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Sad, Seduce P on CP. She was sad before she seduced... or maybe her sadness was part of the seduction...?
The Non-Existant Picture (Piccolo and Karn) P on CP. The title is an inside joke. When a favorite anime character and your roleplay ego meet ^.~!
Gargoylish Demon P on CP. Homework for a 6th period class, and didnt start till 4th that day!
The Nine Muses P on MP. The Nine Muses of the arts! With their names and everything!
Brolli and Pachetto P on DP. Was for my Brolli-like Ex. Pachetto is my favorite fighter in Battle Tycoons.
Vegita and Lettika P on CP. For a friend. Loves Vegita. Her character is Lettika. Good B-Day present, eh?
Vegita and Lettika Dancing P on CP. And this was her Christmas present. The idea came from a fanfic we were writing using our characters.
Zombie-ish P on CP. Something I drew for homework... a black guy with bandages... my mind is wierd...
Happy Halloween P on CP. This guy is just grinning and showin' his teeth. Halloween homework.
STYX P on CP. ...STYX!!!!...I just love this old thing!
Final Hit P on DP. Piccolo smoking a joint... from an inside joke.
Karn and Lettika P on CP. Our characters. Here's Karn colored.
Troak the Mouse P on YP. Character of mine from Hedgerow Hall. Hes an evil old mage with gold teeth.
Risu-Chan the Squirrel P on DP. Another one of my Hedgerow Hall characters. She's a a fugitive slave from the East, but she's kind and timid.
Scelesta the Pirate P on CP. A character of mine from a text MOD RPG. The game wasn't up enough yet to really get a decent personality on her.
Creature with Staff P on CP. I don't know who he is, or why he has a staff. I just figure that he's not full grown yet.
Karn Laying P on DP. She's laying down. Colored versions here.
The Stab P on CP. First off, she's on the ground. And yes, I know, that knife and blood puddle is in the wrong place.
Bullfighting P on CP. Old homework. I admit I modeled from a painting.
False Depiction of The Lawyer v. Bob P on DP. Bob is winning! Bob is winning!
P Pencil
CP Computer Paper
DP Drawing Paper
I Ink Pen
MP Manilla Paper
YP Yellow Paper