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Kim Ashley's

The links everyone need to visit.

Jeremy's page.
The Official Homepage of the Lyon County High School Marching Band
Ashley White's Page

Hey everyone...I know this page sucks...but you don't have to tell me cuz I already know...But anyways. I got a pic page, a friend page, and my little page on here..Just click on one of them and you will go there..That's the simplest and easiest way to tell you cyber peopole out there.. Any way come back sometime a check my page out or just go ahead and check it out now. I think you will enjoy it..Exspecially my friends page, which tells about each of my friends individually.

Everyone sign my guest book. If you don't know me, and I don't go to school with you and you sign my guest book I will send you an email when I read your name in my guest book. I have another page that tells more about me! It is HERE If you don't have ICQ and you would like to download it you can visit HERE I have changed around somethings. Don't worry if I added a picture of you and it isn' there now. It's somewhere else but still on here.

I also have moved my guestbook to this page for everyone can find it you have no excuse...."I couldn't find it"!!

I did have a picture of myself here...but I thought.."I am going to take that stupid picture off of here.." so I did..and well it's gone now.



FAMILY PAGE! (NEW 11-1-98)


Kim's Bean and Pea Poll
Which would you rather eat?

Green Beans
Lima Beans
Black Eyed Peas
Green Peas
White Beans

Current Results

Sign your John Hancock Guestbook by GuestWorld See everyones John Hancock

Thanks Everyone For Visiting My Web Page! Hope You Come Back Soon and See the Changes That I Make....

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