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CLOUDS Clouds gives us clues about the weather. The clouds also let us know when thing are going to happen in our sky. Clouds are made up of 80% nitrogen, 20% Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and some other rare gases. There are two types of clouds, they are the low clouds and the high clouds. The low clouds are Stratocumulus, Stratus, Nimbostratus, Cumuls, and Cumulonimbus. The cumulus cloud will eventually turn into a Cumulonimbus cloud which is grey, white, and black. They are usually unharmful, but sometimes they can be harmful. When they become dangerous that is when it is raining because they produce very strong gustes of wind and heavey rain. The high clouds are the Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, and Cirrostratues. The Cirrus clouds are light and very hard to detect on a radar, because they are so high in the sky. When the clouds are large and black clouds the day is going to be cold, because the clouds are blocking the sun rays to the earth. When there are no clouds the day is going to be hot because the clouds are letting the sun rays hit the earth without a cloud to block them. When there are some clouds or not hardly any the temperatures is going to be warm instead of hot or cold. Fog is another form of clouds also. These are visable signtures of water or ice crystals. There must be ice crystals or a small mist to let the fog form. The fog always sets near night fall, or early morning.

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