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One Clumsy Fly

...Just a few tiny little pieces of me

Okay, this page exists for a few reasons, and I figure I'll share them just because (if you don't like it, too bad, it's my page not yours :p) This page came into the world to:
  • Assure that I will walk for graduation
  • Show that I can do a few things with this complicated nightmare we like to call technology (so I can achieve the above point)
  • Waste my time
  • Assure that I will get no AP work (which is a lot more important than the portfolio) done tonight
  • Give me some fun in the midst of stressful deadlines, even though this is for one of them

Music Links

\\Pillar\\ Jars of Clay \\Chris Rice\\

Some pics...

The very image coursing through my mind at this point in time... \/

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Right now the idea is to finish high school, which sounds easier than it is when you reach crunch time. I know it'll be over soon, but there's so much to get done!
(Above) Scott, Matt and I in the Cotswalds, UK, on vacation. (Above-Right) Another peaceful scene from the Cotswalds *smirk*

(Above) My older brother, Todd, and some ugly creature commonly referred to as a "dog" *shudders*

(Above) My kitty.

. . . . . . . . . (Above) Todd, with his tattoos, lookin' all mean and stuff

(Above) This is just like me trying to get up in the morning to go to school (Can you say senioritis?). . . . . . .

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Credit Where Credit is Due

(Links used in the making of this site)

Sunsets (like the one at top of page)

Animation Factory
