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  :: Daily News:

The new layout is finally completed.

HELP!! We NEED your donation.
The donation shop is desperately needing your donations, the wishing well can not exist if donations are not submitted, please do your part and donate.

NEW Mystery Pic has been launched, try your luck, click on the link and take a guess.

New The Krawk Pit Lottery is now Ready to go.
Try your luck!
Click the link on the left navigation bar to find out more.

This site is still under construction, please be patient, while we work on all the links. We will continue to add as we discover new things.

  "Willow_Gurl's News " on Date (01-24-2003)
If you never were told, Mystery Picture is FINALLY up. Also if you plan to enter the contest, contest starts every Friday, ends the Friday after and the prize awarded Saturday. The "mysterious" contest is yet to be added.

  "Vacant " on Date (01-14-2003)
New Vacant for new member
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Watch fot the new exciting Krawk Pit Lottery!
Gamble to win!
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© 2002-2003 Krawkadial_Hunter @ The Krawk Pit.

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