I would like to welcome you to my little area in cyber space
If you are currently reading this then you understand the amount
of boredom it took to create this site.
Orginally this was started over the summer, before i turned 16, so i had WAY to much time on my hands then. i had it updated regularly, but now i got other shit that im out doing so i haven't updated it in like forever, in fact i'm surprised that it actually was still up.But its here so enjoy!By the way, the links to my other pages are on the bottom

i like this pic of me and everyone else seems to aprove of it too, what do u think?

This last pic is on here becuz of a request made to me. its from homecoming my frosh year with my first love. he requested that i put a pic of me and him up since i have so many on my pages, so i was more than happy to oblige. luv yah hunny


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