The New Brett Page

The Internet is a useful resource for gaining knowledge and browsing porn.  If you'll think about it
for a minute or two, a couple of years ago you'd be sitting around an somebody would say, "Hey,
I wonder what the only animal that can be trained to stand on it's head is?" and you would reply,
"I don't know." and you'd think to yourself, someday I'll find out though.  The Internet has taken that
knowledge hesitation away and has given you a direct pipeline to tons of useless information that
you've always let slip by in the past.

This is my corner of the Net that I'll use to dump some of the things I think you should know or
where to find them.  There'll be the usual pics of the family and news about my branch of the
Fraser Clan so browse away.

Resume       Pictures       Systems for Sale       Alexander's Exercise     USA Today     Austin Chronicle
Hackers    History Channel    Anarchy     The Onion     Printer Drivers

