
A Haven for all Heretics...

The Moon shines even in the house of the outcast....

Welcome to those who've found their way in here, I can only guess you've come to find out more about me. You'll be provided with as much information as I've deemed neccessary, so leave it at that. Its more than likely you've found your way here from a chat. I've been going to chats for a while now and I'm known as MeaCulpa and a few other names.My friends know me as Deb.I'm 26, female and from Sydney Australia. Currently working and and attending university. If you've read my page don't bother asking me my age, location or sex. If you've come here to see what I look like there is a link to a picture of me.

"Unless you confess to me that you are heretics,may God do thus and so to me if I don't kill all of you right here with a variety of tortures and torments. If, as I ask, you do confess to me that you do or did err in something or other, I'll give you a light penance and set you free immediately." Thomas of Aversa, local Inquisitor, Naples circa.1304

My Shell

People I Call Friends


Wave Of Mutilation

Lovers Are Lunatics

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