Nothin Beta To Do?

alright?! so you've been persuaded finally to come see my site. maybe i held a gun to your head, maybe you found your way here by mistake, or maybe you actually have nothing better to do?
well it's probably a load of bull, but hey, it's not like you've got a choice right? i'm gonna be pestering you non-stop to visit this site and sign my guestbook (that's assuming i have one - better work out how to do that...) so you might as well take a look while you're here.

anyway, hope you like the site... hopefully i'll soon be putting up some lyrics and poems that i wrote a while ago (in amanda's words: "oh, joy") and probably some excruciating photos of you poor people. hehehe, enjoy....

skating pics
photos from muckup day
photos from lee-teng's
photos from kitty's
photos from tash's
paris trip
espionage launch party
random photos
random stuff
more random stuff
