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Gamers Paradise

on the web

My Vampire:the Masquerade and Occult section.
  • The Abyss

  • My Magic the Gathering section
  • Magic

  • Other
  • Links
  • E-mail me

    • About the site

      As of now this site (formerly The Abyss) is now Gamers Paradise. I'm brodening the site to contain items from White Wolfs' Vampire the Masquerade, Wizards of the Coasts' Magic the Gathering, and other roleplaying games later on. Now This site has become diffucult to maintain and produce new items for it as well. I'm looking for ANYONE who would like to contribute to the site. All you have to do is send me a sample article persistent with the theme of the site and where I can contact you. No html knowledge is needed, i ask only that you try to keep consistent in your mailings if you do begin submitting articles.

      Site Updated and Reopened

      Sorry folks, i've been away from my site becuase nobody really ever checks it out. BUT i'm gonna get some help getting this bad boy on searches and i'm going to add MUCH more to this site. So if anyone does come here its gonna be decent for them.


      LAST UPDATE 3/13/99

      NEXT UPDATE 3/20/99

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      People have visited this site since August 1998

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