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Kylee Faith Schuchman and Family

pICTURES ARE NOT UP YET! Welcome Back!! Well it has been quite awhile since we updated. Again, job searching has taken all of our time, but since the last time we talked so much has gone on. Well March 14th we had a bang up on our van. It was not very pretty, obviously. I took two weeks to get it back, but we are back to normal again. Missy's parents moved into a new house at the end of March. It is very cute and they like it alot. Kylee loves the big back yard. Job looking is still as hard as ever. Paul has had a few interviews, but in today's economy nothing has come of it. We are still trying to hold on to faith and hope that something will come VERY soon. But we can't help to think how our bad luck follows us and might forever. With support of family and friends it isn't as bad this time though. Missy's cousin, Tim up in Oklahoma, was recently sent over to the war, so prayers are welcome for him and his family. He has a wife and three young children. We had a family trip up to Missouri to see Paul's side of the family this past week. It was absolutely wonderful and fun. We wish we could visit more often. We miss them very much. Well Laurie and Derek's wedding is coming up so fast, exactly 2 months now. We haven't seen them in some time, all of us being busy-we try to keep in touch though, we talked a day or two ago and everything is going good with the wedding as far as we know. We have withdrawn ourselves, agreeably on both sides, from the bestman and maid of honor position due to money situations (dresses, tuxes and such are quite expensive!). We thought we would be out of our no job rut by now. We are still gonna be a very big part of the wedding though, and as far as we know Kylee is still the flower girl. She is so excited about that. It was a hard decision to make on both sides but we all know and understand both point of views. We will still be there for the wonderous occassion though. As for Kylee's cousin Breann, she is growing so very fast! She just made it to 6 months and weighs around 17 pounds now. She loves Kylee, and the feeling is mutual for Kylee. Now to Kylee...she is growing so fast. She talks so fluentally now, she amazes us everyday. While we were in Missouri she started up with how "ridiculous" we were being. Her vocabulary is so big now. She is now showing Mamaw how to run and play all of the computer games, and has a memory on her that you wouldn't believe. She is at Missy's waist just about, she took after the Schuchman side there...but she is all Missy on her attitude. She bonded with her Uncle Matt while in Missouri. She NEVER gets to see him, so that was a treat for the both of them. And she got to see her cousin Chad, plus aunts and uncles while up there, and both great-grandparents. She had so much fun, I can't even express to you how much. She kept telling her Granny constanly how she loved it when she was there. It is amazing how fast they grow. We are living it up though. She is the sunshine of our lives you know. Well there are some pictures attached in that section that are new. Some are of Missouri and some are from down here at places like her nana and papa's house and the Dallas zoo. Feel free to look at them, and please remember the guest book and feedback forum, we would love to hear from you guys. Talk to you guys soon.
-The Schuchman Family (Paul, Missy and Kylee Faith)

Song is You've Got A Friend In Me from Disney's Toy Story.

Websites to check out!

Look At Pictures Of Kylee Faith
See Our Family Calendar!!
The Schuchman Family Website
Laurie and Derek's Wedding Web Page

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