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Welcome To Katy's Personal Webpage!


Thought of the Week:

Feel free to email me at if you want to share any comments or have any feedbacks on that!
Updates - Sept 20, 2002

I got some new pictures from the camping trip at Lake Wenatchee.

Updates - Sept 4, 2002:

I got some new pictures up!~ And some new entries in the diary column.

Updates - Aug 8, 2002:

Due to popular demand, here is the proof how girls are evil and how men are actually more evil than girls. As much as I'd like to "think" men are nice creatures ... but in reality... they're evil! (oh no! am i turning into a man hater!?)

Updates - July 9, 2002:

You think she's pretty cute huh? Well, look again! She was a he! To find out more about Harisu click here!

Contact me at :