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This article was sent to me by my friend Kaela. I couldn't believe what she told me had happened right before she moved out to Denver to go to the same school I am now attending, Bel-rea. I will not bore you with my own comments at this time, but at the end of the article don't be surprised when you see my comments. If you have any comments you would like me to post, please email them here. I will post any and all comments related to this issue, unless I feel they are VERY Inappropriate.

Written by 9News Intern Jordan Austin, and 9 Wants to Know Paula Woodward.
Denver Post Reporter Steve Lipsher contributed to this report.

October 06, 2002 - 1:11 PM

LEADVILLE - A Sheriff's Deputy in Leadville, who allegedly shot a dog, may be formally charged later this week.
Deputy Mike Martschinske is under investigation for shooting a border collie and then throwing the half-dead dog in the Lake County Landfill last November. District Attorney Michael Goodbee hopes to have a decision on charges made by Friday.

County employees found the dog, named Cassie, in the dump with one of her eyes missing.

"She was laying bloody and just mangled and whimpering. We thought it had been a bear or something, because her face was just so mauled," said Cassie's Owner Kaela Jones.

Veterinarians later determined Cassie had been shot, after finding the remains of bullets in her jaw.

The dog survived the November shooting and is now at home with Jones, a veterinarian assistant who helped perform Cassie's surgery.

The Sheriff's Department in Leadville originally tried to downplay the event when 9Wants to Know began their investigation. 9News Reporter Paula Woodward received a fax from Sheriff Ed Holte saying that no further investigation was being done and that rumors of the dog being shot were an effort to "discredit" him during his re-election year.

However, Rich Laing, a former Lake County Dispatcher, came forward a month ago concerned about the possibility of a cover up.

Since then, Martschinske has admitted to shooting a dog that became viscous, but that dog was not necessarily Cassie.

"When this came up over a year ago, we looked into it, and from what I was able to determine...there wasn't enough to establish positively that it was the same animal," Holte said. "The dog that I was told about was described as a black chow...The dog that I saw was small and timid. Two and two just weren't adding up."

Martschinske remains on active duty with the Leadville Police. Holte said he will not take any action to discipline Martschinske until the DA's decision is released and he has something more to base a decision on.

"I think it is a plan to embarrass me and my administration," Holte said, still frustrated by the timing of the investigation.

Think you are mad now? Read the follow up............

Deputy to be charged with animal cruelty

Written By: Web Producer Paola Farer

October 06, 2002 - 1:44 PM

LAKE COUNTY - A follow up to a 9WTK investigation. An animal cruelty charge will be filed against a Lake County sheriff's deputy for shooting and abandoning a border collie. The dog, whose name is Cassie, was left to die in the county dump.

Cassie's owner, Kaela Jones, says her dog was kidnapped. The sheriff of Lake County Ed Holte says the dog was running loose and threatening deputies.

Sheriff Holte told Paula Woodward earlier this year he investigated the charges but found them to be rumors. The district attorney started his own investigation and found not only that Deputy Mike Martschinske had shot Cassie but that he had joked about the matter.

The animal-cruelty charge is a Class One misdemeanor. Martschinske could face up to two years behind bars and a $5,000 fine if convicted. He could also face mandatory anger-management or psychological counseling.

Sheriff Holte says Martschinske might keep his job, even if he's convicted. He said Matschinske realizes he made a mistake in judgment and is not an animal hater.

Cassie's owner says she's glad something is being done but thinks the actions taken against the deputy should have been tougher. Martschinske also faces unrelated accusations of sexual assault.

I can't tell you how mad and upset I am on this matter. No dog should be taken and shot! Especially when stolen form her own property. Matschinske knew what he was doing and he laughed about the matter. He should get the full punishment for shooting Cassie. THIS MUST STOP! Animal Cruelty is not fun, nor is it cool like these people like Matschinske believes. The main reason I put up this page is to help put a stop to the senseless cruelty perforned on animals. We all must unite together and fight this. At the moment I am fighting to raise the punishment for animal cruelty. It has increased over the years, but I feel that it should be worse then it is today. Matschinske might keep his job? Come on! If he did this once, he WILL do it again and there are reasons to think that he has done this more then once, just didn't get caught. He needs to be punished to the full extend of the law. The follow up also mentioned that he is facing charges of assault, this is no law enforcer! Law Enforcer means "to protect and serve." In this case it's not to be. When Kaela told me what had happened to Cassie, I was awe struck and exreamly upset. I can't believe a person, no, a Law Enforcer, could do such a thing. I will strive to help stop animal cruelty as best I can. I will never give up on the animals. I will fight till the end. Everything little thing counts, so don;t say that you can't make a difference. If everyone contributed something, even very small, the contribuation will grow and grow. We can all make a huge difference if we just try. Please help in my fight to stop all of this. WE can make a difference.

The Denver Post is working closely with Kaela to fight, and win, this battle. Thanks for your help to support the stop of animal cruelty.
