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  By: Andrew Chung

  1. What are the most common bacteria that cause Sepsis?

    1. Streptococci
    2. Pseudomonas
    3. Staphylococci
    4. a and c  ***


  1. What is the death rate for septic patients with underlying medical problems?

    1. 50%
    2. 60%***
    3. 70%
    4. 80%


  1. In the U.S. what is the average increase for hospitalizations due to sepsis per year?


    1. 5%
    2. 10%
    3. 16%***
    4. 22%


  1. All of the following are risk factors for Sepsis EXCEPT:


    1. Smoking***
    2. Cellulitis
    3. Meningitis
    4. Dental Procedures


  1. Approximately how much money is spent per year in healthcare for patients with Sepsis?


    1. $10 billion
    2. $15 billion***
    3. $20 billion
    4. $25 billion

By Michael Stecklein

1.) Treatment of sepsis include all of the following EXCEPT:
    a.) Increasing low perfusion to organ tissue
    b.) Provide oxygen and treat resp. distress
    c.) Treatment of the underlying infection(s)
  **d.) monitoring cardiac markers for heart strain

2.) The goal of fluid resuscitation is to increase MAP to:
    a.) 45-55mmHg
    b.) 55-65mmHg
  **c.) 65-75mmHg
    d.) 75-85mmHg

3.) If fluid resuscitation is unable to increase blood pressure , _____________ may be used.

  **a.) Dopamine
    b.) Milrinone
    c.) Nitroglycerine
    d.) ACE Inhibitors

4.) Other modes of therapy include all of the following EXCEPT:

    a.) Methylene Blue
    b.) Corticosteroids
  **c.) Dialysis
    d.) Surgery

5.)  Initial signs and symptoms of sepsis may include:

    a.) Fever
    b.) Nausea/vomitting
    c.) Temperature Spikes
  **d.) All of the above

By Bryce Younger

1.)  Gram - bacteria produce:

     a.) Exotoxins

     b.) Endotoxins ****

     c.) Peptidoglycan

     d.) Thrombomodulin

2.)  The pro-inflammaotry respone includes the following cytokines EXCEPT:

     a.) Neutrophil

     b.)  Interleukin-6 (IL-6)

     c.) Activated Protein C ****

     d.) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a)

3.)  What cytokine is the primary activator of coagulation

     a.) IL-1a

     b.) (TNF-a),

     c.) TF

     d.) Factors VIIa-TF

4.)  The primay effector of fibrinolysis is ________________

     a.) Plasmin

     b.)  Protein C

     c.) Tissure Plasminogen activator (t-PA)

     d.) Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)

5.)  Protein C is activated by all of the following EXCEPT:

     a.) Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) ***

     b.) Endothelial Protein C receptor (EPCR)

     c.) Endothelial surface proteins

     d.) Thrombomodulin