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Well Well Well... Long time no see... This is Jessica and if you chatted in #Buffy-TheVampireSlayer or #CantHardlyWait between years 97-2001 You probably remeber me... It's been along while since those rooms have been shut down and CSA no longer excists...I kinda even miss them haha!! Didn't we give them hell??? hehe I went to #TeenTalk haha I know I should be Shot...But I was seeing if anyone knew anyone from back then might be around...Then Like a dork I remeber were all in our 20's probably right now!!! I came by MrSozes Page and half the stuff is dead on it...I cried lol I know I'm a wuss... But man I love you all even the ones that pissed me off! I miss you all so much...I'm 24 now and I long for the days we all used to set in a chatroom and bs all day without a care our only fear was having webtv taken away or being caught cybering by our parents... I have a New Name in Talkcity its BlenkoReg98...I became a reg in #CantHardlyWait in 1998... You know I went into a chatroom on Talkcity and they called me a Newbie....I WAS LIKE NEWBIE??? I'll kill you I have earnerd my stripes Respect your elder reg... LOL! I told them how old I was to Talkcity and they all were like Wow...were sorry lol I was like Damn Instent respect...If only real world was like that! Anyways what I am getting at is if anyone back in the day...Remebers me or Chatting either place Please contact me we are gonna try and have a reunion! My Contact info is Email is: AIM is: Blenkogirly8i8 YahooMessanger is: Blenkogirly8i8 and remeber to cut n paste my name because everyone wants to put 818 on the end of Blenkogirly8i8 and its 8i8 ...Well Hope to Hear from you all soon!! Here is some pics below of me now!!

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Me with different Hair styles in last year!!!!