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last updated: 02/27/99
Changes for Summer '98:
3 new pages!
...and a link to some fun!

F . R . A . N . C . E .
...Friendships Remain And Never Can End...
F rom our hearts to yours, thank you for visiting F.R.A.N.C.E.  We welcome you to our webpage, which is dedicated to our family and friends.
R emembering our past, we come to realize that good friends are hard to find.  There are those who come and go, but the ones who stayed are the ones who have proven to be true friends.
A nd so for those of you out there who have stood by our sides through both good times and bad, happy and sad, we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being who you are.
N otice that within this webpage you will find that we have posted many pictures of our family and friends.  Please do not be insulted by our quotes; they are just meant for humor and not harm.  For those whose pictures are not included, we are very sorry; but please keep in mind that we are still modifying this site.  Also, we might not have your picture; in which case please send one to us so we can include you in this page.
C omments and suggestions about this page are certainly welcome.  As a matter of fact, we ask you to sign da Guestbook, so that others, as well as ourselves, can share you thoughts.
E njoy your visit...

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| Stress Buster |
| Out of da Blue | Happy Birthday |
| When There's More Than One Meaning |

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