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4/17/04 - KAW will finally have it's own domain name! will not be ready for quite some time, but I now have my own domain name! Bear with me, this is my first domain name. :)

Please be patient while I finish with my update. I lost connection for two months. I am also looking for a domain. I would also like to anounce that KAW is in it's 5th year!

Last updated April 11, 2004- Please check out my adoption pages!! I would also like to thank everyone for the great feedback on my Irridescent Shark report! I'm glad you all like it. Also check my update progress here

Requested and Special Topics- A series of special and requested topics I have put together or researched for my viewers. NEW

Due to the continueing amount of junk mail in my mailbox and all the different virus going around I will not open any email that I don't recognize. Please, if you email me make the subject something that pertains to animals. Do not make the subject "help", I will not open it at all. I still get some people sending me email without a subject or with the subject help. PLease read my webpage before you send me an email. Thanks alot.

A Dog Sits Waiting - Author Unknown

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.

He's been there for days with nothing to do,
But sit by the road, waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.

He's sure you'll come back, that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer, how many days?

His legs are weak, his throat parched and dry.
He's sick from hunger and falls with a sigh.

He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

I found the above poem, along with some others, while serfing the net. This poem, unfortunately tells a true, sad tale of many animals who are no longer wanted by their hunman families. Many animals are just cast away and dumped off on a highway. These animals are left in an unfamilar place with unfimular monsters (cars). Some will die like the dog in the poem, others will get hit by cars, others will leave and try to live on their own and die, and still some are killed my humans looking for "fun." No animals are an exception to this cruelity. Cars, Puppies, Dogs, Kittens, and small animals. No animal is safe from this realality, unless of corse they are in a good home with a family who loves them. These animals are in no way at fault for their abandonment. Many people buy a pet just because they look cute or as a gift for a child who didn't want a puppy or kitten. Thses people have no understanding for life and are constantly throwing lief away and killing these loyal and dedicated pets. many pets find their way to a local shelter, where they are put down just because they are not house broken, the family has no time for them, or another stupid reason. Animals are always the target for local boys looking to set fire to something. Animals are abused, starved, neglected, and killed by humans every day. This must stop!! We must stand up to these "monsters" and put a stop to animal abuse and neglect. Animals have rights too!!

Click on the above link to find a shelter friend near you!

I welcome you to my webpage. As you may already know, I am an animal lover through and through. I can't stand hearing about all the animals suffering out there. It's hard to ignore. I don't ignore the reality, I fight to better the future of animals everywhere. More and more bills are being passed to assure the protection of animals, but many people still insist of toturing the helpless animals that love us with all their hearts. Don't say that you cannot make a difference and help put a stop to this insanity. If everybody signed a petition, it would be helping to pass a bill or stop a bill in order to make animal cruelity a thing of the past. I watch Animal Planet frequently, but the two programs that catch my attention are Animal Precent and Busted. Both these programs ahow how people just like me and you can help animals and help put a stop to all the abuse and suffering. It's terrible what people can do. The people involved in these programs are very brave and fightly firecly for the lives of animals. Everyone can help make a difference. Sign a petition, adopt a rescued pet, donate to a no kill shelter, volenteer at a shelter, make a webpage, ect. If everyone does their part I know we can overcome anything.

I created this webpage to help stop the suffering of animals all over the world. My own pets, and many I have never known beyound the tv screen, have been the main cause for making this webpage. I filled this page with lots of information, stories, and various other things. I'm doing all I can to help stop the suffering. I sign petitions, I have helped at animal adoption days, I have volenteered at a horse theapy stable, and I have taken horse back riding lessons. I educate the public about animals when the time arrises. I have also helped out once adandoned and thrown away pets. I will continue to make this page better and update as frequently as I can. I hope you enjoy this page. I have put my heart into making this page. If I help one animal I'll be satisfied. I do plan on opening an all animal shelter with a pet store. The pet store will be the money provider for the shelter. That is my dream. It will cost alot of money, but I hope some day I can make my wish come true. For now, I'll be moving to Colorado to study to be a vet or a vet tech. Again, I hope you enjoy my page. If you have any comments please email me anytime. I'll get back to you when I can.

Kitty :o)

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Pet Info SectionExpanding and updating!!
Behavior and Training ClassesExpanding!!
KAW's Wild Animal Realm
KAW's Celebration Drawing / contest
News- Going through a MAJOR update!
Comments Page / Guestbook Updating!
KAW Pet Registry
Pets for Sale, Adoption,Pets Wanted, and Pet Supplies for Sale.
KAW Mousery
KAW Cages New!!
My PetsUpdated 12/14/03
My Past PetsUpdated 12/14/03
Gallery of Viewers Pet Pictures Comming Soon!!
Animal Stories or Poems Comming Soon!!
Win My Award Comming Soon!!
Links- Open VERY soon!
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