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To Taylor's Place

Running Dog

I love to laugh!

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Hiya!! My name is Taylor Wayne Kincaid (but you can call me Taylor or just Tay like my mommy and daddy do!) I am now a *big* 11 months old, and I weigh a *huge* 17 pounds and 8 ounces!! (wonder when Mommy is going to stop counting those ounces? =sigh=) well anyhow, lemme tell ya just a *lil bit* about me. I'm a little... uhmm... curious I guess you could say. See, I kept hearing all these really cool sounds when I was still inside Mom. This whole 'life' thing just sounded *really* fun... people laughing and singing and gee here I was all alone and although I find myself really interesting sometimes (just last night I discovered *my thumb*!) I figured I would just come on out and try this whole fun life thing out early! (Whew was I wrong about the *fun* thing..=sigh=) Maybe I shouldn't have tried it all out *quite* so early....Looking back I think 15 weeks early was...yeah, a lil too soon!!! I weighed 2 lbs, 1 ounce and was 13.5 inches long...(13.5, hmmm...wonder if I'll be able to play NBA one day? :)Speaking kind of serious for a minute, the past 11 months have been *real* hard but I'm so thankful for all the great doctors and all my wonderful nurses (who, by the way just happen to give some really great hugs and smoochies, I really liked those **alot** :)!!)

You guessed it, I'm a preemie and I got all those kisses from those nice nurses in the NICU at University Hospital in Louisville, KY. I stayed a little longer than I wanted to!~ Three months and four days to be exact, and well they were filled with a lot of ups and downs and really hard days when I thought maybe I wouldn't be able to ever see big fluffy clouds and my own bed! It's a little too hard for me to talk about (geesh people, give me a break, I've had kind of a hard 8 months!!) so, I'm gonna get Mommy to tell ya the whole story, just click on the words "read my story" up at the top and she can fill ya in! By the way, I'm a very happy camper to be home with my mommy and daddy and sister and brother! (You should see how they spoil me! Shhh! though, I don't want it to stop!) Hugs!!!

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