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Welcome to KampfgruppeLibby

We are a ww2-online based squad that is currently attached to  Sturzkampfgeschwader 5  in the GHC. 

***ATR Guide***

Atr Guide



Note: You may want to refresh the pages from time to time, to keep things current as some web browsers may not refresh cookies every log on.


Training Night: Monday nights 7pm to 9pm cst.
Squad Night: Friday nights 6pm to 9pm cst.
Current radio channels are :  Squad and text channel-5, in game
Team Speak channel : All members have access- Please visit new members page for Teamspeak info.


We are a fairly new squad and hope to increase our unit size and strength, but it will take  all of our combined efforts to get the job done and to see this unit grow to the point that we will eventually be able to move into an open spot of the Luftwaffe


                     PLAY  WW2-ONLINE NOW                                                                                        






6-13-04 added Teamspeak (keypress.dll) fix file to site.

6-13-04 Transfer approved- we are now in STG 5 - Tactical Bombing group

6-16-04 New Member joined - Welcome Corsi

7-21-04 New Member joined - Welcome Maddydog


  This page was last updated on 03/11/05.

Please help by making a small donation to help keep us on-line

  and as always Thanks for the support in our site.




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