Movies: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Best* Films Ever Made

* - I'm in no position to decide which are the best, so humor my opinion.

Aaron's Movie Guide

Movies have always been a central part of my life. Ever since I was a boy, I've loved movies. I cannot say enough about them.

Some people feel compelled to thrust their views on current movies on you. So do I. To see some reviews of recent films, visit my Movie Review Page

You'll find my Oscar page as a guide through the Oscars. You'll also find my list from 1996, 1997 and 1998. Aaron's Oscars

And now, I feel it is my duty to tell my picks for the best movies ever made, genre by genre.






Also see: Aaron's 25 Scariest Films of all time



Keep in mind that no one's list can ever be completely comprehensive, because no one has seen every movie ever released. There are many notables I haven't seen, so keep in mind that that could explain their absence. However, films such as Fargo were kept out for a reason: I hated them.

Web's Best Movie Links

Reel-The Net's Best Movie Store
Internet Movie Database
IMDB's Academy Awards listing by Year
Laurel & Hardy, Wonders of Comedy
Eric Whitson's James Bond page
