson McMillan.
Descendant of Nathan Olmsted of Connecticut.
Daughter of Timothy Allen Olmsted and Louise Amelia Lawyer, his wife.
Granddaughter of Legrande Olmsted and Polly Elliot Soule, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Timothy Olmsted and Hulda SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nathan Olmsted and Sarah Smith, his 2nd wife.
Nathan Olmsted (1716-1805) was a prominent patriot and served in the legislature of Connecticut 1778-81. He was
born and died in Ridgefield, Conn
Volume 55 page 47
Mrs. Ellen Decherd SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 54113 Born in Wallingford, Conn.
Wife of Charles Bartlett SANFORD.
Descendant of Lieut. Jehiel Hall, of Connecticut .
Daughter of George Decherd and Ellen Thomas, his wife.
Granddaughter of Nathan Thomas and Harriet Hall, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Jehiel Hall, Jr., and Sarah Kirkland, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jehiel Hall and Catherine Hall, his wife.
Jehiel Hall (1735-1807)served as a lieutenant in the 1st Connecticut regiment of Light Horse. He was born and
died in Wallingford, Conn.
Volume 56 page 252
Mrs. Mary Galpin Mildrum. DAR ID Number: 55552 Born in Berlin, Conn.
Wife of Ernest W. Mildrum.
Descendant of Josiah Smith, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Henry N. Galpin and Eliza SANFORD Booth, his wife.
Granddaughter of Nathan SANFORD and Mary A. Talmadge, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Caleb Talmadge and Polly Smith, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Josiah Smith and Thankful Hitchcock, his wife.
Josiah Smith (1757-1833) enlisted, 1777, as teamster and, in 1779, as a private in Captain Hitchcock's company,
Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment of Coast Guard. He was placed on the invalid pension roll, 1787. He was born in
Wallingford; died in Prospect, Conn.
Volume 61 page 174
Mrs. Loua Augusta Cass Zugschwert. DAR ID Number: 60530 Born in Cannonsburg, Ohio.
Wife of Albert Zugschwert.
Descendant of John Cass.
Daughter of Daniel Warren Cass, M. D., and Amanda Beam, his wife.
Granddaughter of Levi Aldrich Cass and Lucy SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John Cass and Joanna Hunt, his wife.
John Cass (1761-1835) served as a private in Col. Nathan Tyler's Worcester County, Massachusetts regiment,
Capt. J. Read's company, at the Rhode Island Alarm, 1780. In 1832 he applied for a pension, but as his service was
less than six months it could not be granted. He was born inMendon, Worcesr County, Mass.; died in Hoosick, N.
Volume 90 page 65
Mrs. Eliza SANFORD Galpin DAR ID Number: 89209 Born in Derby, Conn.
Wife of Henry N. Galpin.
Descendant of Josiah Talmage, as follows:
1. Nathan SANFORD (1815-56) m. 1836 Mary A. Talmage (1818-1901).
2. Caleb Talmage (1784-1841) m. 1806 Polly Smith (1785-1874).
3. Josiah Talmage, Jr. (b. 1763),m. 1783 Hannah Blakesley.
4. Josiah Talmage m. 1759 Sybil Todd (1742-78).
Josiah Talmage (1736-84) served as a minute man from Branford, Conn., where he was born. He died in Cheshire,
Conn.  Also No. 65491.
Volume 93 page 99
Mrs. Ida Pierce SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 92306 Born in Newton, Mich.
Wife of Ross T. SANFORD.
Descendant of Capt. Nathan Pierce, as follows:
1. Russell Pierce (b. 1828) m. 1866 Louise Hoskins (b. 1839).
2. Nathan Pierce (1790-1862) m. 1817 Amy Aldrich.
3. Nathan Pierce (1770-1814) m. 1789 Polly McLouth.
4. Nathan Pierce m. 1765 Sarah Davis.
Nathan Pierce (1745-76) commanded a company of Green Mountain Boys, 1776, under Col. Seth Warner. He was
born in Rehoboth, Mass.; died in Quebec, Canada.
Volume 100 page 295
Mrs. Daisie M. Danforth Bowden. DAR ID Number: 99947 Born in Washington, D. C.
Wife of Harvey D. Bowden.
Descendant of Ebenezer SANFORD, as follows:
1. James H. Danforth (b. 1845)m. 1867 Marcia C. SANFORD (b. 1848).
2. Nathan Ebenezer SANFORD (1825-50) m. 1846 Lucretia L. Burrows (1828-54).
3. Romeo SANFORD (1794-1854) m. 1819 Esther Colborn.
4. Ebenezer SANFORD, Jr. (b. 1771), m. 1793 Rhoda North (1771-1850).
5. Ebenezer SANFORD m. 1761 Esther Hotchkiss (1739-1827).
Ebenezer SANFORD (1739-78) responded to the Lexington Alarm from Fairchild, Conn.; where he was born. He
was drowned at West Point, N. Y.
Volume 77 page 279
Mrs. Sarah Lucretia Miller Taylor. DAR ID Number: 76738 Born in Clinton County, N. Y.
Wife of Albert Humphrey Taylor.
Descendant of Bartholomew Woodbury, Nathaniel Carriel, Joseph Everest, and Nathan Miller.
Daughter of Edward Conkling Miller (1841-98) and Alice Frances Everest (b. 1846), his wife, m. 1865.
Granddaughter of Abram Miller (b. 1810) and Lucretia Conkling, his wife; Josiah Terry Everest (1800-73) and
Sarah Sibley (1806-83), his wife, m. 1821.
Gr-granddaughter of Sylvanus SANDFORD Miller (1784-1870) and Fanny Joanna (Miller) (1786-1864), his wife,
m. 1806; Joseph Everest and Sarah Eells (1755-1835), his wife, m. 1779; John Sibley (1783-1827) and Sarah
Carriel (1785-1871), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nathan Miller and Mary Mulford, his wife (parents of Fanny Joanna); Aaron Carriel
(1765-1834) and Sally Woodbury (1764-1840), his wife, m. 1784.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Bartholomew Woodbury and Ruth Greenwood, his wife; Nathaniel Carriel and Jane
Dwight (1733-72), his 1st wife, m. 1752.
Bartholomew Woodbury (1740-1819) commanded a regiment of militia and was prominent in town affairs. He was
born and died in Sutton, Mass.Also No. 48776.
Nathaniel Carriel (1724-1816) gave civil service during the Revolution from Sutton, Mass., where he was born and
died .Also No. 43217.
Joseph Everest (1754-1825) served as corporal in the Vermont militia at various alarms. He was captured, taken to
Quebec, but made his escape. He was born in Salisbury, Conn.; died in Peru, N. Y.Also No. 43217.
Nathan Miller (1744-1800) in 1776 was a private in Capt. Ezekiel Mulford's company, Col. Josiah Smith's regiment
of minute men, raised to protect the homes on Long Island. He was born and died in East Hampton, NY.Also No.
Volume 34 page 145
Mrs. Laura F. Williams.  DAR ID Number: 33405 Born in Pittsfield, Michigan.
Wife of Edward W. Williams.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Francis Woodruff and Julia Mahan, his wife.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff (b. 1783) and Freelove SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Patience Lum, his second wife.
Benjamin Woodruff, (1744-1837), was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for over one years actual service as
drummer and sergeant in the New Jersey line. He was born in New Jersey; died in Michigan.
Volume 36 page 196
Mrs. Belle Garland Cresap Poston. DAR ID Number: 35527 Born in Cresap's Landing, Virginia.
Wife of Webster Wesley Poston.
Descendant of Col. Thomas Cresap, Daniel Cresap and Lieut. Joseph Cresap, all of Maryland.
Daughter of Daniel John Cresap and Elizabeth Campbell, his wife.
Granddaughter of Joseph Cresap and Sidney SANFORD, his 3d wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Daniel Cresap and Ruth Van Swearingen, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Thomas Cresap and Hannah Johnston, his wife.
Thomas Cresap, (1702-88), was an organizer of the Sons of Liberty and an active patriot of Maryland.Also Nos.
1841, 2057, 20320, 22350, 24293, 29108, 31113, 32971, 34230.
Daniel Cresap, (1727-98), served on the Committee of Safety and was appointed to raise money.Joseph Cresap,
(1755-1827), served as lieutenant in the Cumberland county, Maryland  militia.
Volume 36 page 54
Mrs. Louisa W. SANFORD Judd. DAR ID Number: 35152 Born in Redding, Connecticut.
Wife of Frederick A. Judd.
Descendant of Jesse Banks and of Hyatt Banks, of Connecticut.
Daughter of George A. SANFORD and Susan C. Banks, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jesse Banks and Sally Stowe, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Hyatt Banks and Sarah Summers, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Jesse Banks and Mehitable Wheeler, his wife.
Jesse Banks,(1736-1820), served 1775 as a private in Capt. Jonathan Dimon's company. He was born and died in
Hyatt Banks was drafted 1780 in Capt. Eliphalet Thorp's company, Col. Jonathan Dimon's regiment. He was born
1764 in Fairfield, and in 1833 received a pension for eight months actual service as private, Connecticut line.
Volume 36 page 328
Miss Virginia SANFORD.DAR ID Number: 35895 Born in Joliet, Illinois.
Descendant of Joseph Homan.
Daughter of Stephen Harvey SANFORD and Emma Homans, his wife.
Granddaughter of James W. Homans and Sarah Ann Flanders, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joseph Homan and Sarah Walton, his wife. m. 1789.
Joseph Homan, (1765-1830), enlisted, 1781, for three years under Capt. Ellis, Col. Alexander Scammel and was
discharged at West Point, 1783. In 1818 his pension was allowed for two years actual service as private, New
Hampshire line. His widow in 1844, aged 83, applied for a pension from PortlandMaine, and it was granted. He
died in Warren County, N. H.
Volume 37 page 141
Miss Edith Gertrude SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 37394   Born in Camden, New York.
Descendant of Jonah SANFORD and of Joel Dunbar.
Daughter of Lorenzo Stoddard SANFORD and Frances Frisbie, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ephraim SANFORD and Temperance Dunbar, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Jonah SANFORD and Mary Dunbar, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joel Dunbar and Rebecca Curtiss, his wife.
Joel Dunbar, (1752-1827), served in Capt. Daniel Smith's company of Connecticut militia on duty in the Mohawk
Valley, N.Y. He was born in Plymouth, Conn.; died in Camden, N. Y.
Jonah SANFORD, (1749-1824), served in the Connecticut militia at Peekskill under Capt. Jesse Curtis, Col.
Noadiah Hooker. He was born in Litchfield, Conn.; died in Camden, N. Y. Also Nos. 17682, 20515.
Volume 37 page 268
Mrs. Mary SANFORD Avis. DAR ID Number: 37760 Born in Brooklyn, New York.
Wife of William H. Avis.
Descendant of John Leavens.
Daughter of Joseph L. SANFORD and Jane R. Wilson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Thomas SANFORD and Esther W. Leavens, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of John Leavens and Esther Williams, his wife.
John Leavens, (1736-99), was a minute man at the Lexington alarm and turned out for the relief of Boston. He was
born in Killingly, Conn.; removed 1788 to Ohio and was one of forty who settled the town of Belpré.  Also Nos.
3773, 14623, 25338.
Volume 38 page 237
Miss Mary Frances SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 36674 Born in Bunker Hill, Illinois.
Descendant of Adjutant Ebenezer Matton, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Solomon Noble SANFORD and Isa Sheppard, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ira SANFORD and Emeline Mattoon, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Ebenezer Mattoon and Lucena Mayo, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Ebenezer Mattoon and Mary Dickinson, his wife.
Ebenezer Mattoon, (1755-1843), was placed on the pension roll of Hampshire county, 1832, for service of adjutant,
Massachusetts line. He became blind in service. He was born and died in Amherst, Mass.  Also Nos. 3885, 12314.
Volume 38  page 237
Miss Anna B. SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 36675 Born in Bunker Hill, Illinois.
Descendant of Adjutant Ebenezer Mattoon.
Daughter of Solomon Noble SANFORD and Isa Sheppard, his wife. See No. 36674.
Volume 39  page 71
Mrs. Medora SANFORD Todd. DAR ID Number: 38190 Born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
Wife of Louis Lorenzo Todd.
Descendant of David Foote, Jacob Mallory, Dr. Joshua Larkins, and Isaac Mallory, all of Connecticut.
Daughter of Elam SANFORD and Jerusha Larkin, his wife.
Granddaughter of John Bloodgood Larkins (1791-1848) and Sarah Mallory (1788-1857), his wife, m. 1809.
Gr.-granddaughter of Joshua Larkins and Jerusha Blackman (1753-1827), his wife, m. 1774; Jacob Mallory and
Hannah Foote (1763-1830), his first wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Isaac Mallory and Mabel Luddington (1734-91), his wife, m. 1752; David Foote and
Hannah Bronson, his wife.
David Foote, (1730-79), served in the defense of Fairfield, where he lost his life. He was born in Waterbury, Conn.
Jacob Mallory, (1766-1834), served as a substitute for Elnathan Street in the marine service. In 1780 served under
Capt. Jedediah Andrews and 1782 under Lieut. Samuel Bird. In 1832 pension allowed for two years service as
private, Connecticut militia. He was born and died in East Haven.
Isaac Mallory, (1731-86), served in the defense of East Haven where he was born and died.
Joshua Larkins, (1752-1834), served in the militia and acted as physician when the occasion required. He survived
to greet Lafayette in 1824 when the Marquis visited this country. He was born in Canada and died in New Haven,
Volume 41  page 77
Mrs. Charlotte C. Mitchell Baker. DAR ID Number: 40203 Born in Southbury, Connecticut.
Wife of Stephen Dayton Baker.
Descendant of Capt. Eleazer Mitchell and of Sergt. Strong SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of David Merwin Mitchell and Harriet Lemmon, his wife.
Granddaughter of Eleazer Mitchell and Cornelia M. A. M. Mitchell; Daniel Lemmon and Eunice Phcbe Mitchell,
his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Benjamin Mitchell and Hannah Pierce, his wife; Jedediah Lemmon and Dolly SANFORD.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Eleazer Mitchell and Olive Hickox, his wife; Strong SANFORD and Temperance
Hotchkiss, his wife.
Eleazer Mitchell, (1732-1819), commanded a company which marched to the relief of New York, 1776. He was born
and died in Southbury, Conn.  Also Nos. 5977, 32194, 35154.
Strong SANFORD, (1761-1846), was placed on the pension roll, 1818, for six months actual service as a private.
The records of Barkamstead state he served as sergeant. Also No. 21404.
Volume 44 page 373
Mrs. Margaret Landers SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 43993 Born in West Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Wife of William Henry SANFORD.
Descendant of Thomas Landers, Ebenezer Landers, Levi Barker, Ichabod Hawes and Mathew Long.
Daughter of Stephen Presson Landers (1812-76) and Emily Barker (1812-86), his wife, m. 1842.
Granddaughter of Stephen Landers (1785-1870) and Polly Long (1791-1851), his wife, m. 1811; Levi Barker and
Lydia Benton, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Ebenezer Landers (1758-1846) and Olive Osborn (1759-1851), his wife, m. 1780; Mathew
Long and Betty Hawes (1762-1851), his wife, m. 1779.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Thomas Landers and Mary Lake (1738-1822), his wife, m. 1757; Ichabod Hawes and
Elizabeth Fisher (1722-66), his wife, m. 1745.
Thomas Landers, (1727-1811), served 1777 in Capt. Ezra Whittlesey's company, Col. Brown's regiment of
Berkshire county militia. He was born in Rochester; died in Lenox, Mass., where both he and his wife are buried.
Ebenezer Landers, (1758-1846) served seven years as a soldier. [p.373] In 1831 was placed on the pension roll of
Chenango Co., N. Y., for service as private, Mass. line. He was born in Lenox, Mass.; died in Afton, N. Y. Also No.
Levi Barker, (1761-1835), served several enlistments under different commands. In 1832 he was allowed a pension
for service as private, Connecticut line. He was born in Westbury, Conn.; died in Kirkland, N. Y.
Ichabod Hawes, (1720-77), was a minute man from Wrentham at the Rhode Island alarm. He was born in
Wrentham; died in Medway, Mass.
Mathew Long, (1757-1821), served as private in Capt. Isaac Martin's company, Col. Ezra Wood's regiment 1777,
Mass. line. He died in Chenango Co., N. Y.
Volume 44 page 342
Miss Laura B. Palmer. DAR ID Number: 43908 Born in Bath, Maine.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont, of Maine.
Daughter of Augustus Palmer and Mary Elizabeth SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of John SANFORD and Mrs. Hannah Colson Swanton, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of John SANFORD and Elizabeth Lemont, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson, his wife.
John Lemont, (1740-1827), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company in Col. Samuel McCobb's
regiment at the battle of White Plains and in the Burgoyne Campaign. He was placed on the pension roll of
Lincoln Co., 1818, for service as captain, Mass. line. He was born and died in Bath. Also Nos. 17933, 26844.
Volume 45 page 167
Mrs. Mary Emily Pease Hawkes. DAR ID Number: 44424 Born in Oxford, Mass.
Wife of Winifred Scott Hawkes.
Descendant of Rev. David SANFORD.
Daughter of William Elliott Pease and Mary Ann Tourtellatte, his wife.
Granddaughter of William Pease and Frances SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Elihu SANFORD (b. 1766) and Elizabeth Fisher, his 2nd wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of David SANFORD and Bathsheba Ingersoll (1738-1800) his wife, m. 1757.
David SANFORD (1737-1810) a graduate of Yale was appointed chaplain of Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment of
Massachusetts militia. He was born in Milford, Conn.; died in Medway, Mass. Also Nos. 11551, 12749, 15257,
Volume 45 page 140
Mrs. Martha C. C. Watson. DAR ID Number: 44346 Born in Bath, Maine.
Wife of Sewall J. Watson.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont of Maine.
Daughter of William Clifford Jr. and Martha Caroline Shaw, his wife.
Granddaughter of William Clifford and Esther SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD and Elizabeth Lemont, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson, his wife.
[p.140] John Lemont (1740-1827) who had served in the early wars commanded a company in Col. Samuel
McCobb's regiment at the battle of White Plains and in the Burgoyne campaign. He was placed on the pension roll
of Lincoln Co. 1818 for service as captain. He was born and died in Bath. Also Nos. 17933, 26844, 43908.
Volume 45 page 179
Mrs. Eudora Blanche Woodruff Merrill. DAR ID Number: 44451 Born in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Wife of William Merrill.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Peter D. Woodruff and Phoebe P. Woodruff, his wife.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff, Jr. (1783-1874) and Freelove SANFORD, his wife, m. 1802.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Patience Lum, his 2nd wife.
Benjamin Woodruff (1744-1837) was placed on the pension roll 1832 for one years actual service as drummer and
sergeant, New Jersey line. He died in Michigan.
Volume 45 page 187
Miss Hazel Williams.   DAR ID Number: 44470  Born in Winona, Minn.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Edward W. Williams and Laura F. Woodruff, his wife.
Granddaughter of Francis Woodruff and Julia Mahan, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff (1783-1874) and Freelove SANFORD, his wife. See No. 44451.
Volume 47 page 177
Mrs. Fredrika Stedman Tuthill.   DAR ID Number: 46395  Born in Annsville, N. Y.
Wife of Burritt D. Tuthill.
Descendant of Ensign John Countreyman.
Daughter of Gilbert R. Stedman and Julia E. Streator, his wife.
Granddaughter of Oliver Stedman and Sophia SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Hazzard Stedman and Elizabeth Countreyman, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nicholas Countreyman and Elizabeth Ogsbury, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Countreyman and Rachel Richard, his wife.
John Countreyman (1736-89) served as ensign in Col. Samuel Clyde's regiment, Herkimer's battalion, at the battle
of Oriskany.  Also No. 8517.
Volume 48 page 65
Mrs. Harriet  Johnson. DAR ID Number: 47141 Born in Bath, Me.
Wife of Howard Bertrand Johnson.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont.
Daughter of William SANFORD and Augusta Cobb, his wife.
Granddaughter of William SANFORD and Sarah Lemont, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD and Elizabeth Lemont, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson, his wife.
John Lemont (1740-1827), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company in Col. Samuel McCobb's
regiment at the battle of White Plains, and in the Burgoyne campaign. He was placed on the pension roll of
Lincoln County 1818 for service as captain. He was born and died in Bath, Maine. Also Nos. 17933, 26844, 43908,
Volume 49 page 101
Mrs. Anne Page Goulding Ross. DAR ID Number: 48212 Born in Rutland, Vt.
Wife of Willis M. Ross.
Descendant of Capt. George Webb.
Daughter of Joseph Hiram Goulding and Frances E. Pease, his wife.
Granddaughter of James Marshall Goulding and Amanda SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Joseph Goulding and Lydia Millen, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Rice Goulding and Ruth Webb, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of George Webb and Ann Sears, his wife.
George Webb (1740-1825) commissioned captain of the 4th regiment from Holden, Mass., 1777. He was a member
of the Cincinnati. He was born in Barnstable; died in Holden, Mass.
Volume 49 page 188
Mrs. Caroline SANFORD Barrett. DAR ID Number: 48402 Born in Orwell, Vt.
Wife of Charles Barrett.
Descendant of James Conkey, Corp. Asa Conkey, Elias Bascom, Ebenezer Hulburd, Daniel Shelden.
Daughter of William R. SANFORD and Emily Bascom, his wife.
Granddaughter of Clark SANFORD and Rebecca Conkey, his wife; Dorns Bascom and Chloe Hulburd, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Asa Conkey and Margaret Hamilton, his wife; Elias Bascom and Eunice Allen, his wife;
Ebenezer Hulburd and Polly Sheldon, his 1st wife, m. 1773.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of James Conkey and Isabel McLancton, his wife; Daniel Sheldon and Mary Harmon
(1717-1806), his wife, m. 1737.
James Conkey (1711-95) served in the Hampshire County militia. He was born in Ireland; died in Orwell, Vt.
Asa Conkey served as corporal 1777 to re-inforce the northern army. He was born in Pelham, Mass.; died 1804 in
Plattsburg, N. Y. Also No. 22301.
Elias Bascom (1738-1833) served in the Massachusetts militia under Capt. Samuel Merriman and was at the
surrender of Burgoyne. He was born in Hatfield, Mass.; died in Orwell.
Ebenezer Hulburd (1747-1819) was a minute man in Capt. Daniel Smith's company of Vermont militia. He was
born in Enfield, Conn.; died in Orwell, Vt.
Daniel Sheldon (1715-98) was a private in the Connecticut militia in the Burgoyne campaign. He was born in
Deerfield, Mass; died in Suffield, Conn.
Volume 49 page 166
Mrs. Millie Celestia Crook Lewis. DAR ID Number: 48348 Born in Prospect, Conn.
Wife of Robert Treadwell Lewis.
Descendant of Lieut. Daniel Welton of Connecticut.
Daughter of George Crook and Charlotte SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of John  and Alma Lewis, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Eber Lewis and Hannah Welton, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Daniel Welton and Ann Brewster, his wife.
Daniel Welton (1731-92) served in the New York campaign and his name is on the list of Capt. John Lewis'
company from Waterbury, where he was born. Also No. 22565.
Volume 49 page 330
Miss Mabel Louise SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 48733 Born in Kirkland, N. Y.
Descendant of Ebenezer SANFORD, Davis Deming, John Deming, Eleazer House, Levi Barker.
Daughter of William Henry SANFORD (1841-1902) and Helen Louisa Barker (1847-84), his wife, m. 1865.
Granddaughter of Theodore SANFORD (1800-74) and Lucy Deming (Patton) (b. 1800), his wife, m. 1837; Henry
Lucius Barker and Amanda Dawley, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Amos SANFORD (1778-1856) and Lydia Blyn (1780-1862), his wife, m. 1797; Davis Deming
and Elizabeth Ann Curtis, his wife; Lester Barker and Sybel House, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Ebenezer SANFORD and Esther Hotchkiss (1739-1824), his wife, m. 1761; John Deming
and Anna Knowles (1732-1809), his wife, m. 1758; Levi Barker and Lydia Benton, his wife; Eleazer House and
Sibyl Wright, his wife.
Ebenezer SANFORD (1739-78) enlisted, 1777, as private at the Lexington Alarm. He was born in Fairfield, Conn.;
died in West Point, N. Y.
Davis Deming (1762-1833) was placed on the pension roll of Onondago County, N. Y., 1818, for service as private,
Connecticut line. He was born in Woodbury, Conn.; died in Vernon, N. Y.
John Deming served as private 1777-81, in Capt. Samuel Granger's company, Col. Charles Webb's Connecticut
regiment. He was born in Long Island, N. Y.; died in Southbury, Conn.
Eleazer House (1760-1833) served several enlistments, 1776-78, as private and wagon-master in Connecticut and
Rhode Island. He was a pensioner in 1832. He was born in Lebanon, Conn.; died in Kirkland, N. Y.
Levi Barker (1761-1835) served several enlistments under different commands. In 1832 he was allowed a pension
for service as private, Connecticut line. He was born in Westbury, Conn.; died in Kirkland, N. Y.
Volume 49  page 157
Mrs. Gertrude Minturn SANFORD Wallbridge. DAR ID Number: 48328 Born in Ellso County, Nevada.
Wife of W. R. Wallbridge.
Descendant of Sergt. Elihu SANFORD.
Daughter of George Bliss SANFORD and Gertrude Minturn, his wife.
Granddaughter of William Elihu SANFORD and Margaret Craney, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Henry SANFORD and Mary Lyman, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Elihu SANFORD and Sarah Thorpe, his wife.
Elihu SANFORD (1759-1839) was placed on the pension roll 1818 of New Haven County for service as sergeant in
the Connecticut line. He was born and died in Bethany, Conn.
Volume 50 page 279
Mrs. Jennie S. B. Stafford. DAR ID Number: 49630 Born in Sullivan, N. Y.
Wife of Norman Stafford.
Descendant of Lieut. Samuel Bull.
Daughter of George Bull and Elizabeth SANDFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Luman Bull and Lucy Hall, his wife.
[p.279] Gr-granddaughter of Michael Bull and Maria Amy Steadman, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Samuel Bull and Jerusha Hopkins, his wife.
Samuel Bull (1722-94) in 1776 was commissioned lieutenant of the light infantry, 23rd regiment, by the General
Assembly of Connecticut. He was born and died in Harwinton, Conn.
Volume 50 page 340
Mrs. Bessie Wilcox S. Greathouse.
DAR ID Number: 49757
Born in Danbury, Conn.
Wife of Early B. Greathouse.
Descendant of Seth SANFORD, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Edward Wilcox SANFORD and Catherine Clapp, his wife.
Granddaughter of Elias Starr SANFORD and Betsy Wilcox, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Elijah SANFORD and Elizabeth Starr, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Seth SANFORD and Rebecca Burr, his wife.
Seth SANFORD (1735-1805), in 1877 was appointed on the committee to care for soldiers' families. He was chosen
selectman and served through the war. He was born and died in Redding. Also No. 27197.
Volume 52 page 114
Miss Alice Gertrude Shore. DAR ID Number: 51261 Born in Bath, Maine.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont.
Daughter of Winfield Scott Shorey and Clara SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of William SANFORD, Jr., and Augusta Cobb, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of William SANFORD and Sarah Lemont, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD and Elizabeth Lemont, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson, his wife.
John Lemont (1740-1827), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company in Col. Samuel McCobb's
regiment at the battle of White Plains and in the Burgoyne campaign. He was placed on the pension roll of
Lincoln County, 1818, for service as captain, Massachusetts line. He was born and died in Bath. Also Nos. 17933,
26844, 43908.
Volume 52 page 177
Mrs. Isabel S. Tremaine. DAR ID Number: 51415 Born in Dunkirk, N. Y.
Wife of Gaius M. Tremaine, Jr.
Descendant of Seth Cole.
Daughter of Edward Bowyer and Maria Dodge, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ulysses E. Dodge and Eliza Jane Trimble, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of David Dodge and Maria Cole, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Seth Cole and Celia SANFORD, his wife.
Seth Cole, served as private in the Hampshire County, Massachusetts militia. He was born, 1756, in Chesterfield,
Mass., and settled in Dunkirk, N. Y., 1805, where he died. Also No. 40041.
Volume 52  page 332
Mrs. Natalie Drake SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 51747 Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wife of Frederic H. SANFORD.
Descendant of Ebenezer Drake.
Daughter of Horace Kingman Drake and Caroline Wells Morrill, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ebenezer Drake, Jr., and Harmony K. Gurney, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Ebenezer Drake and Martha Gurney, his wife.
Ebenezer Drake (1754-1829), served under Capt. Josiah Hayden at the Lexington Alarm, and, 1777, was in the
Massachusetts Continental Army, Capt. John Porter's company, Col. Wigglesworth's regiment. In 1819 was placed
on the pension roll of Oxford County, Maine, for service as private. He was born in Easton, Mass.; died in Sumner,
Volume 62 page 248
Mrs. Grace Adelia Merwin Stanford. DAR ID Number: 61719 Born in Milford, Conn.
Wife of George Stanford.
Descendant of Elisha SANFORD and of Andrew Smith.
Daughter of Merritt William Merwin and Julia Elmer, his wife.
Granddaughter of George Elmer and Adelia Brown, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Horace Edward Brown and Annie Smith, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Abijah Brown and Mary Jane SANFORD, his wife; Andrew Smith and Sara Fowler, his
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Elisha SANFORD and Rhoda Johnson, his wife.
Elisha SANFORD (1750-1841) turned out from Milford under Capt. Samuel Treat, 1776, and served several
enlistments under different commands. He was a pensioner when he died at Orange.  Also No. 12030.
Andrew Smith (1762-1836) served in the guards and was taken prisoner when Tryon invaded the colony. He was
born and died at Milford,  Conn. Also No. 13895.
Volume 64 page 239
Miss Annie Josephine Adams. DAR ID Number: 63723 Born in Essex County, N. Y.
Descendant of Josiah Lewis.
Daughter of Elisha Alderman Adams and Phebe Buckland SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Ruben SANFORD and Polly Lewis, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John Lewis (1763-1827) and Anna Cleveland (b. 1766), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Josiah Lewis and Mollie Cole, his wife, m. 1761.
Josiah Lewis was engaged in the battle of Hubbardton and the taking of Ticonderoga; also served as aide to
Colonel Brookins, Vermont troops. He was born in Connecticut, moved to Poultney, Vt., 1771, and in 1798 died in
Volume 63 page 66
Miss Olive Williams. DAR ID Number: 62199 Born in Winona, Minn.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Edward W. Williams and Laura F. Woodruff, his 2nd wife.
Granddaughter of Francis Woodruff and Julia Mahan, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff, Jr., and Freelove SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Phœbe Pierson, his 1st wife.
Benjamin Woodruff (1744-1837) was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for over one year's actual service as
drummer and sergeant in the New Jersey Line. He was born in New Jersey; died in Michigan. Also No. 33405.
Volume 64 page 239
Mrs. Hester Adams Baker. DAR ID Number: 63724 Born in Wilmington, N. Y.
Wife of Myron Gardner Baker.
Descendant of Josiah Lewis.
Daughter of Elisha Alderman Adams and Phebe Buckland SANFORD, his wife. See No. 63723.
Volume 65 page 37
Miss Lura SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 64105 Born in Northampton, Mass.
Descendant of Capt. Samuel SANFORD.
Daughter of Henry William SANFORD and Emma Bryant, his wife.
Granddaughter of Hiram SANFORD and Lura Hicks, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of William SANFORD and Lucy Rice, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Samuel SANFORD and Parthena Baldwin, his wife.
Samuel SANFORD (1740-1804) was captain of a company, Continental Line, 1777; served in the battles of the
Jerseys. He was born and died in Milford, Conn. Also No. 23916.
Volume 66 page 277
Mrs. Minerva Pierce Smithson. DAR ID Number: 65803 Born in Galesburgh, Ill.
Wife of Edwin S. Smithson.
Descendant of Aloney Rust.
Daughter of Almiron G. Pierce and Caroline C. SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Rev. Alba SANFORD and Minerva Rust, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Aloney Rust and Esther Dowd, his wife.
Aloney Rust (1764-1857) enlisted, 1781, as a private in Capt. Samuel Canfield's company of militia. He was born in
New Hartford. Conn.; died in Fowler, Ohio. Also No. 26015.
Volume 67 page 183
Mrs. Frances Hatch SANFORD Morse. DAR ID Number: 66491 Born in Litchfield, Conn.
Wife of Herbert A. Morse.
Descendant of Timothy Hatch.
Daughter of Frederick M. SANFORD and Sarah B. Lewis, his wife.
Granddaughter of George W. Lewis and Frances M. Hatch, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Timothy Limes Hatch and Sarah Walker Shepard, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Timothy Hatch and Lucretia Rockwell, his wife.
Timothy Hatch (1757-1838) was placed on the pension roll, 1818, for service as private, Connecticut Line. He was
born in Oxford; died in Hartford, Conn.
Volume 69 page 343
Mrs. Kempie Knight Powell. DAR ID Number: 68954 Born in Grove, S. C.
Wife of Marion Lee Powell.
Descendant of John Knight, of South Carolina.
Daughter of James Edward Knight and Eugenia Arnold, his wife.
Granddaughter of SANFORD Vandiver Knight and Jane Andrews, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of John Knight, Jr., and Mary Jones, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Knight and Polly Rutledge, his wife.
John Knight (1747-1848) enlisted from Kershaw District, S. C., and performed various tours under Capt. Benjamin
Hale and Colonel Taylor. He was born in South Carolina; died in Laurens District.
Volume 70 page 249
Miss Beulah M. SANFORD.  DAR ID Number: 69704 Born in Cornwall, Vt.
Descendant of Ensign Jonah SANFORD, Jacob Peck, Felix Benton, Zebulon Jones, Jr., John Rockwell, John
Rockwell, Jr., Sergt. Calvin
Tilden, Zadock Gibbs, Enos Ives, and Elisha Fuller.
Daughter of Harrison Edgar SANFORD (b. 1847) and Cornelia Rockwell (b. 1850), his wife, m. 1873.
Volume 70 page 169
Miss Oreola Cheves.  DAR ID Number: 69473 Born in Macon County, Ga.
Descendant of Jeremiah SANFORD.
Daughter of Adoniram Judson Cheves and Anna Maria SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Shelton Palmer SANFORD and Maria Frances Dickinson, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Vincent SANFORD and Priscilla Palmer, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jeremiah SANFORD and Mary Motley, his wife.
Jeremiah SANFORD (1739-1825) served in the ranks during the war. He was born in Loudoun County, Va., and
died in Georgia. Upon his tombstone at Greensboro is the epitaph, "A Revolutionary soldier, a friend of General
Washington, and an honest man."  Also No. 11438.
Volume 71 page 80
Mrs. Helen E. Hartness Flanders. DAR ID Number: 70218 Born in Springfield, Vt.
Wife of Ralph Edward Flanders.
Descendant of Silas Gridley, of Connecticut.
Daughter of James Hartness (b. 1861) and Lena Pond (b. 1865), his wife, m. 1885.
Granddaughter of Frederick L. Pond (b. 1840) and Anna C. Holt (b. 1840), his wife, m. 1863.
Gr-granddaughter of Henry Holt (1809-51) and Cordelia Gridley (1820-95), his wife, m. 1839.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Joel Gridley and Anna SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Silas Gridley and Elizabeth Benton, his wife.
Silas Gridley (1757-1839) enlisted under Putnam, and after serving one year was compelled to resign on account of
ill health. He was born in Southington; died in Harwinton.
Volume 87 page 72
Mrs. Jane Vivian Allen Corbett. DAR ID Number: 86234 Born in Owingsville, Ky.
Wife of J. S. Corbett.
Descendant of Maj. John Allen, as follows:
1. William Cunningham Allen (1820-91) m., 1850, Isabella Barnes (1830-1907).
2. Granville Allen (1786-1844) m., 1809, Jane Vivian SANFORD (1790-1858).
3. John Allen m., 1781, Jane Tandy (1765-1849).
John Allen (1749-1815) served as commissioner of supplies and was major of a Virginia regiment of Continental
troops. He was born in James City County, Va.; died in Paris, Ky.Also No. 80774.
Volume 72 page 56
Miss Mary E. Palmer. DAR ID Number: 71151 Born in Bath, Me.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont.
Daughter of William Bartlett Palmer (1853-1906) and Alice A. Norris (b. 1857), his wife, m. 1874.
Granddaughter of Augustus Palmer (b. 1823) and Mary SANFORD (1825-1905), his wife, m. 1846.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD (1794-1875) and Hannah (Colson) Swanton (1793-1828), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD (1756-1840) and Elizabeth Lemont (1769-1849), his wife, m. 1789.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson (1745-1832), his wife.
John Lemont (1740-1827), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company in Col. Samuel McCobb's
regiment at the battle of White Plains and in the Burgoyne campaign. He was placed on the pension roll of
Lincoln County, 1818, for  service as captain, Massachusetts line. He was born and died in Bath. Also Nos. 26844,
Volume 72 page 154
Mrs. Emma Duncombe Beers. DAR ID Number: 71429 Born in Redding, Conn.
Wife of George B. Beers.
Descendant of James SANFORD.
Daughter of William E. Duncombe and Sarah SANFORD, his 2nd wife.
Granddaughter of James SANFORD, Jr., and Eliza French, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of James SANFORD and Sarah Beach, his wife.
James SANFORD (1758-1842) enlisted, 1778, in Captain Hill's company, Connecticut regiment. He received a
pension for his service. He was born and died in Redding, Conn.
Volume 74 page 184
Mrs. Jennie Lusk Corell. DAR ID Number: 73496 Born in Newstead, N. Y.
Wife of Harris A. Corell.
Descendant of Corp. Samuel Lusk.
Daughter of William H. Lusk (1813-99) and Lavinia A. Johnson (1826-1902), his wife, m. 1847.
Granddaughter of William Lusk (1785-1870) and Altha SANFORD (1792-1867), his wife, m. 1812.
Gr-granddaughter of Samuel Lusk and Naomi Bryant (1749-1805), his 1st wife, m. 1778.
Samuel Lusk (1752-1828) served, 1776, as corporal in Capt. Elias Dunning's 5th company, 13th regiment of
Connecticut militia. He was born in Wethersfield, Conn.; died in Poultney, Vt.
Volume 78 page 85
Mrs. Genevieve Ferrand Penfold. DAR ID Number: 77229 Born in Clarence, N. Y.
Wife of William James Penfold.
Descendant of Corp. Samuel Lusk.
Daughter of George L. Ferrand (1850-80) and Adele Lusk (b. 1853), his wife, m. 1876.
Granddaughter of William H. Lusk (1813-99) and Lavinia A. Johnson (1826-1902), his wife, m. 1847.
Gr-granddaughter of William Lusk (1785-1870) and Altha SANFORD (1792-1869), his wife, m. 1812.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Samuel Lusk and Naomi Bryant (1749-1805), his 1st wife, m. 1778.
Samuel Lusk (1752-1828) served as a corporal, 1776, in the company of Capt. Elias Dunning, 13th regiment of
Connecticut militia. He was born in Wethersfield, Conn.; died in Poultney, Vt. Also No. 73496.
Volume 78 page 205
Mrs. Edith Merrill Hudson. DAR ID Number: 77537 Born in Saginaw, Mich.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of William Merrill and Eudora Woodruff, his wife.
Granddaughter of Peter D. Woodruff (1818-94), and Phoebe P. W. Woodruff, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff, Jr. (1783-1874), and Freelove SANFORD, his wife (parents of Peter D.).
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Patience Lum, his 2nd wife.
Benjamin Woodruff (1744-1832) was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for over one year's actual service as
drummer and sergeant, New Jersey Line. He was born in New Jersey; died in Ann Arbor, Mich. Also No. 38116.
Volume 79 page 336
Mrs. Louise Boyce Murphy SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 78919 Born in Dallas, Tex.
Wife of Allan SANFORD.
Descendant of Robert Campbell Kennedy and of Col. William Edmiston.
Daughter of John P. Murphy (b. 1837) and Emma Kennedy Martin (b. 1858), his wife, m. 1883.
Granddaughter of William Pitt Martin (1804-77) and Sarah North (1816-89), his wife, m. 1843.
Gr-granddaughter of George M. Martin (1779-1873) and Margaret Montgomery (1786-1843), his wife, m. 1803.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Robert Campbell Kennedy and Esther Edmiston, his wife, m. 1785.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of William Edmiston and Margaret Montgomery, his 1st wife.
Robert Campbell Kennedy (1761-1815) served under his cousin, Col. William Campbell, at Kings Mountain.
He was born in Augusta County, Va.; died in Lincoln County, Tenn.
William Edmiston (1734-1822) was engaged in the battle of Point Pleasant; major at Kings Mountain and
promoted colonel, 1783. He was born in Cecil County, Md.; died in Washington County, Va. Also No. 55983.
Volume 81 page 287
Mrs. Iva Dee Allen Rogers. DAR ID Number: 80775 Born in Millersburg, Ky.
Wife of Louis Rogers.
Descendant of Major John Allen, William Crittenden Webb, and Ensign William McClelland.
Daughter of Julian G. Allen (1843-1917) and Mary Elizabeth Miller (1848-88), his wife, m. 1868.
Granddaughter of Reuben SANFORD Allen (1810-74) and Susannah Smith Shumate (1814-85), his wife, m. 1835;
Mitchell Miller (1814-72) and Mary McClelland (1823-59), his wife, m. 1847.
Gr-granddaughter of Granville Allen (1786-1844) and Jane Vivian SANFORD (1790-1858), his wife, m. 1809;
James McClelland (1775-1832) and Polly Hunt, his 3rd wife. See No. 80774.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Reuben SANFORD and Frances Vivian Webb (b. 1767), his wife, m. 1789; William
McClelland and Martha Miller (d. 1826), his wife, m. 1772.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of William Crittenden Webb and Jane Vivian (1740-83), his wife, m. 1762.
William Crittenden Webb (1732-1815) was a patriot who furnished food to the army in Virginia. He was born in
Virginia; died in Orange County.
William McClelland (1750-1812) served as ensign, 1777, in Capt. Alexander McCoy's company, 5th battalion,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania militia. He was born in Monongalia County, Pa. (now West Virginia); died in
Bourbon County, Ky.
Volume 81 page 357
Mrs. Celeste Gardiner Loomis SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 80977 Born in Rochester, N. Y.
Wife of Nelson P. SANFORD.
Descendant of Isaac Gardner, William Gardner, and of Abel Adams.
Daughter of George Welch Loomis (b. 1852) and Celeste Gardner, his wife, m. 1887.
Granddaughter of George Loomis and Evalina Praul Smith, his wife, m. 1851; Addison Gardner (1797-1883) and
Mary Seldrigg (d. 1869), his wife, m. 1831.
Gr-granddaughter of Asahel Smith and Betsey Adams, his wife; William Gardner and Rebecca Raymond, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Abel Adams and Roséné Cossett (1759-1827), his wife; Isaac Gardner and Mary
Sparhawk, his wife.
Isaac Gardner (1726-75) served in the militia at Lexington and was killed by the British soldiers. He was born in
Brookline, Mass. Also No. 70726.
William Gardner (1761-1833) served at the close of the war in the Massachusetts militia. He removed, 1785, to
New Hampshire, where he rose to prominence. He was born in Brookline, Mass.; died in Manlius, N. Y.
Abel Adams (1756-1829) enlisted as a private, 1775, in Capt. Abel Pettibone's company, Col. Joseph Spencer's
regiment. He was born and died in Simsbury, Conn. Also No. 77752.
Volume 75 page 165
Mrs. Olive S. Olmstead SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 74446 Born in Palmyra, Ohio.
Wife of Rollin Miles SANFORD.
Descendant of Jacob Winans.
Daughter of Norris Olmstead (1834-80) and Sarah Thayer (b. 1836), his wife, m. 1858.
Granddaughter of Bezaleel Olmstead (1804-39) and Hannah Winans (1805-94), his wife, m. 1828.
Gr-granddaughter of Isaac Winans (1764-1853) and Eleanor De Long (d. 1836), his wife, m. 1786.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jacob Winans and Rebecca Connot (d. 1764), his 2nd wife, m. 1759.
Jacob Winans (1726-1810) served, 1777, as adjutant of the 6th battalion, Northampton County militia, under Col.
Jacob Stroud. He was born in Perth, N. J.; died in Milton, Ohio.
Volume 75 page 208
Mrs. Leonora Pointer Abernathy. DAR ID Number: 74561 Born in Williamson County, Tenn.
Wife of William Lane Abernathy.
Descendant of Lieut. James Holland.
Daughter of Samuel Pointer (1830-81) and Cynthia Rhodes Holland (1831-71), his wife.
Granddaughter of James Holland (b. 1800) and Winefred SANDFORD (b. 1819), his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of James Holland and Sarah Gilbert (b. 1764), his wife, m. 1780.
James Holland was lieutenant in Capt. Joseph Harden's company, Col. Francis Locke's regiment. He served as
sheriff of Tryon County, 1777-78. He was with Rutherford at Ramsour's Mills, 1780, when Harden's men turned
the right flank and the Tories were routed. He was born in Pennsylvania; died in Maury County, Tenn. Also No.
Volume 76 page 310
Mrs. Mary George Dickson. DAR ID Number: 75817 Born in Fairfield, Ill.
Wife of James M. Dickson.
Descendant of Stephen SANDFORD and of Hezekiah Beecher.
Daughter of Gilbert Jasper George (b. 1838) and Emily A. Wilcox (b. 1843), his wife, m. 1865.
Granddaughter of Josiah C. Wilcox (1819-1909) and Mary SANDFORD Beecher (b. 1824), his wife, m. 1840.
Gr-granddaughter of Zina Beecher (1784-1865) and Lucretia SANDFORD(1789-1890), his wife, m. 1809.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Hezekiah Beecher and Philena Johnson (b. 1761), his wife; Stephen SANDFORD and
Sybil White (d. 1800), his wife.
Hezekiah Beecher (1755-1828) served as a private in Capt. Benedict Arnold's company. He was born in
Woodbridge, Conn. Also No. 73953.
Stephen SANDFORD (1740-90) served, 1781, as a private in Capt. William Moulton's company, under Gen. David
Whitney. He was born in Wilford; died in Hamden, Conn.
Volume 81 page 315
Mrs. Mary SANFORD Fletcher. DAR ID Number: 80858 Born in Grand Haven, Mich.
Wife of Will Fletcher.
Descendant of James SANFORD.
Daughter of George Davis SANFORD (1842-1909) and Frances Stoner (b. 1852), his wife, m. 1873.
Granddaughter of Isaac Platt SANFORD (1811-87) and Mary Jennings Royall (1814-83), his wife, m. 1834.
Gr-granddaughter of Lemuel SANFORD (1780-1826) and Charlotte Platt (1785-1846), his wife, m. 1802.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of James SANFORD and Sarah Beach (1764-1828), his wife, m. 1780.
James SANFORD (1758-1842) enlisted, 1778, in Captain Hill's company, 7th regiment, Connecticut Line. In 1840
he received a pension. He was born and died in Redding, Conn. also No. 79927.
Volume 81 page 315
Mrs. Mary Ellen SANFORD Smoot. DAR ID Number: 80859 Born in Akron, Ohio.
Wife of C. L. Smoot.
Descendant of James SANFORD.
Daughter of Harry Royall SANFORD (1859-1907) and Cidella L. Rowan (b. 1867), his wife, m. 1886.
Granddaughter of Timothy Royall SANFORD (1835-86) and Mary E. McDonald (b. 1841), his wife, m. 1858.
Gr-granddaughter of Isaac Platt SANFORD (1811-87) and Mary Jennings Royall (1814-83), his wife, m. 1834. See
No. 80858.
Volume 85 page 356
Miss Jennie A. Howe. DAR ID Number: 84925 Born in Columbus, Ohio.
Descendant of Amasa Howe, Hezekiah Beecher, Joseph Linnell, Stephen SANFORD (SANDFORD), and Capt.
Israel Harris, as follows:
1. Brainerd Harris Howe (b. 1839), m. 1865, Sarah Augusta Beecher (b. 1841).
2. Timothy Winter Howe (1804-91), m. 1833, Chloe Lucretia Harris (1810-89); Lyman Beecher (1817-88), m. 1839,
Jane Willoughby (1820-68).
3. Amasa Howe, m. 1788, Sarah Harrington (1768-1840); Zina Beecher (1784-1865), m. 1809, Lucretia SANFORD
(1789-1880); Timothy Harris (1781-1822), m. 1809, Bethiah Linnell (1790-1873).
4. Hezekiah Beecher, m. Hannah (or Philena) Johnson; Joseph Linnell, m. 1779, Zerviah Knowles (1753-1824);
Stephen SANFORD, m. Sybil White (1745-1808); Israel Harris, m. Sarah Morse (d. 1833).
Hezekiah Beecher (1755-1828) served as private in Capt. Benedict Arnold's company. He was born in Woodbridge,
Stephen SANFORD (1740-90) served, 1781, in Capt. William Moulton's company under Gen. David Whitney. He
was born in Milford; died in Hamden, Conn. Also No. 73953.
Joseph Linnell (1754-1835) served as private, 1776, in Capt. Job Crocker's company, Major Winslow's Rhode
Island regiment; 1778, as private in Captain Fowler's company, Massachusetts regiment. He was born in Orleans,
Mass.; died in Granville, Ohio. Also No. 83129.
Israel Harris (1747-1836) aided in the capture of Ticonderoga, 1775. He served as lieutenant at the battle of
Bennington and was under Capt. Jude Williams to cut off the retreat of Burgoyne. He was appointed captain of the
Berkshire County, Massachusetts militia, 1779, and served on the Vermont frontier. He was born in Cornwall,
Conn.; died in Hartford, N. Y.  Also No. 70969.
Amasa Howe (1765-1853) served, 1781, as private in the Massachusetts Line under Captain Haskell. He was born
in Granville, Mass.; died in Gallia County, Ohio.
Volume 85 page 354
Mrs. Eliza Cooper Dougherty. DAR ID Number: 84921 Born in Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Wife of Samuel Holtzworth Dougherty.
Descendant of Col. Bezaleel Beebe, as follows:
1. William Craig Cooper (1831-1902), m. 1864, Ann Eliza Russell (b. 1840).
2. John Wadhams Russell, M. D. (1804-87), m. 1828, Eliza Beebe (1808-71).
3. William Beebe (1782-1862), m. 1806, Clarissa SANDFORD.
4. Bezaleel Beebe, m. 1764, Elizabeth Marsh.
Bezaleel Beebe (1741-1823) served as lieutenant in the first call for troops. He was at Ticonderoga and
commanded a company at Fort Washington, 1776, when it was obliged to surrender. He was promoted major, 1779;
commanded a regiment for coast defense, 1780, and was discharged, 1783. He was born and died in Litchfield,
Conn. Also No. 75455.
Volume 88 page 86
Mrs. Julia M. SANFORD Harvey. DAR ID Number: 87279 Born in Menasha, Wis.
Wife of Leon J. Harvey.
Descendant of Ozias Grant, as follows:
1. Burritt Fisher SANFORD (1820-92) m. 2nd, 1859, Grace Reed Grant (1825-87).
2. Elijah Grant (1791-1852) m., 1819, Hannah Pierce (1797-1871).
3. Wareham Grant (1764-1821) m., 1788, Grace Reed (d. 1833).
4. Ozias Grant m. Lovana Strong.
Ozias Grant (1733-1823) was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm. He was born in East Windsor, Conn.; died in
Rockville, Conn. Also No. 32616
Volume 90 page 319
Mrs. Cora Frances Savage SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 89980 Born in Middlesex County, Mass.
Descendant of James Savage and of Jacob Savage, as follows:
1. Henry H. Savage m. 1864 Abbie F. Young.
2. Abraham Savage (1797-1877) m. 1818 Mary Hayward Coleman (1803-89).
3. Jacob Savage m. 1781 Hannah Gray.
4. James Savage m. 1742 Mary Hilton (1723-1825).
James Savage (1715-1805) was a private in a detachment raised to serve with guards under Maj. William Lothrow
for seacoast defense in Lincoln County. He was born in Ireland; died in Woolwich, Me. Also No. 67638, 78167.
Jacob Savage (1758-1826) enlisted as a mariner on the "Hancock" under Commodore John Manley; was captured
by the ship "Rainbow" and carried to Halifax, confined on the ship "Royal," which the prisoners succeeded in
getting command of and arrived at Marblehead, 1778, capturing the ships "Fox" and "Flora." In 1818 he received
a pension. He was born in Wiscasset; died in Anson, Me. Also No. 38052.
Volume 90 page 92
Mrs. Josephine Greenleaf Day Mendell. DAR ID Number: 89290 Born in Superior, Neb.
Wife of Bert C. Mendell.
Descendant of Dr. Daniel Greenleaf and of Israel Greenleaf, as follows:
1. George Leverett Day (b. 1857) m. 1881 Isabelle Barber (b. 1857).
2. Ira Church Day (1821-64) m. 1845 Orcelia Greenleaf (1821-88).
3. William Greenleaf (1797-1885) m. 1820 Almira SANFORD (d. 1863).
4. Tilly Greenleaf (1760-1850) m. 1795 Mary (Polly) Spofford.
5. Israel Greenleaf m. 1st 1754 Prudence Whitcomb (d. 1784).
6. Daniel Greenleaf m. 1726 Silence Marsh.
Daniel Greenleaf (1702-95), who had fought at Louisburg, guarded the prisoners taken at the capture of Burgoyne.
He was born in Cambridge, Mass.
Israel Greenleaf (1734-1824) served as private, 1780, in Capt. Thomas Brintall's company, Col. Cyprian How's
Middlesex County, Massachusetts regiment. He was born in Bolton, Mass.; died in Columbus, N. Y. Also No.
Volume 90 page 319
Mrs. Cora Frances Savage SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 89980 Born in Middlesex County, Mass.
Descendant of James Savage and of Jacob Savage, as follows:
1. Henry H. Savage m. 1864 Abbie F. Young.
2. Abraham Savage (1797-1877) m. 1818 Mary Hayward Coleman (1803-89).
3. Jacob Savage m. 1781 Hannah Gray.
4. James Savage m. 1742 Mary Hilton (1723-1825).
James Savage (1715-1805) was a private in a detachment raised to serve with guards under Maj. William Lothrow
for seacoast defense in Lincoln County. He was born in Ireland; died in Woolwich, Me. Also No. 67638, 78167.
Jacob Savage (1758-1826) enlisted as a mariner on the "Hancock" under Commodore John Manley; was captured
by the ship "Rainbow" and carried to Halifax, confined on the ship "Royal," which the prisoners succeeded in
getting command of and arrived at Marblehead, 1778, capturing the ships "Fox" and "Flora." In 1818 he received
a pension. He was born in Wiscasset; died in Anson, Me. Also No. 38052.
Volume 93 page 220
Mrs. Adelaide SANFORD Hughes. DAR ID Number: 92701 Born in Easton, Mich.
Wife of Fred W. Hughes.
Descendant of Job Arnold, as follows:
1. James B. SANFORD (1822-92) m. 1846 Maria Yeomans (1826-1904).
2. Erastus Yeomans (1791-1883) m. 1815 Phœbe Arnold (1795-1864).
3. Job Arnold m. 1780 Hannah Dexter.
Job Arnold (1760-1834) served as private, 1777, in Rhode Island troops under Captain Day and Colonel Wilmot.
He was born in Smithfield, R. I.; died in Fairfield, N. Y.Also No. 71525.
Volume 92 page 38
Mrs. Edith Wyer Craft. DAR ID Number: 91113 Born in Seneca County, N. Y.
Wife of Carl Craft.
Descendant of Capt. Joshua Sayer, Benjamin Coleman, Benjamin Coleman, Jr., Lieut. Jonathan Woodworth,
Lieut. JohnDunning, Timothy Wood, and John Finch, as follows:
1. Frederick Wyer (b. 1851) m. 1885 Estelle Coleman (b. 1865).
2. Robert Prince Wyer (d. 1854) m. 1848 Delia Maria Cottle (1826-94); Thaddeus M. Coleman (1833-68) m. 1861
Caroline M. Woodworth.
3. Shubael Cottle (1792-1864) m. 1817 Rebecca SANFORD Sayer (1773-1839); Ira Coleman (1794-1847) m. 1821
Emily Dunning (d. 1873); Chauncey Woodworth (1809-44) m. 1837 Prudence S. Emmons (1816-88).
4. Joshua Sayer m. Rebecca SANFORD (1753-1816); Benjamin Coleman, Jr., m. Hannah Finch (1761-1846); John
Dunning, Jr., m. Esther Updegrove; Jonathan Parker Woodworth (1775-1860) m. 1799, Mary Ann Sherwood (d.
5. Benjamin Coleman m. Hannah Wood (1726-62); Jonathan Woodworth m. Mercy Parker; John Dunning m. Mary
Seeley; John Finch m. Christian Carpenter (1740-1825).
6. Timothy Wood m. 1725 Hannah Oldfield.
Joshua Sayer (1746-81) was lieutenant, 1775, in Capt. Edward Spalding's company. In 1776 he was appointed
captain of artillery, Col. Robert Elliott's regiment. He was born in Newport; died in New York.
Benjamin Coleman (1726-1802) served as a private in the Orange County, New York militia, under Captain
Minthorn and Colonel Hathorn. He was born in Southold; died in Goshen, N. Y.
Benjamin Coleman, Jr. (1755-1832), served as a private in the Orange County, New York militia. He was born and
died in Goshen, N. Y.
Jonathan Woodworth (1733-1818) enlisted from New London as sergeant in the 3rd company, Putnam's regiment,
1775; re-enlisted as 2nd lieutenant in Colonel Durkee's Connecticut Continental Line. He was born in Norwich,
Conn.; died in Covert, N. Y.
John Dunning (1740-95) served as lieutenant in Capt. Iasiah Vail's company, Ulster County, New York militia,
1777-78. He was born and died in Wallkill, N. Y.
Timothy Wood was a signer of the Association Test. He was born in Jamaica, L. I.; died in Goshen, N. Y.
John Finch (1735-78) lost his life at the Wyoming massacre. He was born in Goshen, N. Y.    Also Nos. 52170,
Volume 94 page 30
Mrs. Mary L. Hughes Ehlers. DAR ID Number: 93090 Born in St. Louis, Mo.
Wife of Herbert W. Ehlers.
Descendant of Job Arnold, as follows:
1. Fred W. Hughes (b. 1855) m. 1886 Adelaide Y. SANFORD (b. 1864).
2. James B. SANFORD (1822-92) m. 1846 Maria Yeomans (1826-1904).
3. Erastus Yeomans (1791-1883) m. 1815 Phœbe Arnold (1797-1864).
4. Job Arnold m. Hannah Dexter.
Job Arnold (1760-1834) enlisted, 1777, in Captains Day and Peck's companies, Colonel Aldrich and Wilmot's
regiments,Rhode Island troops.  He was born in Smithfield, R.I.; died in Fairfield, NY
Volume 94 page 222
Mrs. Felicia SANFORD Macswain. DAR ID Number: 93713 Born in Irwinton, Ga.
Wife of Lucius T. MacSwain.
Descendant of Maj. Thaddeus Beall, Josiah Beall, and Col. Samuel Beall, as follows:
1. Wade F. SANFORD (1822-66) m. 1854 Ann Elizabeth Beall (b. 1838).
2. Charles Cotton Beall (1796-1874) m. 1825 Elefare Dennard (1808-56).
3. Jeremiah Beall (1770-1816) m. 1795 Elisabeth Cotton (1775-1849).
4. Thaddeus Beall m. 2nd 1767 Jane (Beall) (cousins).
5. Josiah Beall; Samuel Beall m. 1734 Eleanor Brooke (1716-78) (parents of Thaddeus.
Thaddeus Beall served as private in Capt. Edward Burges' company, lieutenant in the 1st Maryland Flying Camp,
1776, promoted captain and brigade major. He was born in Frederick County, Md.; died in Hancock County, Ga.
Also No. 76137.
Josiah Beall (1715-78) was a patriot who signed the Association of Freemen of Maryland. He was born in Prince
Georges County; died in Frederick County, Md.
Samuel Beall was colonel of the 2nd battalion, 36th Maryland regiment. He was born about 1710 in Prince
Georges County; died, 1788, in Washington County, Md.
Volume 95 page 78
Miss Bessie M. SANFORD Jackson. DAR ID Number: 94243 Born in Addison, Mich.
Descendant of Sergt. John McLouth, and of Capt. Nathan Pierce, as follows:
1. Charles W. SANFORD (b. 1851) m. 1885 Mary C. Jackson (b. 1863).
2. George W. Jackson (1833-80) m. Margaret McLouth (b. 1832).
3. Oscar McLouth (1805-37) m. 1829 Sarah Muir (1811-90).
4. Oliver Cromwell McLouth (1784-1843) m. Elizabeth Dillon (1785-1859).
5. John McLouth m. 1782 Sarah Pierce (1764-1848).
6. Nathan Pierce m. 1765 Sarah Davis.
John McLouth (1758-1820) served, 1776-79, as private, fifer and sergeant under Captains Edward Blake, James
Wilbor. His widow was pensioned, 1843, for his service. He was born in Massachusetts; died in Galen, N.Y.
Nathan Pierce (1745-76) enlisted, 1776, in a company of Green Mountain Boys under Col. Seth Warner. He was
born in Rehoboth, Mass.;died on the Island of Three Sisters, near Quebec, Canada.
Volume 95 page 9
Mrs. Frances E. SANFORD Burns. DAR ID Number: 94027 Born in Iona, Mich.
Wife of H. John Burns.
Descendant of Job Arnold, as follows:
1. James B. SANFORD (1822-92) m. 1846 Maria Yoemans (1826-1904).
2. Erastus Yoemans (1791-1883) m. 1815 Phœbe Arnold (1797-1864).
3. Job Arnold m. 1780 Hannah Dexter.
Job Arnold (1760-1834) enlisted, 1777, in Captains Day and Peck's companies, Colonels Aldrich and Wilmot's
regiments. He was born in Smithfield, R. I.; died in Fairfield, N. Y. Also No. 93090.
Mrs. Elizabeth Maria Burns Russ. DAR ID Number: 94871 Born in St. Louis, Mich.
Wife of Peter John Russ.
Descendant of Job Arnold, as follows:
1. H. John Burns (b. 1860) m. 1887 Frances E. SANFORD(b. 1866).
2. James B. SANFORD (1822-92) m. 1846 Maria Yoemans (1826-1904).
3. Erastus Yoemans (1791-1883) m. 1815 Phœbe Arnold (1797-1864).
4. Job Arnold m. 1780 Hannah Dexter.
Job Arnold (1760-1834) served, 1777, as private in the Rhode Island troops under Captain Day and Colonel
Wilmot. He was born in  Smithfield, R. I.; died in Fairfield, N. Y.  Also No. 71525.
Volume 100 page 124
Mrs. Kate Richardson Lumpkin.  DAR ID Number: 99393 Born in Glennville, Ala.
Wife of Judge Samuel Lumpkin.
Descendant of Isham Thompson, as follows:
1. Walker Richardson (1825-75) m. 1855 Martha Elizabeth SANFORD (1834-88).
2. William Norval Richardson m. Susan Watkins (b. 1791).
3. James Watkins (1758-1824) m. 1779 Jane Thompson (1762-1815).
4. Isham Thompson m. 1760 Mary Ann Oliver (b. 1742).
Isham Thompson served as private in Col. Elijah Clarke's regiment, Georgia Line. He was born in Chesterfield
County, Va.; died, 1795, in Elbert County, Ga.
Volume 100 page 193
Mrs. Alma E. Sellers Beazley.  DAR ID Number: 99611 Born in Roanoke, Mo.
Wife of Wyatt S. Beazley, M. D.
Descendant of Benjamin Head and of John Starke, as follows:
1. William B. Sellers (1841-1909) m. 1871 Virginia A. Head (b. 1837).
2. John Head, Jr. (1800-83), m. 1825 Adaline Starke (1807-76).
3. John Head (1765-1852) m. 1787 Anne SANFORD (1771-1846); John Starke (1771-1827) m. 1792 Betsey
Shepherd (d. 1835).
4. Benjamin Head m. 1764 Martha Head; John Starke (b. 1742) m. 1763 Elizabeth Shepherd (d. 1830).
5. John Starke m. 1736 Anne Wyatt.
Benjamin Head (1731-1803) served as private in Col. Theodorick Bland's Virginia regiment. He was born and died
in Orange County, Va.
John Starke (1715-82) served as a member of the Committee of Safety of Henrico County, Va., 1775. He was born
and died in Henrico County,  Va.   Also No. 71396.
Volume 103 page 79
Mrs. Cora A. Jones. DAR ID Number: 102253 Born in Whiteside, Ill.
Descendant of Jonathan Head and of Joseph Head, as follows:
1. Howland W. Head (b. 1834) m. 1856 Arminda Woolley (1837-1913).
2. Pardon Head (1797-1845) m. 1819 Phœbe Mitchell (1796-1844).
3. Joseph Head m. 1788 Rebecca SANFORD (1756-1838).
4. Jonathan Head m. 1760 Ruth Little (b. 1742).
Jonathan Head (1739-78) served as a private in Capt. William Hicks company, Colonel Pope's regiment from
Dartmouth County, Mass. where he died. He was born in Little Compton, Mass. Also No. 86242.
Joseph Head (1761-1837) was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for fourteen months' actual service as private,
Massachusetts Line He was born in Westfort, Mass.; died in Madison, N. Y.  Also No. 38186.
Volume 97 page 57
Mrs. Emma Virginia Belfield Barnard. DAR ID Number: 96181 Born in Stratford, Va.
Wife of Harry F. Barnard.
Descendant of Maj. John Belfield, as follows:
1. LeRoy Daingerfield Belfield (1846-88) m. 1868 Mary E. Spilman (b. 1852).
2. Thomas Meriwether Belfield (1796-1863) m. Frances SANFORD.
3. Thomas Wright Belfield (1845-1903) m. Anne H. Beale.
4. John Belfield m. 1844 Ruth Sydnor.
John Belfield (1725-1805) was lieutenant, 1776, of the Virginia dragoons and, 1777-81, served as captain and
major. He was born and died in Virginia. Also No. 71433.
Volume 104 page 99
Mrs. Nora M. Yancey Cole. DAR ID Number: 103313 Born in La Belle, Mo.
Wife of Dr. Paul Cole.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. William H. Yancey (b. 1867) m. 1886 Lizzie Wilson (b. 1866).
2. J. B. Yancey (b. 1839) m. 1865 Maria SANFORD (b. 1840).
3. Henry S. SANFORD(1809-72) m. 1835 Martha W. Lillard (1809-96).  See No. 103186.
Volume 106 page 145
Miss Mary Agnes Person. DAR ID Number: 105445 Born in Yalo Busha County, Miss.
Descendant of William Jeffreys, as follows:
1. William Carter Person (b. 1845) m. 1879 Mary Agnes SANFORD (b. 1853).
2. Weldon Edwards Person (1819-79) m. 1840 Mary Ann E. Jeffreys (1824-54).
3. William Jeffreys, Jr. (1788-1864) m. 1815 Elizabeth Hartsfield (1800-72).
4. William Jeffreys m. Mary Gray.
William Jeffreys served as a private with the North Carolina troops. He was born in Edgecombe County; died in
Franklin County, N. C. Also  No. 76047.
Volume 107 page 85
Mrs. Lucretia E. Bonham Creighton. DAR ID Number: 106281 Born in Fairfield, Ill.
Wife of J. R. Creighton.
Descendant of Stephen SANFORD, as follows:
1. Edward Bonham (1826-93) m. 1860 Berintha E. Woodin (1842-90).
2. Roswell Woodin (1805-68) m. 1829 Lucretia Beecher (1810-73).
3. Zina Beecher (b. 1784) m. 1809 Lucretia SANFORD (1789-1880).
4. Stephen SANFORD m. Sybil White (d. 1800).
Stephen SANFORD (1740-90) served, 1781, in Capt. William Moulton's company under Gen. David Whitney. He
was born in Milford; died in Hamden, Conn. Also No. 84925.
Volume 74 page 345
Miss Rena Delle George. DAR ID Number: 73953 Born in Fairfield, Ill.
Descendant of Stephen SANDFORD and of Hezekiah Beecher.
Daughter of Gilbert Jasper George (b. 1838) and Emily A. Wilcox (b. 1843), his wife, m. 1866.
Granddaughter of Josiah Wilcox (1819-1909) and Mary SANDFORD Beecher (b. 1824), his wife, m. 1840.
Gr-granddaughter of Zina Beecher (1784-1865) and Lucretia SANDFORD (1789-1880), his wife, m. 1809;
Hezekiah Beecher and Philena Johnson (b. 1761), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Stephen SANDFORD and Sybil White (d. 1800), his wife.
Stephen SANDFORD (1740-90) served, 1781, in Capt. William Moulton's company under Gen. David Whitney. He
was born in Wilford; died in Hamden, Conn.
Hezekiah Beecher (1755-1828) served as a private in Capt. Benedict Arnold's company. He was born in
Woodbridge, Conn.
Volume 76 page 171
Mrs. A Eliza Russell Cooper. DAR ID Number: 75455 Born in Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Wife of Col. William Craig Cooper.
Descendant of Col. Bezaleel Beebe.
Daughter of John Wadhams Russell, M. D. (1804-87), and Eliza Beebe (1808-71), his wife, m. 1828.
Granddaughter of William Beebe (1782-1862) and Clarissa SANDFORD, his wife, m. 1806.
Gr-granddaughter of Bezaleel Beebe and Elizabeth Marsh, his wife, m. 1764.
Bezaleel Beebe (1741-1823) served as lieutenant in the first call for [p.171] troops. He was at Ticonderoga and
commanded a company at Fort Washington, 1776, when it was obliged to surrender. He was promoted major, 1779;
commanded a regiment for coast defense, 1780, and was discharged, 1783. He was born and died in Litchfield,
Conn. Also No. 12549.
Volume 102 page 97
Mrs. Jean Isabelle Tainter Kingan. DAR ID Number: 101323 Born in Franklin, Wis.
Wife of William Francis Kingan.
Descendant of Sergt. Lewis Hurd, as follows:
1. Anson Gorham Tainter (1823-1911) m. 1852 Rachel Jane Tobler (1830-86).
2. Stephen Gorham Tainter (1793-1840) m. 1818 Anna Hurd (1795-1873).
3. Lewis Hurd m. 1783 Katherine SANDFORD (1760-1830).
Lewis Hurd (1759-1847) entered the army in 1776 as orderly sergeant, and was engaged in the battle of Long
Island, the taking of Fort Montgomery, and at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78. He was born in Roxbury, Conn.;
died in Sandgate, Vt. Also No. 62436.
Volume 103 page 92
Mrs. Caroline Fullilove Burgess. DAR ID Number: 102295 Born in Caddo Parish, La.
Wife of Walton Burgess.
Descendant of James Dowdell (Dowdall), as follows:
1. Thomas Pope Fullilove (1832-97) m. 1859 Elizabeth Jane SAMFORD (b. 1838).
2. William Llewellen Samford (1817-94) m. 1838 Susan Lewis Dowdell (1822-97).
3. Lewis Jefferson Dowdell (1800-26) m. Elizabeth Clay Farley.
4. James Dowdell m. Elizabeth Cropp.
James Dowdell (1758-1802) enlisted, 1776, as a private under Col. Daniel Morgan. He was born in Virginia; died
in Elizabethtown, Ky. Also No. 93478.
Volume 58 page 326
Mrs. Cornelia Ely Sutherland. DAR ID Number: 57956 Born in Madison, Conn.
Wife of Ward Taylor Sutherland.
Descendant of Lieut. Robert Ely and of Capt. Simeon Lay, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Elias SANFORD Ely and Hester Maria Wright, his wife.
Granddaughter of Simeon Lay Ely and Elizabeth SANFORD, his wife; Jedediah Chapman Wright and Sylvia Lay,
his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Robert Ely and Jerusha Lay, his wife; Simeon Lay and Hettie Denison. his wife.
Robert Ely (1741-1828) served as lieutenant in the 1st company, 7th regiment, Connecticut militia, at the Tryon
invasion. He was born and died in Saybrook, Conn.
Simeon Lay (1748-1808) commanded a company when Tryon invaded the colony. He was born and died in
Volume 87 page 252
Mrs. Edith Anna (Ellis) Ellis. DAR ID Number: 86789 Born in Dryden, N. Y.
Wife of Willard Waldo Ellis.
Descendant of Peter Snyder, Robert Robertson and Corporal Ezekiel SANFORD, as follows:
1. Warren Clark Ellis (1840-21) m., 1865, Alice Ann Snyder (b. 1846).
2. Ira Ellis (1802-49) m. Sarah SANFORD (1803-77); Ira Snyder (1813-1906) m., 1838, Anna Robertson
3. Henry Snyder (1781-1870) m. 2nd, 1808, Mary Teeter; Lyman SANFORD(1780-1815) m., 1799, Rachel Ross;
Philip Schuyler Robertson (1774-1842) m., 1802, Elsie Sweezy.
4. Peter Snyder m., 1776, Mary Shaver (1753-1839); Ezekiel SANFORD m. 1st, 1765, Sarah (Chloe) Cook
(1743-84); Robert Robertson m. Josephine -.
Peter Snyder (1752-1832) was a private in the 2nd regiment, Continental army from Oxford, N. J., where he was
born. He died in Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y.
Robert Robertson served as a private in the Albany County militia, 13th regiment, under Colonel Van Vechten. He
was born in Scotland; died in Schuylerville, Saratoga County, N. Y.
Ezekiel SANFORD (1745-1833) served as corporal under Captains Benedict Arnold, Davis Smith, Colonels
Elmore and Chandler, Connecticut troops. He was born in New Haven, Conn.; died in Sparta, N. Y.
Volume 89 page 87
Miss Frankie India Harrah. DAR ID Number: 88269 Born in Oklahoma City, Okla.
Descendant of Robert Wharton, as follows:
1. Frank Harrah (b. 1859) m. 1887 Jessie SANFORD (b. 1870).
2. John Neal Harrah (1810-94) m. 1834 Helen Wharton (1817-1903).
3. Andrew Wharton m. 1812 Anna Richey.
4. Robert Wharton m. 1st Sarah Farley.
Robert Wharton served as a drummer under Capt. Valentine Peyton in the 3rd Virginia regiment. He was born,
1758, in Philadelphia, Pa.; died in Wheeling, W. Va. Also No. 79252.
Volume 46 page 7
Mrs. Cora Pulcipher Brown. DAR ID Number: 45013 Born in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Wife of Arthur Brown.
Descendant of Ensign Samuel Doty and of Corp. John Doty.
[p.7] Daughter of Milo S. Pulcipher and Isabella Drake, his wife.
Granddaughter of Zera Pulcipher and Caroline L. Doty, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Samuel Doty and Polly SANFORD, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Doty and Eunice Adams, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Samuel Doty and Mercy Doty, his wife, m. 1758.
Samuel Doty (1736-1815) served as sergeant and as ensign under different commands to the close of the war in the
Connecticut militia. He was born in Saybrook, Conn.; died in Albany County, New York. Also No. 39031.
John Doty (1761-1840) received a pension 1831 in Rensselaer County, New York, as a private and corporal in the
Connecticut Continental line.
Volume 46 page 228
Mrs. Violet SANFORD Bausman. DAR ID Number: 45537 Born in Carnegie, Pa.
Wife of Cooke Bausman.
Descendant of Timothy Alderman.
Daughter of Noble Festus SANFORD and Ostra Leet, his wife.
Granddaughter of Samuel E. SANFORD and Dorcas Alderman, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Timothy Alderman and Ruth Hart, his wife.
Timothy Alderman (1754-1815) served as private in Capt. Amasa Mill's company 1778 and re-enlisted for short
terms 1780. He was born in Avon, Conn.; died in Brookfield, Ohio.
Volume 72 page 56
Miss Mary E. Palmer. DAR ID Number: 71151 Born in Bath, Me.
Descendant of Capt. John Lemont.
Daughter of William Bartlett Palmer (1853-1906) and Alice A. Norris (b. 1857), his wife, m. 1874.
Granddaughter of Augustus Palmer (b. 1823) and Mary SANFORD (1825-1905), his wife, m. 1846.
Gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD (1794-1875) and Hannah (Colson) Swanton (1793-1828), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John SANFORD (1756-1840) and Elizabeth Lemont (1769-1849), his wife, m. 1789.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Lemont and Mary Robinson (1745-1832), his wife.
John Lemont (1740-1827), who had served in the early wars, commanded a company in Col. Samuel McCobb's
regiment at the battle of White Plains and in the Burgoyne campaign. He was placed on the pension roll of
Lincoln County, 1818, for service as captain, Massachusetts line. He was born and died in Bath. Also Nos. 26844,
Volume 74 page 184
Mrs. Jennie Lusk Corell. DAR ID Number: 73496 Born in Newstead, N. Y.
Wife of Harris A. Corell.
Descendant of Corp. Samuel Lusk.
Daughter of William H. Lusk (1813-99) and Lavinia A. Johnson (1826-1902), his wife, m. 1847.
Granddaughter of William Lusk (1785-1870) and Altha SANFORD (1792-1867), his wife, m. 1812.
Gr-granddaughter of Samuel Lusk and Naomi Bryant (1749-1805), his 1st wife, m. 1778.
Samuel Lusk (1752-1828) served, 1776, as corporal in Capt. Elias Dunning's 5th company, 13th regiment of
Connecticut militia. He was born in Wethersfield, Conn.; died in Poultney, Vt.
Volume 92 page 65
Mrs. Elizabeth Dix SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 91192 Born in Preston, Pa.
Wife of Luman E. SANFORD.
Descendant of Elijah Dix, as follows:
1. Alpheus Dix (b. 1849) m. 1870 Nettie M. Howell (b. 1851).
2. David Dix (1818-1900) m. 1838 Betsy Stanton (1821-98).
3. John Dix (1788-1835) m. 1806 Hannah Tanner (1790-1870).
4. Elijah Dix m. 1772 Margaret Clark.
Elijah Dix enlisted, 1776, in Capt. Ebenezer Webber's company, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Williams regiment,
Massachusetts Line.  He was born, 1744, in Leicester, Mass.
Volume 39 page 41
Mrs. Harriet Woodruff Carpenter. DAR ID Number: 38116 Born in Flat Rock, Michigan.
Wife of William Carpenter.
Descendant of Sergt. Benjamin Woodruff.
Daughter of Henry Woodruff and Abigail Hall, his wife.
Granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff (b. 1783) and Freelove SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Benjamin Woodruff and Patience Lum, his second wife.
Benjamin Woodruff, (1744-1837), was placed on the pension roll 1832 for over one years actual service as drummer
and sergeant in the New Jersey line. He was born in New Jersey; died in Pittsfield, Michigan.
Also No. 33405.
Volume 39 page 230
Mrs. Gertrude F. Washburne. DAR ID Number: 38622 Born in Sing Sing, New York.
Wife of Harrison Barnes Washburne.
Descendant of Capt. Roger Lyon and of Samuel Lyon of New York.
Daughter of J. Benton Foshay and Julia Peck, his wife.
Granddaughter of John Peck and Betsy Lyon, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Walter Lyon and Betsy SANFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Lyon and Sarah Smith, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Samuel Lyon and Mary Lounsberry, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Rogers Lyon and Mary Wilson, his wife.
Roger Lyon, (1715-97), served in the Westchester militia at his home in North Castle, Washington and his staff
were entertained on their way to White Plains.  Also No. 5994.
Samuel Lyon, (1747-1819), served as major of Westchester county minute men. He was captured and confined in
the Sugar House. He was born and died near Byram Lake. Also No. 27358.
Volume 102 page 110
Mrs. Aladelva Bibb Ward. DAR ID Number: 101366 Born in Montgomery, Ala.
Wife of Harry Irvin Ward.
Descendant of John Follin, as follows:
1. Rev. John Bayley Jones (1832-1909) m. 1869 Anna America Follin (1847-84).
2. James Follin (1794-1870) m. 1836 Mary Ann Cross (1809-63).
3. John Follin m. 1st 1787 Catherine SANFORD (d. 1813).
John Follin (1761-1841) was a sailor on a Virginia ship, taken prisoner by the British and held for three years. He
was born and died in Fairfax County, Va.
Volume 102 page 192
Miss Edith M. Smith. DAR ID Number: 101638 Born in Chicago, Ill.
Descendant of John Fyfe, as follows:
1. Edgar D. Smith, M. D. (1861-1903) m. 1891 Lulu Mueller Smith (b. 1869).
2. Simeon L. Smith (1822-92) m. 1855 Elizabeth Fyfe (b. 1830).
[p.192] 3. James Fyfe (1794-1863) m. 1822 Electa SANFORD (1801-49).
4. John Fyfe m. 1786 Elizabeth Strong (1756-1835).
John Fyfe was a minute man at the Lexington Alarm from Groton. He was born in Scotland; died, 1813, near Otter
Creek, Vt.  Also No. 100593.
Volume 103 page105
Mrs. Sara Florence Walker Evans. DAR ID Number: 102336 Born in Taunton, Mass.
Wife of Joseph Evans.
Descendant of James Walker, as follows:
1. Barzillia Henry Walker (1827-76) m. 1848 Lydia M. SANDFORD (1832-67).
2. Barzillia Walker (1797-1875) m. 1821 Nancy F. Hinds (1798-1884).
3. James Walker m. Deborah Holmes (1766-1833).
James Walker (1759-1849) was placed on the pension roll of Bristol County, Mass., 1832, for service as private in
the Massachusetts State  troops. He was born and died in Taunton, Mass. Also No. 54753.
Volume 103  page 168
Mrs. A. Augusta Barber Nagle. DAR ID Number: 102550 Born in Tioga County, N. Y.
Wife of Gustavus W. Nagle.
Descendant of Capt. John Brown, as follows:
1. Edbert M. Barber (1826-1907) m. 1851 Catherine Hull (b. 1832).
2. Lyman Barber (1790-1862) m. 1817 Huldah SANFORD (1799-1876).
3. Michael Barber m. Azubah Brown (1760-1812).
4. John Brown m. 1758 Hannah Owen (1740-1831).
John Brown (1728-76) commanded the 8th company, 18th regiment, Connecticut militia. He was born in West
Simsbury, Conn.; died on duty in New York. Also No. 97493.
Volume 104 page 58
Mrs. Margaret Peck Edwards. DAR ID Number: 103177 Born in Elgin, Ill.
Wife of Alfred Dunton Edwards.
Descendant of Eliada SANFORD and of Enos Todd, as follows:
1. George Melancthon Peck (b. 1843) m. 1877 Julia Clark Chapman (b. 1855).
2. George James Peck (b. 1803) m. 1837 Marett Mansfield.
3. Leverett Mansfield (1786-1868) m. 1806 Sarah SANFORD (b. 1789).
4. Eliada SANFORD m. 1785 Nancy Todd (1761-1835).
5. Enos Todd m. 1759 Sarah Blakeslee.
Eliada SANFORD (1744-1820) served as private, 1776, in Capt. Jacob Brackett's company, 5th battalion,
Connecticut State troopers. He was born and died in North Haven, Conn.
Enos Todd (1729-1803) served as minute man and also as private in Colonel Russell's regiment, Connecticut
militia, 1779. He was born and died in North Haven, Conn.
Volume 104 page 99
Mrs. Ella Murphy Marquess. DAR ID Number: 103314 Born in Knox, Mo.
Wife of J. W. Marquess.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Marion Murphy (1851-93) m. 1876 Lucy SANFORD (1853-1901).
2. Henry S. SANFORD (1809-72) m. 1835 Martha Lillard (1809-96). See No. 103313.
Volume 104 page 99
Mrs. Ruby M. Murphy Mcreynolds. DAR ID Number: 103315 Born in Knox, Mo.
Wife of U. R. McReynolds.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Marion Murphy (1851-93) m. 1876 Lucy SANFORD (1853-1901). See No. 103186.
Volume 104 page 99
Miss Zella Yancey. DAR ID Number: 103316 Born in Newark, Mo.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. J. B. Yancey (b. 1839) m. 1865 Maria SANFORD (b. 1840). See Nos. 103186, 103313.
Volume 104 page 100
Miss Susan Martha SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 103317 Born in Newark, Mo.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Richard B. SANFORD (b. 1848) m. Eliza Jane Downing (b. 1854).
2. Henry S. SANFORD (1809-72) m. 1835 Martha W. Lillard (1809-96). See No. 103186.
Volume 104 page 274
Miss Clara Frances SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 103894 Born in Newark, Mo.
Descendant of James Lillard, as follows:
1. Richard B. SANFORD (b. 1848) m. 1875 Eliza Jane SANFORD (b. 1854).
2. Henry S. SANFORD (1809-72) m. 1835 Martha W. Lillard (1809-96). See No. 103186.
Volume 42 page 287
Mrs. Annette Bates Lutz. DAR ID Number: 41767 Born in Elkhart, Illinois.
Wife of Edward C. Lutz.
Descendant of Capt. Zacheus Gillett, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Erastus Wright Bates and Adeline Gillett Chamberlin, his wife.
Granddaughter of Cyrus Chamberlin and Adeline Gillett, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Eliphas Gillett and Amarilla SANDFORD, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Benoni Gillett, (1760-1844), and Phebe Dean, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Zacheus Gillett and Ruth Phelps, his wife, m. 1743.
Zacheus Gillett, (1724-93), responded to the Lexington Alarm from Simsbury, Conn.  Also Nos. 4020, 6756, 7465,
10443, 15237.
Volume 106 page 202
Mrs. Mary Elliot SANFORD. DAR ID Number: 105636 Born in Milwaukee, Wis.
Wife of Rev. David A. SANFORD.
Descendant of Sergt. Henry George Ohlen, as follows:
1. Henry John Elliot (1817-93) m. 1850 Amelia Miller (1823-1906).
2. Benjamin Elliot m. Elizabeth Ohlen (1786-1857).
3. Henry George Ohlen m. 1785 Catharine Henry (1766-1839).
Henry George Ohlen (1758-1837) enlisted, 1776, as sergeant in Capt. James Gregg's company, Colonels
Gansevoort and Goose Van Schaick's New York regiment. He was born in England; died in Amsterdam, N. Y. Also
No. 80227.
Volume 63 page 35
Mrs. Alice Clark Putnam. DAR ID Number: 62105 Born in Webster, Mass.
Wife of Elmer A. Putnam.
Descendant of Capt. John King.
Daughter of George M. Clark and Ellen SANFORD, his wife.
Granddaughter of Richard SANFORD and Eliza King, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Tarrant King (b. 1774) and Betsey Morse, his wife, m. 1802.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John King and Elizabeth Town, his wife.
John King (1737-95), who had served in the early wars, enlisted as sergeant and was lieutenant, 1776, under Capt.
Asa Danforth, and captain at the close of the war. He was born and died in Sutton, Mass. Also No. 46009.
Volume 22 page 147
Mrs. Harriet L. Mitchell. DAR ID Number: 21404 Born in Woodbury, Connecticut.
Wife of David Merwin Mitchell.
Descendant of Sergt. Strong STRONG, of Connecticut.
Daughter of Daniel Lemmon and Eunice Phebe Mitchell, his wife.
Granddaughter of Jedediah Lemmon and Dolly STRONG, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Strong STRONG and Temperance Hotchkiss, his wife.
Strong STRONG, (1761-1846), was placed on the pension roll, [p.147] 1818, for six months' actual service in the
Connecticut Line as a private. The records of Barkhamstead, state he served as sergeant, 1781. He was born in
Bethany; died in Barkhamstead, Conn.
Volume  46 page 93
Miss May SANFORD Chapin. DAR ID Number: 45221 Born in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Descendant of Sergt. Stephen Skiff of Connecticut.
Daughter of Daniel SANFORD and Henrietta Marie Skiff, his wife.
[p.93] Granddaughter of Stephen Skiff and Lucy Bierce, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Jeremiah Skiff (b. 1770) and Esther Ayres (1770-1841), his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Stephen Skiff and Dimmis Fuller (b. 1755), his wife, m. 1769.
Stephen Skiff served as sergeant in Capt. Abraham Fuller's company, 13th Conn. militia. He was born 1742 in
Litchfield, Conn., where he died.
Volume 63  page 145
Mrs. Florence Hurd Barnett. DAR ID Number: 62436 Born in Sandgate, Vt.
Wife of Jacob Chase Barnett.
Descendant of Lewis Hurd.
Daughter of Chauncey Josiah Hurd and Rhoda Randall, his wife.
Granddaughter of Josiah Hurd and Abigail Parker, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of Lewis Hurd and Catherine SANFORD, his wife.
Lewis Hurd (1759-1847) entered the army in 1776 and was engaged in the battle of Long Island, the taking of Fort
Montgomery, and at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78. He was born in Roxbury, Conn.; died in Sandgate, Vt.

Taken from files at

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