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Kick Stand Crew
Posted by Raymond on Monday, May 09, 2003 - 09:32 PM EST
Topic News
Well, it looks like for the next couple weeks - The Crew is takin' over San Gas. Watch ya ho's cuz u kno we do it like some pro's. You can find us in the clubs, bottle's full of bub~. Our own Erik is gettin' Married, it's hard to believe that he's getting married - this is gonna' be the real "American Wedding". But now that that's said, the last of us gotz some plane's to catch. So 'till we get back ~ KSC Rollout


Kick Stand Crew
Posted by Raymond on Friday, May 02, 2003 - 02:13 PM EST
Topic News
It looks like like the first of the Crew is leavin' down to San Gas (S.G.) today, so it's gonna' start to simma' down as more and more peepz leave, 'till were all finally down there. But 'till then all the rest of us can do is chill and wait.


Kick Stand Crew
Posted by Raymond on Tuesday, January 29, 2003 - 05:22 PM EST
Topic News
Well, it happened, our very own Juice graduated High School wit' the class of 2003. So how was Hikeschool? Won't be long 'till we see this guy playing in the Big Leagues - if not, he'll be doing other Bigger and Better thangs.
Happy Graduation foo'~~


Kick Stand Crew
Posted by Raymond on Sunday, January 14, 2003 - 06:51 PM EST
Topic News
Yup, looks like today wuz our very own MB Kid's
B-Day, and Juice's Senior Prom. What a day, Congrats to both these Foo's. ~PeAcE


Kick Stand Crew
Posted by Raymond on Friday, January 16, 2003 - 1:26 PM EST
News to come


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