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Join Me 01/10/04 In the housekeeping chat room 9 AM Sharp!! Enter Chatroom below!

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Dear Friend, For months, I have been considering what this web page can offer to the world. I’ve come to the conclusion, that it may offer nothing, zip, zilch~ However, as a woman in need I’ve started to create this, and if nothing else I hope that it proves I am not the only one out here! (echo echo LOL) I am a professional homemaker. Where did I get that statement? Doesn’t professional have something to do with someone who knows what they are doing? I am the woman outside the job market, caring for her family. I am also the one on a daily bases that feels like a failure. Lacking, the drive or the want to prove myself to the world based on my income level. However I am also the woman, who has children arriving home at 4 o’clock straight up knowing without doubt I am there. If the truth be told, I do wait, I look forward to their chubby little faces and big bright eyes resonating their joy to see me. I don’t have homemade cookies waiting for them. Sometimes I don’t have the laundry put away and they help. Sometimes, I sit two rooms away just to listen to them talk to each other about their day. Yet, still I occasionally feel alone, cleaning, cooking, watching my soaps (LOL) So I am creating this for all of us, that have these jobs. However, you know I think we may find out when they are grown and gone we touched their lives. Made them feel safe, secure and loved. Now, right off hand I cant think of any other job that can do all that! Sincerely, Rachelle

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