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~~Rose Shadow~~

Cosmic was born to an Enchantress named Glory in the a Realm Called RoseShadow.There the young Child, who was called The Enchanted Child, lived happily for 5 years. The Realm was peaceful and full of wonderous things.Then it happen that a War broke out. Cosmic stayed by her mother side as the warriors of RoseShadow tried to hold back the on coming army. Then one late night Cosmic was waken by Glory. Cosmic got dressed and followed her mother out into the forest. Unknown at the time to Cosmic was that the oncoming army had destroyed the warriors and now was hunting for Cosmic and her mother. Cosmic ran though the forest holding her teddy bear. Then suddenly her mother stopped, Cosmic looked up at her mother confused. Glory kneeled down to her and handed her a key. Then spoke in a soft quiet voice. "My dear little Cosmic. I can not go on. You take this key and go to the ruin city. There you will see the stone of time and space. You remember what I told you of the stone?' Cosmic nodded to her mother..."Good now you do that and leave this realm and don't ever come back....." Glory holds back her tears,"Do you understand? Never come back here ... I love you my little angel." Glory pulls Cosmic in and hugs her tight. Cosmic beings to cry. Then suddenly the sounds of horses can be heard. Glory stands up, "Go now!!! RUN Cosmic!!!!" Cosmic runs off into the woods but turns back to look at her mother. She stands there watching her mother when she sees her hands have blood on them. Cosmic then realized her mother is bleeding. Glory chants and a powerful ball of blue fire flies from her into the woods at the on coming horses. "Cosmic!!!! I told you to run ..... Go Cosmic NOW!!!" Cosmic runs away to the ruin city. There Cosmic used the key on the stone of time and space. Then the doorway opened and she stepped though.

~~Land of Tyran~~

After Cosmic had stepped though the doorway, she appeared in the middle of a dark forest. Cosmic wonder though the forest till she came a upon a road. Cosmic walked for many miles down the dark road with only the moon lighting her way. Then she heard the sounds of laughter and glasses hitting together. As Cosmic walked on the sounds became louder. Finally Cosmic came a upon the VampirePub(which is now Tyrannights). Holding her teddy, she stepped in. At first she was fearful of the ones around her. After a while of being inside the Pub, Cosmic began to forget what had happen. Just like most children Cosmic began to play and become care free once more. Cosmic stayed near the Pub and would come in every night. When she slept it was out side of the Pub on the ground. After a few days Cosmic meet zXPrinceAlucard who wanted to take care of her. Cosmic missing the feeling of family and of love welcomed Alucard in as he new Father. Alucard a caring man took her in and called her his daughter. After some time Cosmic joined the zx Family. And it was at this time Cosmic heard wonderful news, she nows has a mother, zXVictory.

Cosmic had her first age jump when she was five, she became 13 almost over nite. She then found out how much trouble a young lady like her can get into. She along with a friend became drunk. Victory seeing this casted a spell upon Cosmic banning her forever from drinking. A few days later Cosmic came upon a man whom she couldn't take her eyes off of. Being a young girl she quickly got a crush and longed to grow up. This longing became so strong she forced an age jump upon herself and became 18 years old.

Now 18 Cosmic seeked out the man whom had hold of her young heart. As she tried she felt it would never come to be and her eyes turned toward another man named DragonDarksBane. Victory whom was not happy with her young daughter with a man places great deal of pressure upon the couple but it did not break their bond. Time passed and Cosmic stil 18 was married to DragonDarksBane. They soon had a son by the name of Zavier. Yet, joyous times of Cosmic came crashing to an end. Alucard had passed on and her mother Victory over stressed with so much left the land. Cosmic turned to her husband but it was in vain. He was pressured and suffering under the hands of an ex love. With out much notice he left Cosmic and his son and was never heard form agian. Cosmic sadden deeply by the events used her Realm key and returned to RoseShadow.

Years later down the line, Cosmic returned to Tyran and ran into a dear friend of her's PenanceFate. She remebered him very well from when she was younger for he had been her crush. She was now 21 years old or maybe even older then that due to the oddness of time between realms. PenanceFate asked her to stay in Tyran and missing the place so very much she agreed. Cosmic was back with in Tyran. She joined zx once again but fate had other plans. She longed for a child and looked to her friend and long time crush Penance for help. Soon she was with child and felt as if all was right in the world, but that would not be the case for long. After giving brith to her second child, Lilandra Cosmos Fate, Cosmic found that her and the zx saw things very differently. Due to strong reasons Cosmic left zx once again and set out with her child into the dark world of Tyran.

She had walked alone with her child only a short time before coming upon the house of Grim. She lived with them with her daughter at her side. It wasn't much time after that until Cosmic talk with Penance, they had many fights before the truth was clear. Their feelings told, their love for each other spoken. Cosmic then asked Penance to be her husband, that eve they were married. Cosmic after a long time away rejoined the zx to be at her husband's side. Lilandra, their child who has aged jumped to 13 wished to stay within Hg. Cosmic accept her childs wishes.

Sometime later Cosmic became Lady of the Manor. Things seemed well but then hell came upon Cosmic once more. She and her husband grew quickly apart. Unable to take it Cosmic left as Lady and zx. She then found a new home with the vT. She then divorced her husband and thought she never be happy agian until she meet a man that enchanted her.

His name Amel vonLeif and from the day she meet him upon the sandy shore of the lake she could not pull away from him. She vowed to help him for he was seeking a jewel. As she worked with him she became more and more enchanted with him. After her divorce she had slipped into a deep saddness and lost her powers. The lost of her powers began to turn her human and Amel vowed to help her regain them. Cosmic used a dark power in her which she had always feared and was able to get her powers back. Amel whom had been at her side was there to save her when a darkness came after her. Later at home Amel and Cosmic sat talking. It became clear with each passing second the two had fallen for each other. Then they kissed, spoke of their love and bonded in love. From that Cosmic became with child which was to the great joy of Amel. Amel wishing for a family and to be with Cosmic always asked her to be his wife. She fearful of marrage due to her past almost turned down his offer. Yet, her love for Amel pushed her to say yes. A few weeks later in a private room, Amel and Cosmic were married by Demizarin.

The Brith of Estella VonLeif has came. The sweet child is beloved by her parents. A little later the second child Ozmic VonLeif their son was created and born. Yet, Cosmic felt a calling and returned to the realm of Rose Shadow to lead her people. She took with her the children as she felt they should learn their powers.

Today Cosmic seeks to reopen the realm door and come back into the world in which her beloved roams.