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Saints Galore
The definition of a saint, as found in the New Standard Encyclopedia, is a person honored for extraordinary religious qualities. The term is most commonly associated with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox branches of the Christian faith.

Growing up in the Roman Catholic faith, I was taught about the saints and their exemplary lives.  I believe that during their lives, the saints were pure and holy.  I find peace in knowing that in prayer, the saints will intercede to our heavenly Father on our behalf.

It is a common misconception that Catholics "worship" or "idolize" the saints, but this is simply untrue.  Those who are venerated as saints have lived such exemplary lives that it is honorable to try to imitate their christian actions.  Asking for intercession from the saints in prayer is no different than asking a friend to join us in prayer.

To become a saint is a lengthy process.  The first requirement, I suppose would have to be death.  No one has ever been declared a saint prior to their own demise.  Holy persons who are candidates for saints are first recognized by beatification.  Beatification occurs when the Pope declares that this person is in heaven.  There is much investigation into the holy person's life and a person is appointed as somewhat of a "devil's advocate" to make sure that the life of the beatified person was truly holy and a life devoted to christianity.  It is usually not less than fifty years after beatification when the beatified person may be canonized.  This is also declared by the Pope  Venerated saints are held in great esteem through the church all over the world.  Each saint is given a special "feast day" at which time Masses are said in his honor.

It has become a hobby for me to research the lives of particular saints.  Many of them are martyrs and many have extraordinary life stories.  I dedicate this page to the lives of all the saints - - even those not represented here.  I will try to add more as time passes.  I hope you enjoy reviewing the lives of these exemplary saints.  Look your own name up - - you might find you have more in common with your personal saint than just a name!

St. Agnes
St. Anthony
St. Barbara
St. Bernadette
St. Blaise
St. Christopher
St. Dymphna
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Nicholas
St. Patrick
St. Philomena
St. Rita
St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Valentine

Music by Carson Hall