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Protists are plant like, animal like, and fungi like singular and multicellular organisms. They evolved from bacteria and there are twelve phyla that mostly live in water.

Three main phyla:

1. Euglena- this phyla has both animal and plant characteristics but because they contain chloroplasts they are classified as plant likt organisms. To move they use flagella.

2.Sarcodines- These organisms are classified as animal like organisms. They have a pseudopod which is used as a fake foot to move around and eat with and it is an extension of the cytoplasm.

3.Myxomycota- these organisms are classified as fungi like organisms and are known as slime molds. These have both fungi and protozoan characteristics. They live in a cool, moist areas and feed on decaying materials around. These also have "the fake foot".

Here is an Example:

Amoebas- These organisms are a tiny one celled organism that live in fresh water, salt water, wet soil, animals, and humans. It has a membrane that is used to breath with and they eat algea, bacteria, plant cells, and microscopic protozoa and metazoa. Some amoebas are parisites. They move from place to place by changing their body shape creating a "fake foot" and Amoebas reproduce asexually by binary fission.







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