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Benchwarmer Profiles
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The Boyd Benchwarmers: Landon Bowe, Michael Matta, Anthony Mays, Tyler Cantrell, Denver Wells, and our waterboy who is on the team is Jeremy Lee. The so called players on our team are Jake Hughes, Mike Webster, Ryan Meenach, Chad Johnson, and Joe Mullins Our reserves are Bobby Bailey (me), Daniel Helo, Brandon Slone,and Shannon Barker!!!! Our coach brings his dog to practice and it runs quite like this one We are to busy chasing the dog in practice so we end up like this guy in our games

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Some Famous Benchwarmer Phrases We take the splinters so you don't have too. -All BC warmers- Real men sit the bench. -Landon Bowe- If it isn't warm we didn't do our part. -Michael Matta-(sorry to hear your leavin us matta......we will always remember you) Don't worry guys I'll get your water. -Jeremy Lee- Hey If there is something that you all think should be on here then let me know via e-mail IF YOU WANT YOUR PIC ON HERE, SEND IT TO ME. If you have ICQ add me my # is 28588321 and we can talk. In the request for authorization just put site visitor. Or send me an ICQ message using this panel below.
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