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Originated about 1 billion years ago and are Eukaryotic. They are multicellular in organization, they reproduce sexually and asexually. They absorb their food and they do not undergo photosynthesis. As part of their life cycle they have to produce spores through meiosis.

3 Main Phyla

Common Organism Death Cap

  • The world's most dangerous mushroom
  • Genus name Amanita
  • Species name Phalloides
  • Lives on the roots of trees
  • Gets food by absorbing it 5 Interesting Facts
  • Reported in California, New York, and Oregon
  • People from Southeast Asia mistake it with the Paddy Straw, eat it, then die soon later
  • Most people are unaware of the deadliness
  • Responsible for most mushroom poisonings in the world
  • Usually seen between September and November
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