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The Garden of Dreams

I have a garden. But it is not your ordinary garden. I have worked hard in this garden, and I have grown and stored many things. This place being, The Garden of Dreams.

Many dreams are here. They go from night time dreams, to childhood dreams, to teenage dreams, to religious dreams, to career dreams, and the list will surely go on and on.

It is a wonderful place, a place where dreams grow up to their full potental, and become reality.

I also help my friends and family's dreams to grow as well. They bring them to my garden knowing they will be safe. And they will be, thanks to my guardian.

My guardian lives right in the middle of my garden. The bright green stem of her grows up from the soft soil in the Earth. This plant grows as high as a sunflower does.

But it is not a sunflower.

On the very top of the stem, is a bright, yellow rose, the biggest one you can ever imagain. When the sun shines on her, she glows and glitters, when the rain pours down, she sucks the water up through her roots refreshing herself. Besides this plant's amazing size, one other issue is different about it.

Stand above the flower, and look down into it. Inside the rose, the inside petals make a certain shape that stands out.


Can you see it?

Your right. It is a kitten's head. Henceforth I have named the flower - Rosekitty.

Rosekitty has become not just the symbol of my garden, but the guardian of all the dreams here as well.

Robbers and such have tried to come to my garden and steal the dreams so I am told. But it is Rosekitty who protects them, and makes sure they are safe. However, I have failed to discover how Rosekitty manages to protect them to well. Is it magic perhaps? No one knows for sure, but for now, it remains a mystery.

So come,

come and witness the magic and excitement for yourself here in The Garden of Dreams. See the dreams from my childhood past, religious issues, my dream career, and much more. Not just about me, but others as well.

So click on a link, and let your adventures begin.

The Garden of Dreams Webpage Dedication

About me Click here to learn more about The Dream Raiser.

Anime Dreams Discover the wonders of anime, along with sites where you can find more about each show.

Dreams of Laughter Laughter lives inside of us, and loves to show itself. But is there more to giggling than meets the eye?

Religious Dreams The Dream Raiser happens to be a devoted Christian. If you think being a Christian however is not worth your time, guess again, it is.

Stories and Poems Bunches of collected stories and poems that The Dream Rasier has written. Feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.

The Tragedy of September 11, 2001 When RoseKitty and The Dream Raiser discovered what had happened on the morning of September 11, 2001 in New York, they were devistated. Share their grief here.

Quotes This special part of The Garden of Dreams contains collections of quotes from The Bible, famous quotes, humorous quotes, quotes that The Dream Raiser has created, as well as quotes from her friends as well.

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  • June 8: The Garden of Dreams is experiencing some technical difficulties at this time. Please bear with us.

  • May 29: The Dream Raiser has returned once again! Yes I have finally updated. I am currently working on a few links but I am getting there. Due to much school work I have not been able to be around to work on the site. My appologies to anyone who was angry that the site was not updated.

  • February 20: I worked on a bunch of the links adding backgrounds and such to a few of them, however they aren't up just yet.

  • January 19: We have another link up. The About Me link is up now. Please check it out. SIGN THE GUESTBOOK PLEASE!

  • January 19: The Dream Raiser has returned to the Garden after network complications and a very busy schedual. :/ I will continue to update as much as possible.

  • November 27: Ladies and Gentlemen, WE HAVE A LINK UP! The dedication link is now up. That's is the only one however!

  • November 24: A clock has been added along with a poll. Please take the poll! The dedication link has been added too. NO LINKS ARE UP YET!!

  • November 23: Two links have been added along with a guestbook. Links are still not up yet.

  • November 16: A site meter has been put up at the bottom of the page.

  • November 9th, 2002: The Garden of Dreams is up! A few links are added but they are not up yet.