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Arabian Legion Awards and Requirements

Arabian Legion of Honor Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won 75 or more points

Arabian Legion of Supreme Honor Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare or gelding after it has won 150 or more points

Arabian Legion of Excellence Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won 375 or more points
Included within these 375 points must be 2 quality acheivements which are a Regional Top 5 (or better) or a National Top Ten (or better). One of these wins must be at a National level

Arabian Legion of Merit Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won 75 points
At least 30 of these points must have been won in Breeding and In-Hand classes, and 30 or more of the points must have been won in performance classes, racing, or endurance rides

Arabian Legion of Supreme Merit Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won 75 points in Breeding and In-Hand classes, and 75 points in performance classes, racing, or endurance rides

Arabian Legion of Supreme Honor and a Legion of Merit Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding that has won both a Legion of Supreme Honor and a Legion of Merit

Arabian Legion of Merit and a Legion of Excellence Champion
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won both a Legion of Merit and a Legion of Excellence

Arabian Legion of Supreme Honor and a Legion of Supreme Merit Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding that has won both a Legion of Supreme Honor and a Legion of Supreme Merit

Arabian Legion of Supreme Merit and a Legion of Excellence Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare or gelding that has won both a Legion of Supreme Merit and a Legion of Excellence

Arabian Legion of Masters Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding after it has won 225 or more points accumulated as follows: at least 105 points in Breeding and In-Hand classes, and at least 105 points in performance clases, racing, or endurance rides
Included within these 225 points must be 2 quality achievements which are a Regional Top Five (or better), or a National Top Ten (or better) in Breeding or In-Hand Classes, and a Regional Top Five (or better), or a National Top Ten (or better) in performance classes or endurance rides. One of these quality wins must be at a National level.

Arabian Legion of Masters and a Legion of Excellence Champion -
Awarded to any individual stallion, mare, or gelding that has won both a Legion of Masters and a Legion of Excellence