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Random Questions

1. What did you want to be when you were younger?
I think that I wanted to be a Veterinarian or a Marine Biologist...I love the thought of working with the dolphins...

2. What's your favorite type of music?
Muh favorite music is Rap...and R&B...but I listen to everythin’...pretty much...

3. What do you spend most your time doing?
Most of muh time is spent workin’...and when I’m not workin’ I’m chillin’ with family and friends...

4. When you're home alone, what do you do?
What does alone mean??? Lol...just playin’...Ummm...I usually listen to music, write, read, or just chill...I’ve gotten into the habit of takin’ long bubble bathes tho when I’m alone...which is not very often...but it’s all good...

5. What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant?
Muh favorite ‘fast food’ restaurant...ummm...Subway???

6. Where is your favorite local place to hang out at?
Muh favorite local place to hang out at...that would be muh house...cause there really isn’t a local hang out place

7. Are you a farmer?
Nah...but muh grandparents were both raised on a I’ve heard stories...and I don’t think that I could do it...

8. If you could marry anyone who would it be?
Ummm...If I could marry anyone...that’s a tie between Anthony...and Antwon Tanner...just playin’ Ant...

9. How much do you think about the opposite sex?
Ummm...*Cough* All the time *Cough*...Not that

10. What is your best subject in school?
Ummm...Athletic Trainin’ subjects...and English...

11. What kind of grades do you make?
A’s and B’s...I’ve never had anythin’ below that in muh life...

12. If you could go anywhere where would you go?
Well if I could go anywhere right would be Garden...but ummm...I would have to say somewhere on the coast so I could see the beach...

13. How many people do you live with?
Right now...Two others besides me...but that’s goin’ to change...I’ll be livin’ with one person here pretty soon...and I’m excited...

14. What is your favorite sport?
If ya don’t know this one...ya need some help...BASKETBALL...although, Football is comin’ in a close second...

15. How many kids do you want?
Umm...I want a whole Basketball team...just kiddin’...I think two would be enough, cause they say that your kids will act worse than you did, so I think that’s all I’ll be able to handle wit’ muh boi bein’ as bad as he was when he was younger...

16. What would you name them?
Well...Jamisha Toriah or Aryonnah Toriah if girls...Boys...Bryant David Landen or Jordan Michael...

17. What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear?
Lipgloss...usually light pink or sparkley...or muh angelfood cake one from Bath and Body Works...

18. Coke or Pepsi?
I don’t drink pop...but I would usually drink Pepsi...

19. What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy?
Ummm...muh allergy sucks havin’ allergies...

20. Have you ever been in a wreck?
Yeah...too many...last one was on muh birthday too...that sucked...

21. When do you usually go to bed?’s about 10 o’clock when I get to bed cause I get home from work at, exercise, shower...and I’m ready for bed...just to get up in the morning at 5:30 to run and go to work and repeat it all over again...

22. Do you have more dreams or nightmares?
Dreams...and they are kinda weird at times...dealin’ wit’ friends...and guys...and it’s weird cause I can see it like I’m standin’ right there...

23. Do you practice any type of religion?
I was raised a Lutheran (Christian)...

24. How many friends do you have?
Ummm...I would say like 30-45...but I would only qualify like 5 or 6 of them as true friends...

25. What's your greatest accomplishment?
Muh greatest accomplishment...that would have to be somethin’ that hasn’t happened yet...but I would say if I had to choose right now...that it would have to be the whole KU thing...

26. What do you plan to be when you're older?
I plan on bein’ a Pediatric Physical Therapist, wit’ a degree in Athletic Trainin’ also...and a Massage Therapy degree too...

27. What do you normally wear to bed?
Ummm...usually I wear muh KU boxers and a sports bra...but I’ve also been known to wear muh boy shorts and a sports bra...or somethin’ in black lace...but that is only on rare occasions...

28. What's your favorite thing to do?
Ummm...Watch basketball and hang out wit’ family and friends...

29. What color hair do you have?
Right now it’s a brownish/reddish color wit’ blonde highlights...which is the best way that I’ve had it for a long time...naturally it’s dark dark brown...

30. Do you sing well?
I’ve been told by many people that I do...but I don’t think that I do...

31. Have you ever been in love?
I thought I was at one time...but now that I really am I know that the first time wasn’t really love it was somethin’ else...Don’t know what exactly...I think it was the looks...

32. Would you eat a cockroach for $500?
Umm...nah...I’m not the Fear Factor type of girl...

33. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yeah...especially when I watch scary movies...I HATE bein’ alone in the freaks me out and muh imagination plays tricks on me...

34. If you had to sum your life up with a song what would it be?
Hehehehe...In tha club...Nah...not really...This is a tough one...I would have to say Goodbye to you...The part that goes...’The last three years was all pretend...and now I can say goodbye to you’...

35. Where's the last place you've been?
Umm...Talkin’ travelin’?...that would hafta be Garden City...I love it over there...

36. What color would you say you wear the most of?
I wear a lot of Black, Pink, and Baby Blue...but I also have a lot of the Crimson and Blue...gotta keep it Jayhawk related ya know???

37. Do you get along with your parents?
When we aren’t arguin’ over what type of guy I should be wit’ and what makes them happy, instead of makin’ me happy...

38. Would you consider yourself 'popular'?
Ummm...yeah...I mean I can’t go anywhere in tha town wit’ out someone knowin’ me or sayin’ Hi or somethin’...but I live in a town where you pretty much know everyone...

39. Do you live in the country, burbs, or city?
City most of muh life...but I’ll be movin’ to the burbs here shortly...Thank God!¡!

40. What was your most painful experience?
I would rather not talk about it...cause I’m happy now so it all works out for the best right?¿?

41. What was your most happy experience?
Ummm...that would have to be the fact that I found out that muh real friends are behind me and snapped me outta depressive state after I went through a lot of shit in muh life...

42. Have you ever been stalked?
Actually...yeah...and it wasn’t was freakin’ scary ass shit...even tho I was wit’ muh guy friends it was still scary...

43. What means the most to you out of everything in the world?
Muh family...and muh boi...don’t know what I would do wit’ out either of them...(Jamie you are considered family...I gotta look out for ya just like a lil’ sis...even tho you give me that look...)

44. Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)?
Nah...but muh brothers, Grandpa, and Uncle do...and so everyone comes over here at like 4:30 in the mornin’ and they all eat their doughnuts and drink their coffee...and wake me up...if that counts for anythin’...

45. What is the funniest joke you ever heard?
Ummm...Let me get back to ya on that one...I’ve heard a lot of jokes...and most of them aren’t

46. Do people think you're crazy?
I’ve been told that I was name it...but all those people still say they love me at the end of tha

47. How many people are on your buddylist?
Ummm...I only have 17 on there...but I have lots more that have me on theirs...they just aren’t that important for me to have them on mine...but you’ll know if I have ya on thurr or not cause as soon as you sign in I will say HI...cause I’m just like that...

48. Do you get dates easily?
Ummm...I don’t need to get dates cause I got one person that I ‘date’ it’s not that hard...especially round herre...I got told by one of the kids that I work wit’ that “Ya gotta ass on ya that makes brotheras wanna spend cash on ya”...if that tells ya anythin’

49. What's a big secret you have?
If I told ya...I would have ta kill ya...ok not really...but if I told ya then it wouldn’t be a secret anymo’ now would it???

50. Have you ever drowned a fish?
How the hell do you drown a fish??? Aren’t they made for livin’ underwater???

51. How many songs do you know all the words to?
A LOT...I can even rap wit’ the bad for a white

52. Who is your favorite superhero?
I would hafta say...Wonderwoman...cause she shows that girls can do anythin’ that guys can do...if not

53. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People not listenin’ to me...then comin’ back and complainin’ after I told them what to do...and they didn’t do it...and had they done it they wouldn’t be complainin’...

54. Would you consider yourself racist?
Ummm...accordin’ to Jamie...I’m racist against white bois yeah...I guess I am...but not really cause I’m white...I don’t think that you would call it racist...maybe just don’t prefer them??? Lol...I’m just playin’...color doesn’t matter...

55. Do you read books often?
Besides School books...not really...cause I only have time for those...but when I get a few I’ll read a book that I have chosen...

56. If you could change anything about you what would it be?
Ummm...I would hafta change the color of muh eyes...I hate the fact that they change color wit’ what I’m wearin’...I wish they would stay blue all the time, insteada goin’ green, brownish and gray...

57. What is your favorite type of gum?
Big Red...and Freshen UP...tha kind that squirts stuff in ya mouth when you bite it...It’s

58. Do you snore?
Nah...but I do talk in muh sleep...which is bad cause if ya ever wanna know somethin’ and I won’t tell ya then you can ask me in muh sleep and you’ll find out the truth...and if I'm dreamin' I'll talk out loud and ya can find out exactly what/who I'm dreamin' 'bout...I found that out the hard way...

59. Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
Nah...but they are nice to sit outside and watch if ya got the right person holdin’ on to’s great fun...I would recommend it to everyone to try once...

60. Do you care what you look like?
It depends on what I’m doin’...where I’m goin’...and who is gonna be thurr...

61. As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon?
I remember rushin’ home wit’ muh brother to watch the Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles...and Power Rangers...even tho it wasn’t a cartoon...but when I was littler I loved Rainbow Bright, Strawberry Shortcake, and Inspector Gadget...

62. Whacha wearing?
Ummm...muh black dance pants, and a wife beater...and that’s’m gettin’ ready fa bed tho...

63. When's the last time you kissed anyone?’s been bout a week...wit’ schedules and what not...

64. When you listen to the radio, what kind of station is it normally on?
A Rap, Hip-hop, Pop station that we get’s more of a pop station...but they do play the good stuff sometimes...

65. What's your best physical feature?
It depends on who is lookin’’ve been told muh ass and thighs were the best physical feature...I’ve also heard that muh smile and muh eyes did it for one who knows...I guess it just depends on wut ya

66. What's the best thing about your personality?
Personality??? I don’t have one of muh ability to take everythin’ as a joke...I like to joke around wit’ muh friends and yeah...

67. What's the worst thing about your personality?
Muh temper...when I get mad everyone better look out...

68. What physical feature attracts you most to the opposite sex? tallness...yep yep...

69. What personality trait attracts you most to the opposite sex?
Their ability to joke around wit’ me...and treatin’ me like an equal insteada like a helpless girl all the time...I mean it’s nice sometimes...but when I play ball against ya I don’t want you to ‘take it easy’ on me just cause I’m a girl...I wanna play against the best out there...but I can’t if ya aren’t puttin’ your all in it...ya know???

70. Are you picky about who you date?
Yeah...I was before...but now I’m even picker do to what happened the last time that I was in a ‘serious’ relationship...I learned muh lesson...too bad it took that long and hard of a fall for it to happen tho...

71. Have you ever flown in an airplane?
Yep...and I’ll prolly be flyin’ mo often now...Arizona...Virginia...New Mexico...North Dakota...I gots lots of peoples to visit...but only one special one...

72. What size shoe do you wear?
Depends on the shoe...9 to 10 usually tho...

73. Do you wear makeup?
Not everyday...only when I’m going somewhere wit’ someone or doin’ somethin’ important wit’ someone...or special’s kinda like tha whole do you care wut you look like

74. Have you ever went bungee jumping?
Hell nah...and I won’t ever either cause I have had bad dreams ‘bout people dyin’ doin’ that shit...

75. Ever been to Paris?
Nah...but I think that it would be fun...but there is only two times a trip like that could be tha funniest it could possibly is wit’ your best friend...and tha other is wit’ your boi...

76. Do you believe in Vampires?
Nah...but I do believe that some guys have the vampire gene in them somewheres cause of tha ability that they have to suck on ur

77. If you could become a Vampire, would you?
Ummm...suckin’ on necks is fun if ya really like tha person and all...but suckin’ to the point of drawin’ blood...that’s not coo’...but bein’ able to have tha whole immortal thing would be coo’ it would be an up and down

78. Do you have any phobias?
Yeah...loose birds...I hate bein’ around birds that aren’t caged...that scares tha shit outta me...other than that nah...

79. Who is your most annoying family member?
Hehe...ummm...I can’t say...cause I might not get a good Christmas gift this really...I don’t have any annoyin’ family members...not annoyin’ like bug tha crap outta me annoyin’ anyway...

80. Have you ever stolen anything?
Nah...I don’t like people that steal...

81. Do you eat seafood?
Yeah...not like fish tho...more like lobster...shrimp...crab...things like that...I can’t stand fish...

82. When you were a kid, what was your favorite movie?
Prolly muh Carebear movie...or muh Strawberry Shortcake movie...

83. Ever drove while drunk?
Nah...cause after like three or four drinks of somethin’ I’m pretty much ummm...either someone else drives while I’m passed out or actin’ goofy...or we crash wherever we are drinkin’ at...which happens to be in Garden City most times...but I like crashin’ over

84. Do you drink a lot or at all?
I didn’t used to...but this summer...yeah...but I’ve returned to muh designated driver status now...cause I got crazy and wasn’t me...but I’ll drink a lil’ bit every now and long as it’s not as strong as the shit that I hit this summer...that was crazy stuff...

85. Have you ever lit yourself on fire?
Ummm...nah...I’m not psycho like

86. How many people do you trust with your life?
Outsida muh family...ummm...four...but two are family... one is one of muh best buds since High School...they all like muh lil’ sistas...and the other is gonna be shortly...

87. Are you considered intelligent?
Ummm...yeah...I made the National Dean’s Honor List while I was takin’ classes at

88. What label would you fall under?
Ummm...I HATE labels...but prolly bootylicous...or somethin’ like that...nothin’ too outta the

89. Do you talk on the phone a lot?
Yeah...couldn’t live wit’ out muh cell phone...I love talkin’ to muh peoples...

90. How often do you take a shower?
Everyday...Twice a tha mornin’ after I get done runnin’ and in the evenin’ after I get done exercisin’...

91. Do you have acne?
Nah...I got muh dad’s side of tha family’s skin...which is coo’ sometimes cause I don’t hafta deal wit’ wut muh brothers deal wit’...but it sucks cause muh skin is really to most make-ups...soaps...and stuff like that...

92. What's your favorite candy bar?
I really don’t eat candy bars...but I used to like Snickers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and the Payday Bar...cause I don’t like chocolate all that much...unless it’s got a lot of other flavors mixed wit’ it...

93. Ever got a detention in school?
Nah...I was a good girl...still am...I was the one that offered to stay after to clean the board and erasers...and things like that...

94. Ever been suspended from school? If so, what for?
Nah...once again...’Good Girl’

95. Which is better: Punk or Prep?
Ummm...I get along wit’ both...but I don’t usually hang around either...I’m more into the category of the band nerds/drama nerds those type of peoples...

96. What is your worst habit?
Playin’ wit’ muh hair...which I do when I’m nervous or worried...which is most of the time...ummm...also speakin’ before I think...that’s another big one...ummm...takin’ out muh frustration on tha people that I’m the closest to...yeah...I got some more...but ya...

97. Do you like jaw breakers?
Yeah...they are ok...not somethin’ that I would eat a lot tho...

98. What is your bestfriend's name?
Vic...she muh

99. Would you call yourself independent or dependent?
Ummm...I like doin’ things by muhself wit’ out help homework and things like that...then there are times that I like havin’ help...

100. Do you like gossip?
Nah...I figure that if someone wants me to know wut’s goin’ on in thurr lives then they would tell me and not have someone else who thinks they know everythin’ ‘bout everyone tell me...

101. What do you buy a lot of?
Ummm...bras and swimmin’ suits...most girls buy a lot of purses and shoes...not’ve got a collection of bras and swimmin’ suits...

102. Do you have any medical problems?
Outsida muh knee is fucked up from this summer...umm...I get migraines a lot...ummm...I’m anemic...other then that nah...

103. Are you listening to anything right now?
Wait (Tha Whisper Song) the Ying Yang Twins...oh wait it just I’m listenin’ to Badd Bitch by the Ying Yang Twins and Mike Jones...’I needa dyme that’s top of tha line...cute face...slim waist..wit’ a big behind...’

104. What's the last movie you've watched?
Coach Carter...fa tha 50 millionth time...I got tha movie memorized now fa sho...

105. Who is your favorite friend?
It’s a three way tie...between Jamie, Kaylee and Vic...I get good laughs when I’m wit’ all of

106. Who do you get along with the best?
Ummm...Prolly...Jamie, Kaylee and Vic...cause they muh girls and they understand me...and it seems that all of us have the same problems wit’ our families so we all know wut its like to be in the situation that we are in...

107. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Other than tha ones that me and muh brothers have been in...nah...I’m not a fighter...I’m more of a lover...unless someone really pisses me off...but even then I’ve neva been in a fist fight wit’ them...

108. Who would you like to see run for president?
Collin Powell...he would be an awesome president...I think...

109. Did you ever fall asleep in class?
Not no muh knowledge...once again...’Good girl’

110. Who would you say you look up to?
I think that I look up to muh grandparents...cause I eventually want wut they far as life style and tha way they love and respect each other...

111. A one-piece swimsuit or two-piece swimsuit?
Two piece...but it’s gotta have boy shorts on the bottom or a skirt...cause I don’t do tha whole string bikini thing...just doesn’t work fa thick girls...

112. Have you ever been in a talent show?
Not a talent show...but I’ve been in ‘bout four floor show...which is pretty much tha same thing...and loved it...

113. Ever been camping?
Yeah...that is somethin’ of a family tradition...we go campin’ at least once every summer...I like campin’...but I don’t know if it likes me back cause of muh allergies...

114. Shorts or jeans?
Depends on wut I’m doin’...shorts if I’m just chillin’ or ballin’...but normally jeans...unless it’s summer...then I can’t stand to wear jeans...

115. Double dates or just the two of you?
Double dates are ok every once in a while...but normally just the two of makes things a lot mo’ personal...and mo’ relaxed not havin’ to watch the

116. Do you go to camp?
If you qualify band camp as camp...then yeah...been thurr...done that...and would do it all over again too...cause its fun...

117. When's the last time your parents spanked you?
Actually...I think that it was just tha other day...wut can I say tho...I just got one of those asses that everyone has an obsession wit’ hittin’

118. Can you rhyme well?
Yeah...I do write poetry...but it’s just fa that one special person...

119. Have you ever belonged to a gang?
Nah...I don’t need a gang to feel ‘wanted’...but I do got muh crew...ya know??? They got muh back...just like I got theirs...

120. Know people who belong to a gang?
Yeah...but I don’t associate wit’ them...cause I don’t like people like that...

121. Do you smoke ciggarettes?
Nah...that’s I’m allergic to tha smoke...and I don’t like tha smell of it...

122. Indoors or outdoors?
Depends on tha day...I mean I would rather be outside if it’s a nice day...but if it’s colder than shit and nasty out, like today...then I love bein’

123. Have you ever gotten beaten up?
Nah...I’m not a fighter...

124. Do you know how to cook? come wit’ the housewife territory...huh Vic??? Lol...sorries inside joke...

125. Do you know how to do laundry?
Once again...Yeah...wifey was even told by one of muh best guy friends that I was goin’ to make some guy very happy cause I got tha whole wifey thing down...but he is a goof-ball

126. When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat?
Ummm...I really don’t care fa pizza...cause it taste nasty...but if we have pizza I usually only eat one or two pieces...

127. How much do you weigh?
174lbs...Yeah...but most of its muscle cause I work out...

128. Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny?
I think too big...but I can’t loose any mo’ cause most of it’s muscle cause of the activities I do...which really sucks...but its all good cause I gotta a boi that doesn’t mind...

129. Do you watch the superbowl?
Hell ya...I don’t miss that fa nothin’...and if the Patriots are playin’ I go fa tha team that is playin’ against them...even if it’s a team that I really don’t like or neva watch...cause I hate them that much...

130. What's your least favorite color?
Muh least favorite color...ummm...prolly orange or yellow...don’t wear too much of those...although that puke kinda icky...

131. Have you ever faked being sick?
Yeah...but to get outta tha big speech that I hadta give that day...I hate bein’ in front of people...

132. Ever done something illegal?
Well nothin' that I would go to jail fa...I’m pretty much a good girl...member???

133. What's the longest you've stayed up?
I think like 48 hours...and that was enough...

134. Are you afraid of dying?
Not really...but I’m afraid to see tha outcome of tha people that come...

135. What's your biggest regret?
Ummm...let’s not go thurr...I mean it was in tha past...and I’m not sure that was as big a regret that I thought it was...

136. Ever picked up a hitch hiker?
Nah...I watched too many movies ‘bout wut happens when ya pick up a hitch hicker...

137. Is your name on any bathroom walls?
I hope not...cause that would be a bad thing...

138. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Ummm...yeah...and I love him...he’s muh boi...

139. Do you have any stuffed animals?
Yeah...ones that muh boi friends got me when we were datin’...most of them went in tha trash tho...cause I couldn’t bare to keep them around...

140. Fave 'scary' movie?
I don’t have a fave scarie movie cause I HATE watchin’ scarie movies...tha only way that I would watch one is wit’ someone that was goin’ to be able to hold me durin’ it...

141. Fave 'action' movie?
Ummm...muh favorite action movie...would have to be I-Spy...I’m not much into action movies...

142. Fave 'romantic' movie?
How to loose a guy in 10 days...or...Ten things I HATE about you...

143. Do you have an accent?
I have a Kansas stinks...

144. What is the last thing you ate?
Ummm...I just finished supper and we had homemade Hot ham~n~cheese pockets...

145. Do you like surprises?
Yes...I love surprises...especially when they are good ones...

146. What kind of job would you like to have?
I would like to become an Orthopedic Surgeon...but I’m also thinkin’ ‘bout tryin’ to get on a professional sports team with athletic training...

147. Do you like to dance?’s become a big part of muh life doin’ choreographed routines...

148. Ever took ballet?
Nope...I did the whole batton, tap, gymnastics thing...

149. Bold or pastel colors?
Pastel’s definitely...

150. What is your normal Friday night like?
Depends on wuts up wit’ Saturday...most of the time I gotta work Saturday mornin’ early so I don’t do much but just chill at the house and watch movies...but when I don’t gotta work I go out and dance at tha club...

151. What brand do you wear most?
I think it’s a tie between Nike...and Arizona...or the brand the Maurices

152. What do you normally watch on TV?
CSI...tha original one...can’t stand tha others...and BET...

153. Do you have any 'special' talents?
Ummm...I’m sure I do...but I don’t use them enough to know that they are

154. What is your biggest fear?
Not livin’ up to tha expectations that everyone has fo me...and disappointin’ those that I love...

155. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
That would have to be goin’ out and swimmin’ at 12:30 at night...when it was freakin’ cold outside...and attemptin’ to make out in the pool...but it was too freakin’

156. Can you play a musical instrument?
A musical instrument??? How ‘bout three??? I can play the clarinet...the flute...and the piano...and twirl a

157. What star sign are you?

158. Do you prefer public schools or private?
Public is better fo tha kids to learn wut it’s like in the real world...but private has a better education ratin’...muh kids will prolly go to a private school...

159. Do you care what people think?
Sometimes...depends on tha sometimes I would be like...’Do I look like I give a fuck wut you think?’

160. Have you ever shot a gun?
Yeah...if you count a paint ball gun...

161. What are your favorite board games? seems like we can’t get enough of Monopoly around

162. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
That would hafta be’s tha class that I get ya know???

163. Regular ice or crushed ice?
It’s gotta be Sonic crushed...that’s awesome...

164. Blue ink or black ink?
I almost always find muhself writtin’ wit’ blue ink...

165. Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit?
Muh jeans are tight...and muh shirts are usually looser fittin’...

166. Have any peircings?
Yup...I got three in each ear...and I’m gettin’ one somewhere else too...

167. Gold or silver?
Gold is alrigh’ fo some things...but silver is wut I usually wear...if I don’t turn it to muh sensitive sucks...

168. What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
Brillant Brunette...or some spa stuff that muh hair dresser gave me...

169. Do you blow dry your hair?
Not usually...I only do that if I wanna style it...and I’m in a hurrie...or I’ll use it to straighten muh hair at times...

170. Would you say you're a cuss-a-holic?
Nah...I don’t usually cuss unless I’ve been drinkin’ or someone really really pisses me off...But wit’ tha job that I have I have to really watch wut I say cause of the I’ve learned to say phrases’Son of a biscuit eatin’ monkey...’...or...’Cheese and Rice...’...or...’Oh Snaps’...

171. What's the last book you've read?
Last book that I read...Driver’s was a good book too...maybe cause it related to muh life on so many levels...

172. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
Personally...I like Britney’s Songs better...but as for likin’

173. Spiderman or Superman?
Spiderman...of course...

174. Have you ever broken a bone?
Nah...but I have been in a cast because I tore all tha tendons in muh wrist cause of colorguard...and I tore all tha tendons in muh knee do to a freak tramp-o-line this summer I messed up muh minicus lining playin' ball wit' a co-worker at muh job...that wasn't so much fun either...but at least he helped me up and took care of me

175. Shower or Bath?
Depends on tha I love just takin’ a long long long hott bubble bath...and when I’m in a hurrie I’ll take a shower...but normally I prefer the hott bubble bath...

176. Do you have any cavities?
Yeah...I had like three or was when I was lil’ tho...

177. Have you ever wore braces?
Nah...but I gotta go to tha dentist and get some on muh bottom teeth...which is goin’ to really suck...

178. What do you live in?
In a two level now...but I’ll be movin’ to a three level apartment in Overland Park here soon...I’m’s goin’ to be awesome...

179. Would you choose true love or 100 million dollars?
Yeah...cause money can’t buy you happiness...but true love is happiness...or so I believe...

180. Do you have Cable?
Of course...can’t miss a football or basketball game...dang...

181. Do you play any computer games?
Yeah...I like playin’ tetris and spider solitare...

182. Do you have any dimples?
Yeah, unfortunately...I hate them...I once had someone that made an major impact in muh life tell me that muh dimples were so big that they could stick their whole tongue in them...

183. Do you remember being born?
Umm...not really...but I do have a good memory...just not that good...

184. Do you like surveys?
I think they are coo’ cause you get to know mo’ ‘bout people...

185. Do you drink alcohol?
Well...I didn’t until this summer...and I did and it was a bad outcome...I tend to be really really out going and like to “run”…;)

186. What is the best accent?
Ummm...I like the Australian’s hott...although...I'm thinkin' that I wanna hear that East Coast accent now from

187. Who do you want to kiss?
Hehehehe...those of you who know me…know who the list of bois

188. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? gives me inspiration...

189. Do you want to live to be 100?
Umm...nah...that’s too old...

190. Are you loyal?
Yes...I don’t like cheaters or people that claim to be down for you and they really aren’t...

191. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?
Sometimes...but grownin’ up here it’s hard...

192. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
Usually off...but if it’s a scary movie I would rather have the lights on...but the people that I watch them wit won’t let me have them on...

193. Do you have nightmares frequently?
Not really nightmares...unless I watch a scarie movie...then I do...

194. Do you like your nose?
Sometimes...I think it’s cute...

195. Do you think you can draw well?
If you call stick peoples drawin’ I can draw basketball and football related scenes well...

196. At what age did you find out Santa Claus wasn't real?
I think I stopped believin’ in Santa when I saw muh grandparents wrappin’ gifts one day and I went to where they hid them and “peeked”...needless to say...I didn’t get muh gifts until after everyone else did...

197. How many pairs of shoes are in your closet?
I have like five pair in muh closet...they are all muh dress shoes and jazz shoes...that I don’t ever wear...

198. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like variety?
Well if you ask Vic she’ll tell ya that I only wear one pair of shoes everyday...and that’s true...but I do change every once in a while...and I wear a different pair when I’m dancin’ or runnin’ or workin’ out...

199. Do you write poetry?
Yeah...I do write poetry for that special someone...but nothing that anyone else will

200.Do you sleep more on your backside, or front?
I sleep on muh side usually...or muh back...

201. Do you lick stamps?
Yeah...I’m not that

202. Do you use an electric can opener?
No...dang...I got a good can

203. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
Nah...but I think that it would be fun...if it was wit the right person...

204. Favorite TV show?
CSI (the original one)...and 106 and Park...

205. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed? wit those some of those people...

206.Do you know someone who has cancer?
Yeah...but she just recently died...which really sucked cause she was kinda like muh mom...

207. Do you like to argue?
Of arguing...maybe I should be a

208. Who's your favorite F. R. I. E. N. D's character?
That would have to be Joey...he is the type of guy that I would go

209. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
A Zoo...Museums are kinda borin’ to me...I’m not really into that history stuff...

210. Do you have a middle name? I gonna tell ya it??? Nah...only special people get to know that...

211. Are you basically a happy person?
Pretty much...unless you are on muh bad side...which doesn’t happen to a lot of peoples...but it does happen...

212. Are you tired?
Not really...but gettn’ there...

213. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Ummm yeah...I drink Coffee every mornin’ and I had tea today...

214. How many phones do you have in your house?
7 includin’ cell phones...5 home lines and 2 cells...

215. How long is your hair?
It’s about to the middle of muh shoulder blades now...

216. What color of eyes do you prefer?
I love blue eyes...and green eyes aren't that bad...but blue eyes get me every time...

217. First name:

218. Were you named after anyone?
Yeah...muh first name was after one of muh Dad’s friends, and muh middle name was after one of muh Mom’s friends...

219. Do you wish on stars?
Of course...does it work??? Nah...not really...otherwise muh life would be different...

220. When did you last cry?
Ummm...I can’t remember...I think it was in March...when I was really hurt/upset...or the last time that I was really really sick...can’t remember which was first...

221. Do you like your handwriting?
Muh print...yeah...muh cursive...Nah...

222. What is the #1 priority in your life?
Muh number one priority right now is education and family...

223. What is your favorite lunchmeat?
Turkey...or Ham...I’m pretty picky when it comes to food...

224. What is your most embarrassing CD?
Ummm...muh *Nsync, Backstreet boys was part of the boi band era...

225. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
Nah...I don’t think that I could because it takes a strong person to be friends wit me and put up wit me cause I’m so 'spoiled'

226. Are you a daredevil?
Nah...I pretty much follow the rules...I like to be safe...

227. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
Umm...yeah only because it was something that was going to endanger that person tho...

228. Do looks matter?
Not really...I’m more of a person that goes wit the personality of a person and if we get have that certain click...ya know???

229. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? wasn’t cool either...

230. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
I do...I just haven’t be able to get to the other side of the rainbow yet to get it tho...

231. Do fish have feelings?
I’m sure they do...

232. Are you trendy?
Kinda, sorta…I mean I keep up wit what’s coo’ at the moment...

234. How do you release anger?
I release anger by sayin’ things that I don’t mean...and it’s usually to the people that I care for the most...which is a bad habit...but that sayin’ holds true wit me I always hurt the ones that you care the most about...

235. Where is your second home?
I don’t really have a second home...unless it’s work…cause if I’m not there I’m here...and vice versa...

236. Do you trust others easily?
Yeah...sometimes I think too easily...and I end up gettin’ hurt outta the deal...most times...

237. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I think it was muh cabbage patch doll or muh Barbies...

238. What class in school do you think is totally useless?
I don’t really think that any are useless cause you end up usin’ them all in everyday life...

239. Do you like sappy love songs?
Of course...they can be useful some times...hehehe...

240. Have you ever been on radio or tv?
Both...T.V. at a Basketball game...and Radio for an advertisement...

241. Do you have a journal?
A diary??? Yeah...I write in it when I have spare’s going to be something for muh family to look at someday when I’m gone...

242. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Ummm...Me??? do...too much sometimes and it gets me into trouble...a lot...of trouble...

243. Have you ever been in another country?
Nah...but I’ve had chances to go overseas...just doesn’t fit into plans most of the time...

244. What do you look for in a girl/guy?
First of all...they have to be able to handle me...which isn't an easy thing to accomplish...we gotta have that click...ya know???...Second...they have to have a good assholes...Third...I know this is bad to say...but I like guys that are taller than me...which isn't hard to do...cause I'm only 5'5"

245. What is/are your nicknames?
Ummm...I have too many...but here goes...Shortay...Bridge...B~dawg...Tinkerbell...Blondie...Baby girl...Boo...Dimples(don’t like goin’ by that one any more tho...)...

246. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? ruins them if ya don’ muh grandpa would always get mad at us if we didn't untie our it's habit

247. What are you worried about right now?
What ain’t I worried about??? I worrie about things all the time...

248. Do you think you are strong?
Physically??? Yeah...Mentally/Emotionally??? Nah...I let things get to me too easily...

249. What's your least favorite thing in the world?
Muh least favorite thing in the world...would have to be feelin’ unneeded...I love to have that feelin’ of someone needin’ me for something...

250. How many wisdom teeth do you have?
None...but I have one comin’ in...and it hurts bad...

251. What would you change about yourself?
That’s a tough one...cause I’m finally the figure that I want and everything now...but muh eyes...once

252. What is your good luck charm?
Muh good luck charm??? Ummm...that would have to be a basketball pin that someone got me...

253. What color pants are you wearing?
I’m wearin’ muh baby blue dance pants right now...

254. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?
Which one??? Lol...8035 and 6879...

255. What is the last thing you ate?
Ummm...I had a piece of Peanut butter pie...that I made...

256. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Either baby blue or pink...

257. Last person you talked on the phone?
Ummm...I think it was either Vic or Jaime...don’t remember...

258. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hehehe...usually how tall they are...if not that then their eyes...which I’m a sucker for...

259.How are you today?
I’m tired...stayed out too late last

260. Do you have nice hair?
I’ve been told by many girls that they would like to have muh hair...three of which were just the other day at the salon...and they were runnin’ their fingers through it...

261. Nails - Real or fake?
Real...I hate fake nails...they don’t allow you to play ball or do the things that I like to’m kinda a tom boy when it comes to that stuff...

262. Do you wear skimpy underwear? ok...if you call boy shorts skimpy...???

263. Siblings and their ages?
Vic...20...Mikey...18...Marcia...18...Jeremy Ray...17...Tony...16...

264. Favorite month?
It would have to be August or September...I love fall weather...

265. Favorite food?
Mexican food...or seafood...definitely...

266.Favorite day of the year?
The fourth of July...Ya’ll know why if ya know me...but this year the 4th was the best ever...and if ya know me then ya know why...

267. Are you too shy to ask somebody out?
Hell ya...I’ll hint around at it to them...but I won’t flat out ask them...I’m a shy person...I don’t like bein’ in one on one conversations too much...I tend to clam up...especially when it’s someone I like...

268. What do you hate the most?
I hate a lot of things...People who pretend to be something that they aren’t...People who are dishonest...People who aren’t loyal...but yeah...they are all things like that...

269. Do you want your friends to write back?
Of’s nice to get mail from muh peoples...

270. Do you want your friends offer advice on your situations?
Yeah...I take muh friends advice over what I feel most of the time...simply because they can see the big picture...and I can’t cause I’m too caught up in it...

271. What's on your mouse pad?
Water droplets...soon to be a KU one tho...

272. Favorite smells?
Homemade treats...Vanilla anything...Sweet pea from bath and body works...Victoria Secrets Angel Halo perfume...

273. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Nah...I’m not that talented...but I can roll muh tongue if that counts for anythin’...

274. What inspires you?
Muh family and friends inspire me...they inspire me to be better and be all that I can...

275. Buttered, plan or salted popcorn?
Buttered like the movie theater...

276. Favorite car?
Ummm...Crossfire...or the Mazda 6...

277. Favorite flowers?
Colored Daisies...or Tulips...

278. Can you juggle?
If ya talkin’ ‘bout jugglin’ a job(70 hours a week), relationship, and school...yeah...but other then that nah...not really...I do remember jugglin’ bright colored scarves in grade school tho and suckin’ at

279. What car do you wish you had?
Mazda RX8 or the Crossfire...not much room for family...but ya know they still look pimp...

280. Who was the last person who texted you?
Ummm...either Jaime or Vic...I think it was Jaimster tho...

281. Where do you want to get married?
Either in a Professional Basketball Court (which will happen if I marry tha guy that I wanna or on the Beach…I’m a big dreamer...

282. Person you hate the most?
Let’s not go there shall we??? LOL...

283. Best thing that's happened to you today?
Ummm...I got to get up and spend time wit muh family...

284. Do you feel lonely?’s kinda hard to feel lonely when you got so many family members and friends around ya all the time...

285. Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you?
Nah...but I have been so hungry that I felt like I could eat a horse so to say...

286. What do you think of George Bush? I think he is an awesome leader...but I think that Collin Powell woulda made an even more awesome leader...

287. Any secret fetishes?
Not really...I’m not into stuff like that...

288. Do you like to wear chains?
Nah...unless it’s a chain on muh necklace...

289. Glass is half-empty or half-full?

290. What do you like about yourself?
Umm…I like muh figure

291. How many texts do you send a day?
Hehehehe...too many...accordin’ to muh phone love textin’...

292. Do you believe in time travel?
Nah...but I wish it could happen cause I would go back and change some things in muh life...

293. Do you talk to your pet?
Of course...she’s muh dawg...(literally)I always ask her “What up baby girl?” when I walk in the door...and she talks back too...cause she’s smart like

294. Who was the last person to talk to you?
Ummm...I think it was muh Aunt...

295. Where would you like to be in 10 years' time?
In 10 years from now...I would like to be married and have a couple of kids and have a good career and a lovin’ husband...livin' in Kansas City...or someother big city...

296. What sort of pen do you use?
I use either muh tinkerbell pen or muh KU pen...

297. What are your secret ambitions?
Muh secret amibitions...would have to be…to be the best that I am capable of bein'...and gettin’ through the rest of muh schoolin’ and havin’ a family...

298. What do you think of StIcKy CaPs?
It doesn’t bother me when people write like that...

299. What is the most annoying thing about the Internet?
All those dang pop ups...especially when you are tryin’ to get somethin’ accomplished...

300. Where's your favorite place(s) to shop?
Maurices...Pennys...DEB...American Eagle Outfitters...Victoria Secret...Lady Footlocker...Super Target...Walmart...

301. If you could have a super-human power, what would it be?
Sometimes it would be nice to be invisible...that could be fun...or mind readin' power would be nice I could know what everyone was thinkin'...

302. What color would you dye your hair if you got the chance?
Ummm...muh hair has been pretty much every normal color except I’ve seen it all ways...that I wanna see it...and I like the cinnamon brown color wit blonde highlights...(which is what I have right now...)

303. How many teddies have you got?
Teddies meanin’ bears or nightgowns??? Lol...well I have a lot of bears cause that’s what muh boi’s give me for lil’ gifts...and nightgowns...I have 2 of

304. As a Kid, what was your invisible friend called?
Ummm...I don’t remember...but I know that I had them until I was older than 3 cause that’s when muh brother was born and I wasn’t an only child anymo...

305. Where was your favorite holiday vacation?
Ummm...that would have to be Thanksgivin’ of 2004...we went to Texas...although there was some other shit goin’ on in muh was still fun...

306. Name a hobby/collection you've grown out?
Hehehe...collectin’ Justin pictures...I’ve changed the type of guys that I like I’m on to collectin’ Usher, Nelly, Omarion, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks, type of

307. Name one thing you'd change about your room?
I would make it more relaxin’…I would put more fountains in thur...

308. Would go bungee jumping for $1 million?
Hell nah...muh life is worth more than one million dollars...

309. What's the most annoying saying?
The n-word...when people say that it annoys the crap outta me...

310. How many weddings have you been to?
Too many...all muh friends have gotten married practically...and so I’ve been to too many weddings...

311. How many funerals have you been to?
Too many of those too...

312. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Includin’ those that I don’t wear??? 15 to 20...

313. What's the worst thing about the country you live in?
Ummm...the state and city that I live in is kinda borin’...nothing happens here and there is nothin’ to do here...which is why I’m gettin’ outta here...

314. What's your favorite site to buy on online?
Victoria Secret...definitely...but I won’t have to be buyin’ from thur online no mo'...cause thur is a store up where I’m goin’...

315. Name one thing people have got wrong about you?
Most people think that I’m stuck up and spoiled...which I’m not really either...I’m just really shy...and used to havin’ everythin’ that I need cause of muh parents and grandparents...which isn’t bein’ spoiled VIC!¡!¡