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Jan's Wonderful World

Welcome to my All New Updated Homepage!


Hello there! Thanks for coming to my Homepage. Sorry there's not too much to see right now, I'm a working girl and I don't get to spend as much time on the internet as I would like. Please bear with me, and keep checking back when you can!

First of all, here is a little bit about me! My name is Jan Johnson and I live in Dunfermline, which is on the East Coast of Scotland. Here's a map for those of you who haven't visited before:

Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, although it is actually a separate country with its own laws and Parliament. Scotland even has its own paper money!

I'm not actually Scottish, in fact I wasn't even born in the UK, my Dad was in the British Army, and I was born in Singapore. Thanks to my Dad, I was able to live all over the world, including Singapore, Hong Kong and Germany. In 1977 I came to England to go to boarding school at St Mary's Hall in Brighton, where I stayed for 7 years. I then went to the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and graduated four years later with a degree in Art History

After I graduated I had quite a lot of different jobs, I worked on a farm, in a factory packing beefburgers, as a cleaner in a supermarket, a till girl in Woolworths and a waitress in a hotel restaurant. I eventually ended up working for the Bank of Scotland first in branches and then for seven years, at their Information Technology Centre in Edinburgh. I now work for IBM Global Services

Since graduating from St Andrews I have studied to obtain Membership of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland I have also obtained a second degree in Financial Services from Napier University in Edinburgh and am currently working towards an MBA at Heriot Watt University.

As to my other interests, I collect stamps and phonecards and quite often sell my duplicates at online auctions. There are quite a lot of these sites on the internet these days, but the oldest, biggest and probably the best is Ebay.

When you check out the site, you'll be suprised at the range of stuff that people buy and sell. Quite a lot of my customers live in the USA and I also buy stuff for my collections on there as well. Check out my Homepage at Ebay to find out about my other interests!

I guess it's about time I showed you what I look like. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the courtesy of our Connectix's Jan!

and here's her friend Jess!!

Wouldn't think we were 4,000 miles apart huh?!!

By the way, did you know that there are now only

days left until my birthday? Don't forget to send me an ecard!

Now I think it's time to say hello to some of the people who may come and visit this page. First of there's Mark, my 'significant other' and also Jessica who is my great friend and Internet buddy from 'Over The Pond' in Cincinnati, Ohio. Jessica has quite a number of real interesting web pages. If you want to find out what it's all about, a good place to start would be her Homepage and also her Irish Dancing page!!

I'd also like to say hi to Mailynn, who is Jessica's school buddy. They are both Seniors at Roger Bacon High School in Cincinnati. Mailynn also has an exhausting number of web pages of her own. Probably the best is her Backstreet Boys Experience homepage. Check it out!!

Some of the pages I visit the most - check them out!

This page last updated 24th September 2000

People have visited this page since 17th February 1999

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