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:Entry to KSK History

German KSK Special Forces (Kommando Spezialkraefte)

Considering the difficulties Germany had with rebuilding its Armed Forces after the Second World War, despite the burdens heaped upon it for those years the Airborne component of the Bundeswehr was formally in existence by July of 1956. A Divisional unit, it consisted of the 25th Brigade (Schwarzwaldbrigade) and 26th Brigade (Saarlandbrigade). In 1970 the Division was strengthened by the addition of the 27th Brigade. This later unit was merged with the 31st Infantry Brigade to be reformed as the 31st Airborne Brigade. A year later the Paratroopers adopted the red beret, recogised universally as the head dress of the Airborne.

Not to be confused with German Combat Divers Company (Kampfschwimmerkompanie) whose training expectantly includes Para-commando skills, the Kommando Spezialkraefte came about in 1994 the The 1st Airborne Division where the the 25th Airborne Brigade was replaced by the Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK), the Bundeswehr's first Special-Forces unit. The other brigades were were put under the command of a special institution for airborne operations.

This new force has the capacity to undertake a great diversity of military / peace-keeping operations including actions against primary enemy targets, communications and Counter-terrorist operations. Unlike the GSG-9 the KSK is able to operate outside German borders. Rescuing hostages and downed pilots is a vital skill and one primary reason for the forming of the Special Forces KSK was a lesson learned in Rwanda in 1994. French and Belgian paras had to be used to rescue 11 German nations because there were no suitable German units available.The force consists of a Headquarters and Signal Company and four 4 Commando Companies, a Long-Range Recce Company and Support Company and a Training Platoon.

Since 1993 the German Paras have been actively involved in United Nations Peace-keeping operations. As would be expected the training of the KSK is very tough. It has a force of some 1000 men. Training includes a three week combat survival course at the International Long Range Recon Patrol School in Pfullendorf.  After having successfully completed the ground and practical training soldiers are awarded the bronze paratrooper-badge.

 According to  Der SPIEGEl , 25 Feb. 2002, more than 200 German elite soldiers fight alongside their American and British colleagues against al-Qaida ists. German defense politicians revealed that the detachments of the "Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)", i.e. Special Operations Commando, are planned to operate until late March in Afghanistan.


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