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"Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works, and glorify your
Father which is in heaven"
Matthew 5:16

The TORCH Program

T - Team
O - Outreach
R - Reaching
C - Children in our
H - Home Church

About this program:
The TORCH program is to be implemented in the present youth through the Sunday School program. TORCH is to provide positive reinforcement for the principles held by God in the Bible. The TORCH program was designed to create a challenging and strong system of Christian Education for our young children. A merit system is included to reward and encourage Christian values and participation in various ministries of the church. The methods used in the TORCH program may be different, but the main goal of our program is to reach our young children for Christ and to train them for service in His church.


A. To lead our young people to Christ.
B. To build lasting relationships with Christian friends and mentors.
C. To encourage and impart Biblical knowledge and strong Christian values.
D. To provide a means of reaching into the community to the needy.

Score keeping:

TORCH members will fill out point cards during the week and turn them in on Sunday. Teachers will award any "Teacher Awarded Points" on Sunday and turn those in to the TORCH secretaries. Some of the scoring has been left up to the honor of the TORCH members in order to display trust and to build character. Awards will be presented to the TORCH members during morning worship service.

Award Levels:

Rank Points Award
Novice 0-499 ---
Crusader 500-999 TORCH T-shirt
Ambassador 1000-1999 Bible - Youth Walk for teen, Adventurer for Pri/Jr
Captain 2000-2999 Christian Tape
Commander 3000-3999 $25 gift certificate to Christian Bookstore

Book Report Form:

1. Title of book and author.
2. Describe the main characters.
3. What was the main message of the book?
4. What did you learn form reading this book?
5. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?

Other TORCH links:

Point System 2yrs - 4yrs
Point System 5yrs - 2nd grade
Point System 3rd grade - 8th grade
BIBLE Memorization Pages
Sermon Notes Form
Weekly Point Talley Sheet

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