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the Zoey 101 Petition site

My favorite things about Zoey 101

Hey guys!!!! Do you wanna know what I'm petitioning from Zoey 101? The clothing/ fashion line!!!! Here's my argument: "Zoey 101 is supposedly part of TEENick, and yet, they make the clothes in KID SIZES! what about the TEENS who watch TEEN nick to see TEENAGER Zoey Brooks at PCA who are junior sizes?!?!?!?!?!???? HELLO! Nick, how about advertising your TEEN nick products to TEENS next time!!!!!!!!!!!" Please sign if you agree! Thanks! ~Kalemi~ Click below to sign: Sign the Petition!get this gear!

Zoey 101 links

Jamie Spears
Clothing Line ~ cool stuff
Zoey 101 ~
See when Zoey's next on!
~Stuff!~ another page for this site