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What is Archaebacteria
Phylums of Arceabacteria

  1. Methanogens: This type of bacteria produces methane. Many such species live in the intestines of animals. They help breakdown food in the intestines and also provide essential nutrients. In return, the bacteria get a source of energy. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship, which is when two organisms work together to survive.
  2. Halophiles: This type of bacteria can only live in bodies of concentrated salt water. such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Dead Sea in the Middle East.
  3. Thermoacidophiles: A third phylum includes bacteria that are found in the hot, acidic waters of sulfur springs. These amazing species can handle temperatures near 80 degrees Celcius and pH levels as low as 2.
  • Methanogens or the genus name of them Methanomicrobium are strict anaerobes that release methane as a waste product of cellular metabolism. Many live in mud at the bottom of lakes and swamps because it lacks oxygen, and some (enteric bacteria) live in the intestinal tracts of animals. A large number of methanogens colonize the intestinal tracts of ruminary grazing animals, where they aid in the digestion of cellulose. The methanogens living in the human digestive tract can cause intestinal gas.

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