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Dragon Lover's Lair
Meet Jasper! :)
Start Midi

Greetings and welcome all! My name is Kara, and this is my home. This is also home to many of my friends, and I'm sure it would please them immensely if you would stop to say hello to them before you depart. If you stop to see the dragons, though, I'd advise going to see the unicorns, and vice versa. Dragons and unicorns can be quite jealous creatures, you know!

For those from the Realm of the Wheel of Time, I have the knowledge of many of the common Old Tongue phrases, and have written them down in the Archives for those who would learn them. If you are not interested in the Old Tongue, I have also collected copies of many old poems and a story or two. Look around, enjoy yourself, and please inform me if there are any problems. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and I would be eternally grateful if you would sign my guestbook here by the entrance before you leave. A safe journey to you; Zhai'helleva!

- Kara
I would be most honored if you would vote for my site! [Re-set monthly]

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Many More Dragons!
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...and this is Fred.

If you want to link to my site, please do so!
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> The Person Behind it All <