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Redneck page

This is "Pride not Prejudice." The NAACP is trying to cut down are southern heritage by makin us stop flying the Confederate Flag. They have already tried to stop Georiga and South Carolina. They have not yet been able to pull it down. If they see they can't stop the flag from flying, they boycott tourism from the state. We as supporters of the Confederate Flag need to stand for what we believe in. We can't let any policitally correct origanizations cut down are heritage and the history of the Confederate States of America. The NAACP feel that since they are policitally correct, there views are correct and the Southern heritage is wrong. The supporters of the Confederate flag need to state our opinion about this. We can do this by the following: Keep the flag flying high with pride. Fly the Confederate Flag on your vehicle, home, cloths, hats, and any way you can. Don't let'em take the last bit of pride we have left.

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page4. Tribute to Lane Frost
page5 Lane's grave site
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