God's Truck & Street Ministry
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God's Truck & Street Ministry


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Just a few words about the Truck & Street Ministry. We are a few people of God that have a vision for our town, our city our country and our world. God has called us into the streets, projects and other places few people want to go. We are beginning to see many wonderful things happen. We feel that we are on the verge of a mighty work of God. Let me tell you about our people and how God has worked in are lives to bring about this ministry.
Frist there is David. David Shelton was born on January 7, 1943 in Mt. Clemons Michigan. Though David was raised in a christian home he did not receive Jesus Christ as his personal saviour until July 18, 1969. On February 16, 1992, David had a new and wonderful experience with God in which he received a greater anointing from God. In a vision on March 10, 1992, God showed David he was to preach the gospel. God called him into the street ministry in November of 1994 and supplied him with a tractor-trailer truck in sept. of 1995. David cut the side out of the truck so that it would let down to make a stage. God then equipped the truck with a complete sound sytem, lighting and a generator.
While looking for people to help in this ministry he found a group which later we named " God's Shining Light" and almost a year later God moved him to Bethel Tabernacle where Bro. Joe Vance is Pastor.
Pastor Joe as we call him was born in Ohio. He is 40 years old and came to Paducah, Ky. from New York, Where he pastored a church that grew from eight people to over two hundred. He is a wonderful pastor, but his real passion is to reach the lost dying world. He had a vision that showed him a church where he was going to one day pastor, and when he came to Paducah he wasn't planning on staying, but he saw the church he had seen in his vison. He packed up and moved his family across the country because he knew God was in this.
Then there is Loretta and myself, JoAnn. We are cousins, but I'm 10 years older than she so we weren't very close growing up. That all changed in one day's time. I work in a hospital E.R. and there was this little girl about the age of my son that had cancer. She was coming into the E.R. to receive chemo and every time she would come in the Lord would say to me " I'll heal her if you will lay hands on her and pray. I had never done anything like this before and felt it must just be me. Then one night over the phone Loretta told me something that changed mine and her lives forever. She told me she had had a vision of me holding a little baby about the age of my son, but she realized she was a girl because she had a dress on. She said I held her up and we were both smiling, but there was this one strange thing, the child didn't have a hair on her head. She wanted to know if that meant anything to me. I froze. I could hardly speak. I knew I must pray for this child, for I had truly heard from God. The next time she came in I did pray for her. They had given her two months to live that was fourteen years ago. She is alive and well. That brought Loretta and I together and we have been together ever since. The Lord has showed us many things and brought almost in a complete circle. He has told us many things that we will do in these last days, and I"ll get into that later. We started going to Bethel Tabernacle about 14 years ago, and went faithfully until one day the Lord took us aside and said leave and go into hiding, learn at my feet. That's what we did. We met faithfully, maybe 3 or 4 times a week and the Lord moved in mighty ways. Then just as quickly He pulled us out of hiding and said go back to Bethel. We went back after ten years. The day we went back an old gentleman came to church too. He sat in the back with his hat on and two old dogs outside waiting for him. He looked really dirty. After church no one seemed to notice him except Pastor Joe. He asked him if he needed a ride and the old man excepted. Once in the car Pastor Joe ask if he was hungry and he said yes he could eat something. After Pastor Joe fed him he began to tell Pastor Joe things about his ministry. He told him to look for people in the church that had been in hiding, and that his son had met a girl that would play a big part in his life. That girl was Loretta's daughter. We belive the old man was an angel for he just disappeared.
The Lord had given Loretta a word serveral years earlier that said a man named David would be a great help to us for he would carry equipment for us and go into war torn areas with us. We looked for everyone we could think of to no avail. We began to think maybe the Lord meant a spiritual David. Then one day the Lord just spoke to me and opened my eyes to the fact that it was David Shelton. He had planned it all so well, and brought us all together at just the right time.

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