A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Nineteen: The Village

Draco had been annoyed that his little stunt hadn’t got Harry and Buffy expelled, but he was just grateful that the duel had never technically been won or lost. He’d gone back to taunting the group maliciously, his insults growing steadily worse as though to make up for the last month when he hadn’t been annoying them.

Snape too seemed to be annoyed that Buffy and Harry had got off without punishment of any sort. He tried to make up for it during their Potions lessons, taking off points whenever he could.

Harry, Buffy, Ron and Hermione though had made a pact that none of them would give Snape any reason to go off at them. They were unfailingly polite during lessons, their homework done properly, their potions usually close to perfect. This of course annoyed Snape even further, but he was finding it harder and harder to deduct points from the Gryffindors.

Halloween crawled around slowly, which also meant the first visit out to Hogsmeade, the closest wizarding village that housed all sorts of shops that held tremendous interest for every Hogwarts student in the third year and above.

“Are you meeting Snuffles this weekend?” Ron asked.

Buffy looked between the two boys, clearly confused. “Who’s Snuffles?”

Harry looked around them to make sure that there was no one close enough to hear the explanation.

“Snuffles is what we call my godfather, Sirius Black. He’s an Animagus. He can turn into this massive black dog,” Harry explained. “Problem is, he was convicted of about thirteen murders that he wasn’t guilty of, so he’s still on the run from the law until everything gets smoothed over. Dumbledore says it shouldn’t be too much longer before I can start living with him instead of with the Dursleys.”

“Your aunt and uncle?” Buffy asked, trying to keep all this new information straight.

Harry nodded. “Yeah. I swear, they’re the worst people in the world.”

Buffy smiled and touched his shoulder in sympathy. The other students began moving out of the Common Room and the four of them stood to follow. Hermione and Ron walked ahead of Harry and Buffy, talking excitedly between themselves, still bickering, but with a hint of flirting combined in their arguments now. Buffy grinned and looked at Harry.

“So…what’s so great about Hogsmeade anyway?”


The group walked through the wizarding village, Buffy’s eyes wide, taking in the spectacular sights of the stores around her. The place was crawling with people, especially with every Hogwarts student who was third year and above.

“This place is amazing,” Buffy whispered.

Harry grinned. “Told you so.”

Ron and Hermione caught up with them, having started lagging behind to steal a quick kiss.

“Are we going to see Snuffles first, or look around town?” Ron asked.

“Snuffles first,” Harry replied. “If he’s got a lot to tell us, we don’t want to be rushing to make it back to Hogwarts by curfew.”

Ron nodded and the group headed towards the hill at the end of Hogwarts. There was a small cave there that the group had previously used to meet up with the Animagus. They ascended the hill quickly, making sure they weren’t seen by any curious students with prying eyes, and entered the savern.

“Snuffles?” Harry called out.

A large black dog stepped out of the shadows, startling them all. The dog quickly transformed itself back to human form, and the group found themselves looking at a smiling Sirius Black.

“Harry,” Sirius greeted with excitement, pulling his young godson into a hug. They pulled apart and Sirius finally noticed the fourth and newest member of the gang. It looked as though Harry had banded together his own group of Maurauders.

“Hello,” Sirius greeted. “I’m Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather.”

“Buffy Summers,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you,” Buffy replied.

Sirius looked at her closely, trying to work out why she seemed so familiar. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it though. Buffy began growing a little nervous under his close observation.

“You’re not related to Jules and Penny Summers are you?” he asked.

Buffy shook her head.

Sirius just shrugged a little. “You just look awfully familiar is all. What are your parents names?”

Buffy swallowed hard. “I never met my real parents,” Buffy replied.

Hermione, Harry and Ron turned to look at her. They hadn’t known that. They had assumed that the two people in the photographs they had seen had been Buffy’s birth parents. She had neither confirmed nor denied that they had been. She’d given them a vague answer, and it had been enough for them.

Harry couldn’t help but feel a pang in himself as he realised that Buffy even more similar to him than he’d realised.

“I’m sorry,” Sirius said quickly, seeing that the girl was about to become incredibly distressed if he continued asking her questions. “So…are you in Gryffindor as well?”

“Yeah. Best house there is.”

“I’ll have to agree with you there,” Sirius said, winking at her.

The group relaxed now that they introductions had been made, and they settled themselves on some rocks, seated in a circle.

“So, any luck finding out who You-Know-Who’s son is?” Sirius asked.

The group sighed with disappointment, except Buffy of course. She sighed because she’d wanted to avoid that topic altogether.

“Nothing,” Harry replied, desolately. “We’ve been searching for the last two months and we still haven’t found out anything on any of them.”

Ron sat up suddenly. “What if it’s not one of the students?” he asked, his face lighting up as though he’d had a flash of brilliance strike through him.

“You mean a teacher?” Hermione asked.

Ron nodded. “I mean, we’ve never really thought about that before.”

Sirius too looked thoughtful at the suggestion. Voldemort was at least sixty five years old, and his child could have been born at any stage. They’d just assumed that the child had been born during his reign of terror.

“Who’s the new Dark Arts teacher?” Sirius asked.

Buffy shot a look at the man, very nearly standing and yelling at him for even suggesting that the kind-hearted Englishman could ever be the son of Voldemort.

“Professor Giles,” Ron replied, his excitement growing as a theory formed in his head. “What a way to get students to join You-Know-Who’s side! Teach it to them at Hogwarts. It’s so obvious.”

“Giles is not evil!” Buffy snapped.

Ron turned to look at the girl, suddenly remembering that Professor Giles was Buffy’s guardian.

“Sorry,” Ron said.

“Giles…what’s his first name?” Sirius asked.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all shrugged.

“Rupert,” Buffy replied.

“Rupert Giles,” Sirius repeated, barking out a laugh. “Good lord. He’s definitely not evil.”

“You know Giles?” Buffy asked with interest. She’d only ever met one other person from Giles’ past, and it hadn’t been all that fun.

“Know him? He was almost more mischievous than my old gang. And that was just on his own,” Sirius replied. “He’s a smart one, that man, no two ways about it. He was in the grade above me at Hogwarts. Him and his friend Ethan something or other.”

“Ethan Rayne,” Buffy replied.

Sirius nodded. “You’ve met him?”

“Unfortunately,” Buffy answered.

Sirius laughed a little. “He was always doing everything he could to annoy Rupert, even though they were the best of friends. Anything he could do to sabotage Ripper’s trysts with girls, Ethan would do it.”

“Ripper?” Hermione repeated.

Sirius turned to the brown haired girl and nodded. “That’s what everyone called him. The Ripper and the Rayne of Terror. Two of the most popular blokes at school. All the boys wanted to be them and all the girls wanted to date them.”

Buffy looked a little shocked. She hadn’t ever thought about her Watcher being popular and mischievous at school. She wondered what had happened to make him change so drastically. She made a mental note to ask him what had happened.

“Hmmm…I’d eat a million rats before believing that Ripper Giles was You-Know-Who’s son,” Sirius said. “No other new teachers?”

“None,” Harry replied.

“It wouldn’t be Snape, would it?” Ron asked.

Hermione clucked her tongue with impatience and rolled her eyes. “Ron, Dumbledore trusts Snape. And that’s it.”

“But Dumbledore also trusts whoever this person is that is actually You-Know-Who’s kid, so, it could very well be him,” Ron replied.

Hermione sighed but let it go. She didn’t think she would ever be able to get Ron to discard his grudge against the Potions Master.

“I don’t think it is,” Sirius said. “It doesn’t make sense. I’m fairly certain whoever he is, he’ll be young.”

“Fudge said it was a child,” Harry said, suddenly remembering that part of the conversation.

Sirius stroked his chin thoughtfully and turned back to Harry. “Your scar hasn’t bothered you again?” he asked.

Harry shook his head. “Nothing. Not even a twinge.”

“As glad as I am to hear that, it also worries me,” Sirius said. “Dumbledore must have had his reasons for bringing this boy to Hogwarts. Perhaps he’s worried for the boy’s safety.”

Hermione caught on quickly.

“You think You-Know-Who would want to kill his own son?” Hermione asked, disgusted at the thought if it.

Sirius shook his head. “No. I don’t think he would. If he hadn’t have wanted the child, he had plenty of opportunity to eliminate it before now. I’m surprised that the Ministry even allowed the child to live. Whoever it is, they’ll likely have more power than the average wizard. Probably more than even You-Know-Who himself.”

The group looked a little worried at that disturbing fact. More power than Voldemort himself. That didn’t sound very good, or very safe at all.

After some more discussion, both about Voldemort’s ‘son’ as well as general health and safety of the entire group, the foursome reluctantly stood up to leave and go back into the village. Sirius had told Harry to contact him immediately if he found out anything more about Voldemort’s child.

“I’ll let you know if I hear anything,” Sirius assured the group, knowing that in his guise as a dog, people were more willing to reveal secrets in front of what appeared to be an animal.

The group moved down the hill and back into the village, wandering into The Three Broomsticks. They found a secluded table and ordered Butterbeers to drink, Buffy immediately finding them incredibly and addictively nice.

They wandered through the village, stopping in at Zonko’s and Honeydukes, but not having enough time to get to any of the other stores. The made their way back to the school, chatting happily about their visit to the village and swapping sweets as they went.

“So, when’s your first Quidditch match, guys?” Buffy asked as they wandered up the stairs towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

“Next weekend,” Ron replied, the excited ‘Quidditch’ grin coming back onto his face.

Buffy laughed a little and stated the obvious. “You’re excited I take it.”

“Excited?” Hermione repeated incredulously. “He’s not shut up about it since he got the position.”

“I can’t help being excited!” Ron exclaimed. “It’s just…I was so worried that I wouldn’t make it onto the team, and now I’m on it! It’s too bloody brilliant to keep a straight face all the time.”

“Who are you playing against?” Buffy asked curiously.

She’d attended two other matches that had been Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw, and Ravenclaw versus Slytherin. Gryffindor had yet to have their first match.

“We’re up against Ravenclaw,” Harry replied. “Not a bad team. They’ve got a good Seeker.”

Ron rolled his eyes, well aware of the crush that Harry had had on Cho Chang the previous two years. Ron idly wondered whether that crush had completely gone away, but from the way that Harry kept looking at Buffy, Ron was fairly certain that Harry had completely transferred his affections to the stunning American girl. Ron couldn’t blame him.

Ron idly wondered whether or not his best friend and his newest good friend who was slowly becoming one of his best friends as well, would ever get together. He could only hope so. Everyone should be as happy as he was!

“Come on guys! Halloween feast is gonna start soon!”

Chapter Twenty: The Traitor

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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