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Lazy Deer Ranch
  • Lazy Deer Ranch or Frames Your Choice!!! Home of any breed of horse that you can imagine!!! Some Activities!

    A Listing of All of The Pony Breeds on Earth!
    And A Listing of All of The Horse Breeds on Earth!
    Please note with the above pages, they are constantly under construction, as with this game!! As I gain more experience with HTML!

    Guestbook By Escati
    Please Sign the Guestbook
    View the Guestbook

    NEW!!!!! Now we have a MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!
    Visit my message board: Message Board

    Some of Our Awards Won!

    Send any mail to The Barn Manager. Thank you!
    Feel bored?? Here's my links page!!! Including LOTS of Clip art pages, where I got my clip art!!!!!

    Go HERE for our WebRings that we belong to!!!