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This page is to show instructions on how to use, and previews of the new avatars made by :
How to add tas to your avatar
G8tas4G8axel add tas at right hand and add an extra hand to match the rest of your arm (remember to use the name of ur av in place of axel)
4G6axel4G7axel4G8axel add an extra fake right arm at body to stop the origional arm moving (optional)
T4bfy a a a add invisible texture and set the fake arm to it
to colour tas ..V(here)G8tas0(here)1(here)2(here)3(here) 4(here)5(here)
How to add bik to your avatar
ZG1bik add bik at pelvis using ZG1
to colour bik ..PZ(here)G1bik0(here)1(here)2(here)3(here)
How to add bag to your avatar
Gbag attach bag at right upper arm
4G6axel4G7axel4G8axel add a fake arm at body (dont forget to use the name of you avatars arms instead of axel)
to colour bag ..R(here)Gbag0(here)1(here)
How to add bla and blb to your avatar
Gblb add to Y foot Gbla add to K foot
to colour bla and blb ....Y(here)Gbla0(here)1(here) K (here)Gblb0(here)1(here)
nb these may need to be sized to suit the av they are going on as fraid one size fits all ..........
How to add strum to your avatar
ZG1strum add strum at pelvis using a ZG code
to colour strum ..PZ(here)Gstrum0(here)1(here)
How to add dec to your avatar
Gdec add dec at right foot
4G17axel add a fake right foot afterwards (dont forget to use the name of the avatars foot u had before instead of axel)
to colour dec ..Y(here)Gdec0(here)1(here)2(here)
How to add mlp to your avatar
ZG4mlp add mlp after head code using a ZG code
to colour mlp ..Z(here)G4mlp0(here)1(here)2(here)
How to add beer to your avatar
0Gbeer at right hand (thats a number not a letter 0)
to colour beer ..V0(here)Gbeer

Some people who run worlds with the useNetworkAvatars=0 line in the ini file are having problems getting the new avs to work , there are 2 options to deal with this

1) change the useNetworkAvatars=0 to useNetworkAvatars=1


2) download the zip files below and unzip them to your avatars folder

origional bods

(in 2 zips)