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.:Ding, Dong:.

Zac said that he had to go back home. We said our good-bye's and Zac left reluctantly. After Zac left I shared the good news with everyone.

"Mom! Dad! Guess what?!?!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs.

"What is it honey?" My mom asked.

"I'm going out with Zac!" I squealed.

"That's great!" My dad said.

"OH that's wonderful!" My mom said happily.

"He gave me this silver ring! SEE!" I said as I showed it off.

"Oh that's pretty." My mom said.


"I'll get it!" I screamed as I ran to the door, "AAAAHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH!"

"Who is it?" My dad asked confused.

"It's Nikki!" I screamed. We welcomed her in, "What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?"

"Well, Zac eMailed me and told me where you lived. He told me his private eMail addy so we sorta talked back and forth." She said out of breath.

"I just can't believe this! This is just AWESOME!!!" I squealed.

"Well, Nikki, we're glad that you're here!" My mother said in a warm comforting voice, "You can stay for as long as you want to!"

"Great!" Nikki squealed.

"You wanna see my room?" I asked.

"Sure!" She replied. I took her up to my room and told her how Zac and I where going out and how my mom had embarrassed me. It was like old times.

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